Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 9

"What? The Liu Family Conglomerate? You?" Sun Yue found it hard to believe, looking at Yan Tian.

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Yan Tian looked at Sun Yue's surprised expression and was puzzled: "What about it? That's a bad company? I thought it looked pretty good!"

"Good? Of course, it’s good. It's a global 500 company; how can it not be good? It's just how did you get in?" Sun Yue was quite curious. It must be known that for the Liu Family Conglomerate, an average person simply wouldn't be able to get to work for such a large-scale company, so how did Yan Tian get in?

"Ah, what are you saying? Who says I can't get in? There's nothing I can't do." After Yan Tian heard Sun Yue, he was rather surprised, but immediately became displeased. In the past, he had felt it below himself to work for other people at some company.

"Alright, OK. Before, I mistakenly took you for a good-for-nothing, loathsome ruffian."

"Pretty lady, let me tell you, you shouldn't judge people by their appearances. It's not right, it's simply not right at all. How do I look like a gangster?" Yan Tian said and used his finger to point at himself.

Sun Yue approvingly nodded her head: "You looked like one"

"I…… forget about it, I'm gonna go to work." Yan Tian suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Hehe, I'm just joking, I gotta go to work too. I'll go the same way with you, together!" Sun Yue looked at Yan Tian's helpless expression and felt it was quite amusing.

""Great, a beauty accompanying me is what I need." Yan Tian said and once again displayed his roguish bearing.

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Several minutes later, Sun Yue swapped the clothes she was wearing, then left with Yan Tian. Yan Tian didn't expect Sun Yue would also have a car. In the past he had spent no small amount of research on cars. For example, if any of those countless luxury cars ran into a problem, Yan Tian could repair it with his eyes closed. Therefore, Yan Tian could tell with a glance that Sun Yue's car was a white BMW M5.

In China, the asking price for it was about a ¥1,000,000. He didn't think that Sun Yue would have the money. Anyone who could drive an over a million RMB car could be considered a wealthy and affluent character. Furthermore, Sun Yue's BMW M5 looked like it was still rather new. She shouldn't have bought it not too long ago.

"Not bad, a BMW M5. Looks like you've really got some cash!" Yan Tian looked at the car before him and laughed.

"It's OK, my father gave it to me as a birthday present, that's all." Sun Yue said, then opened the car door and went in.

"Yan Tian opened the car door as well and sat in the passenger side. Just as he entered the car, Yan Tian smelled a faint vanilla fragrance. This scent was the smell of Sun Yue's perfume, the sweet smell of her body.

As the car quickly moved towards the city center, Yan Tian noticed that Sun Yue had just learned to drive not too long ago. Her speed wasn't fast at all, and her driving was rather cautious.

Fifteen minutes later, the car arrived at the Liu Family Conglomerate's building. Yan Tian opened the door and hopped out, looking at the skyscraper before him as he prepared to begin his bodyguarding life.

Yan Tian entered the company, then got ready to ride the elevator to get to the top floor. However, at the entrance, Yan Tian distantly looked at the elevator door and saw the secretary from yesterday, Xiao Wang, standing there saying something. Behind her stood several tens of company employees. Furthermore they were in the midst of shouting with several maintenance workers. It was unknown what they were shouting over.

"Secretary Wang, please believe us. We'll definitely repair the inside in the shortest amount of time. We didn't expect the elevator would suddenly break down." As Yan Tian neared, he heard the head maintenance worker pleading to Secretary Xiao Wang.

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"Repair it in the shortest amount of time? Didn't you guys know we had an important meeting today?" Secretary Xiao Wang simply didn't want to listen to the maintenance worker's promise. It was known that there was an important company conference today, so Secretary Xiao Wang was as anxious as a cat on a hot roof.

"In concern to this affair, I feel extremely sorry, but we can't do a thing. The elevator suddenly broke down, so we'll work to repair it with everything we got. Still, I must ask miss secretary and every section chief to take the stairs this one time." The maintenance man said quite apologetically.

At the side, Yan Tian looked on and felt that something was off. Why did the elevator suddenly malfunction on today of all days when there was an important meeting? It must be known that if the elevator failed, then it would take a long time to climb the stairs. The highest-level offices of a company were conference rooms, which were all located at the very top two to three floors. The entire company had over thirty floors. If a normal person climbed the stairs, wouldn't they be deathly tired?

"We'll walk, OK. We'll climb the stairs, make haste." Xiao Wang knew that it was a waste and there was no other way. She then took the lead and moved towards the stairs.

