Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 91

"I'm going to the Sea Wolves to rescue a person."

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"Going to the Sea Wolves to rescue a person?" Xing Yu mulled the situation after he heard Yan Tian and said: "Isn't that the Sea Wolves mercenary corp of Africa?"

"Yeah, it's that one." Yan Tian nodded and said.

Once he heard it was the Sea Wolves, Xing Yu went through the information he knew about them in his mind. Thinking it over he said: "What kind of person are you going to the Sea Wolves to rescue?"

"The son of a wealthy arab. He got abducted by the Sea Wolves eight years ago."

"Mhm, it won't be easy to save a person from the clutches of the Sea Wolves. What's the reward that wealthy arab is handing out?" Xing Yu contemplated the matter and said.

"Hehe, the reward is a piece of rooster blood jade." Yan Tian laughed and said.

"God damn, you're playing me, kid. Rescuing a person from the Sea Wolves; maybe we'll both die there. Such a dangerous assignment for only some kind of rooster blood jade doohickey?"

Once heard it was the rooster blood jade, Xing Yu was stunned. He had originally believed the reward would be several hundred million greenbacks or something, but he hadn't expected Yan Tian would actually say it was a piece of rooster blood jade?

Not giving a giant sum of cash for such a dangerous mission, but a piece of crummy jade? As an assassin what use were precious stones? Wasn't this just playing people?

At the same time, Xing Yu strongly suspected water had entered Yan Tian's brain. He had been tricked by another for a precious stone. He thought to himself whether or not Yan Tian had choked on foolishness in the one month that he had returned home.

"Uhh, that's not it. I've got a great need for that piece of rooster blood jade right now, so I accepted this assignment." Listening to Xing Yu getting so excited, Yan Tian explained himself a bit abashed.

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"A great need? You brat, it shouldn't be that you want to use this precious stone to make some jewelry to pick up chicks?"

Xing Yu knew of what Yan Tian's conduct was like as well. Wasn't Yan Tian using the jade in order to sweet-talk the ladies? He wondered to himself where or not Yan Tian had angered a woman again after he had returned home, so the kid wanted to use a piece of jade to apologize?

"No, nuh-uh, I really do have a great need for this piece of blood jade. In any case, I'm not using it to pick up chicks. So how about it. You interested?" Hearing Xing Yu's words, Yan Tian slightly blushed in shame. It seemed that long ago the tidbit of his fondness of beautiful woman had become no kind of secret.

Listening to Yan Tian's words, Xing Yu was silent for a moment: "Fine, I'll join you in a stroll this one time. My hand has been itching recently."

"Your hand's been itching? How come? Don't tell me you haven't gone out and accepted a few assignments?"

"I don't wanna accept. The difficulty factor of those assignments are too low right now. They ain't any sort of challenge." Xing Yu shook his head quite helplessly.

As for what Xing Yu had said, Yan Tian didn't feel any oddness from it as well, because the objective of an assassin accepting an assignment was in order to earn money. However, if you had enough cash, then it was possible you wouldn't go out and accept an assignment willy-nilly.

Since you already looked down on those inferior assignments, then weren't you better off just kicking back and relaxing at home? Or perhaps you could just directly wash your hands of the matter*. You already had enough money to never finish spending and wasn't it a idlesome pain in the ass to accept those assignment?

"Haha, the assignment this time is challenging, no?" Yan Tian laughed and questioned.

"Sigh, the one this time is pretty good, but it's quite dangerous, too. The more challenging an assignment is, the more dangerous it is."

Finished listening to Yan Tian, Xing Yu exhaled deeply. The job of an assassin wasn't one to stick the head at the crotch. If you weren't the least bit careful, it was possible you would get wasted.

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"Haha, as soon as we finish this assignment, I'll treat you to a drink. How about it?"

"Dammit, you're too stingy, kid. No way, no can do. You have to teach me your technique to pick up girls. I just happen to be getting ready to make a move as of late." Xing Yu cursed in amusement once he heard Yan Tian. Yan Tian was too stingy. He actually wanted to just treat him to a drink?

"Huh? Spill it, who you sweet on?" Hearing Xing Yu say he was getting read to make a move on someone, Yan Tian asked quite enthusiastically. His good brother had fallen for someone; this was a momentous occasion!

After Xing Yu heard Yan Tian's excited voice, he thought it over. Hell or high water, he couldn't let this punk Yan Tian know who the person he liked was. If by chance Yan Tian stole his girl when the time arrived, it wouldn't be a laughing matter. He knew very well what Yan Tian's conduct was like.

"What about who I like? Speak up, when do we set out?" Mulling it over, Xing Yu decided he wouldn't tell Yan Tian no matter what. He shifted over to the assignment as his own excuse immediately.