Yan Tian naturally didn't have any questions. There was no question that his inner bodily quality was so good that he could climb a hundred-floor skyscraper. It was just that if those employees did so, he reckoned they wouldn't be able to climb it and would be paralyzed by the strain.

At the same moment within the company conference room.

"Chairman Liu, in the end, how should we handle the new clothing line that just hit the market?" A vice chief furrowed his brows and looked at Liu Ruoxin.

Under the management of Liu Ruoxin, The Liu Family Conglomerate's clothing department had hit the market with new clothing. The clothing design and style was widely welcomed by the masses, causing the Liu Family Conglomerate to push down their competitors in the clothing business by a head. Consequently, Liu Ruoxin had received the praise of her family.

However, nothing good last forever. Yesterday night, multitudes of people complained that there was a major problem in the quality and craftsmanship of the new clothing model that just hit the market. Thus, Liu Ruoxin and the company's high-level executives had worked through the night to manage this affair.

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Liu Ruoxin was quite clear on the matter. There was no way that a problem could exist within the quality and craftsmanship of the factory-finished clothing. It was enormously more like that it was the sly maneuvers of a competitor. Since Liu Ruoxin had become the chairman of the clothing company, the Liu Family Conglomerate had directly pressured the other competitors ruthlessly. The clothing that entered the market this time, and moreover Liu Ruoxin, were given a serious bomb by the other clothing houses.

However, currently in the span of a night, many groups began to complain, causing Liu Ruoxin a headache. It must be known that if she was unable to handle this matter than her company's achievements would go sliding sharply.

Although the clothing company couldn't be considered anything in the eyes' of her family, this was Liu Ruoxin's first business endeavour. If she failed, how could she meet her own grandfather? Afterwards, how would she be able to manage another family company? Additionally, if this affair was ill-handled, it would besmirch the name of the entire Liu Family Conglomerate. This was Liu Ruoxin's greatest headache.

"Chief Huang, what's the situation over there at the factory? Do they know what the problem is?" Liu Ruoxin didn't understand the vice president's words, turning her head to look at Chief Huang who was in charge of the factory.

"Chairman Liu, I had already called for people to inspect it that night. Inside the factory there really are large quantities of clothing that aren't up to standard. Furthermore, it's not exclusive to the goods that we just put on the market sometime ago. There are also many others." Chief Huang held heavy dark bags beneath his eyes and answered.

"How could it be like this? What's the definite cause? In the end, is this our problem or the sly machinations of our competitors?"

"This…… It looks like our own problem." Chief Huang said bitterly. This was in the scope of his responsibility, but now, with such an affair, his state of mind was quite bad.

"Our own problem? What are you saying? Are the standards we hold for product-ready goods not strict? How could a matter like this appear? Chief Huang, please tell me. When everything’s said and done, why is it like this?" Liu Ruoxin roared at Chief Huang."

"Yes, yes, of course, according to my inspection, I discovered several factories had skimmed on the production materials. Among them are three factory directors that I was already unable to contact. I suspect they took the company's money and ran off……" Chief Huang promptly wiped his forehead and explained to Chief Wang.

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"How could it be? Why is it like this? And the financials department? How much money have I lost this time?

"Chairman Liu, according to my calculations, the amount of money those three factory directors embezzled is approximately ¥6,000,000 to ¥7,000,000. Altogether, our current losses presently are at least ¥200,000,000. It’s possible that it will still continue to rise." The chief of the financial department reported from the computer monitor.

"What about the settlement plan? I don't employ you lot to do nothing. You guys discussed it all night here; what did you talk about? I want a resolution proposal!" After Liu Ruoxin heard the amount of money that was lost, she angrily stood up and yelled at everyone.

Hearing Liu Ruoxin yell at them, everyone lowered their heads, daring not to look at her. We don't know how to handle this matter as well. After all, the event came too suddenly.

"Chairman Liu, we'd like to hear of your plan." A vice president thought before lifting his head and looking towards Liu Ruoxin.

"Me? How am I supposed to know what to do? My head's a mess right now." Liu Ruoxin grabbed her hair and said.

"Hmph, Chaiman Liu, I think as the company's chairman, you should handle this affair yourself. If you can't even manage this affair well, then how can you serve as the chairman?" A vice chairman suddenly sneered coldly at Liu Ruoxin.

"Vice Chairman Zhang, what are you saying?" After Liu Ruoxin heard Vice President Zhang’s words, she looked at him in a daze.

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