"Look at you scared. I won't fight over her with you anyway. The assignment is gonna take place in the next several days. When the times comes, I'll contact you." Yan Tian said rather helplessly, noticing that Xing Yu had deliberately shifted over the topic.

"Mhm, I know."

"Hey, since you're idle, then you can help me contact a few of those guys. Things simply won't do with just the two of us."

Originally, Yan Tian had planned on continuing to call several people to come, but seeing Xing Yu was sitting on his hands, he handed it over to him. In any case, they understood each other. Yan Tian himself was still occupied with the young beauty Sun Yue in discussing the human body.

"Dang, you go find them yourself. I'm not gonna……"Xing Yu began to cry out obscenities as he heard Yan Tian. So it turned out he was being taken as a peon, yet before he could even finish speaking, Yan Tian had hung up. He thought to himself whether or not he should beat up Yan Tian when the time came around? In any case, Yan Tian was no match for him.

As soon as he finished the call, Yan Tian opened his room door and walked out. Currently, manpower wasn't any kind of question on this side already. Although it had come out of Xing Yu's mouth that he wouldn't help Yan Tian find them, in reality, he had already planned on helping Yan Tian contact them now. With Xing Yu handling matters, Yan Tian was set at ease.

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As for when they would set out, Yan Tian still had to scope it out. At the very least, he had to let Liu Ruoxin approve his vacation. Indeed, he was good; he couldn't just skip work as he pleased. Moreover, if he skipped work, she would have to rent a car service again.

As soon as he walked into the living room, he saw Sun Yue and Sun Nan watching Korean drama in great interest. Right, not bad, Sun Nan was watching Korean drama in pleasure as well.

Initially, Sun Nan hadn't wanted to watch it, but after watching it a while with his big sister, he was enchanted. It couldn't be said that he liked watching Korean drama, but rather because there were many beauties within the show.

"Big Bro, get over here quickly. There are a lot of beauties in this show."

Seeing Yan Tian had come out, Sun Nan patted the seat next to him immediately, hinting for Yan Tian to sit down. He was very loyal; he had not forgotten about Yan Tian while watching beauties.

Sun Yue heard her brother and nearly stiffened. She had wondered why Sun Nan was here watching the show so earnestly. Originally, he had simply not wanted to watch television. Yan Tian was quite touched after he saw Sun Nan hadn't forgotten him while he was watching beauties. It seemed that his money hadn't been spent in vain today. It was just that Sun Nan was sitting at Sun Yue's side, and she had to move aside once more, so there weren't anymore seats on her side.

"Nan Nan, I happened to just see there was something delicious in the kitchen. Could you go and take a look?" Contemplating the dilemma, Yan Tian felt it necessary to trick Sun Nan into moving, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sit next to the beautiful Sun Yue.

"Really? I'll go look around."

Sun Nan had innocently believed what Yan Tian had said. As a glutton, he naturally wouldn't let something tasty go. He stood up immediately and ran off to the kitchen.

As Sun Nan walked out, Yan Tian sat down next to Sun Yue, thinking to himself he could watch beauties on the television, and then he had a beauty sitting at the side as well. Life sure was joyous.

"Hmph, shameless." Sun Nan's young age made him quite easy to fool, yet Sun Yue wasn't the same. She knew Yan Tian had deliberate sent him running off. She was last person who swept the kitchen, so how couldn't she know there was nothing to eat within?

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Being seen through at a glance by Sun Yue, Yan Tian laughed a bit in embarrassment.

Sonn Sun Nan came out from the kitchen. Didn't Big Bro say there was something delicious to eat inside? So why hadn't he found it after such a long time?

"Big Bro, where's that tasty snack? How come I can't find it?" Sun Nan asked suspiciously.

"There's nothing tasty. It could be I was hazy-eyed a moment ago and mistook it." Yan Tian put on a show of rubbing his eyes and said.


After he saw there wasn't anything to eat, Sun Nan sat down on the sofa again. On the contrary, he hadn't paid attention that Yan Tian had stolen his seat.

Once ten o'clock arrived, Sun Yue became worried because of a problem, that was the issue of sleeping. Originally, she planned on letting Sun Nan and Yan Tian squeeze in together, yet Sun Nan had said since he had already grown up, he insisted on sleeping by himself.

However, if things were like such, it was clear there weren't enough rooms. Although the apartment had three rooms and two living rooms, the remaining room simply didn't have a mattress, so one was incapable of falling asleep.

"Hey, how the heck am I going to sleep tonight?" Unable to think of a method to settle the question properly, Sun Yue called out to Yan Tian who was at the side.

*Meaning of this idiom is literally washing your hands in gold. Something along the lines of leaving behind past troubles, but more specifically inclined towards criminal acts. I decided to stick with the washing hands portion since it is very nice.

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