Arte’s Resolution

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In addition to the mobile ballistas and catapults we brought back with us, we made ten more units. It was difficult to arrange the number of arrows and bullets, but we had already made quite a few, so we were able to make it work.

All that remained was to persuade Arte.

“…As I thought, we’re going to participate in the war, even if it’s only as reinforcements. I think I should go with you…look, I’m getting used to traveling in a carriage, and I’ll be really fine. You don’t have to say I owe you or owe you anything.”

I repeated such persuasion many times, but Arte stubbornly refused to listen. Every time he politely and sincerely apologetically refused. I had never seen Arte so stubborn.

“I’m in trouble. Well, I’ll force the mobile ballista and catapult to accompany me, but…”

What should I do? While I was thinking about this, Arte came up next to me and picked at the hem of my clothes when no one else was around.

I looked to the side to see Arte with big tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong? You’re worried about me, would you like to leave already? We’re supposed to leave tomorrow…”

I told her, but she just shook her head from side to side, her shoulders shaking.

Oh no. Was I really this clueless about the female mind?

I don’t know what to do, so I only feel guilty in Van’s pure heart.

I watched Arte sobbing for a while, cringing, but eventually, she calmed down and opened her mouth.

“Van-sama is sincerely concerned about me, but I…”

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After that was said, I finally realized the complexity of Arte’s feelings.

I never really acquire the mindset of an aristocrat, no matter how long I’m here.

“…I see. If I were to save the Counts of Ferdinand from a predicament, the Counts would…”

Arte looked up at me with a swollen face and buried her face in my chest as if clinging to me.

“I’m sorry…!”

Arte apologized.

I see, so you have finally decided.


What bothers Arte is the aristocratic mindset that the interests of the count’s family must be prioritized. Normally, it would be desirable for me to play an active role in the place where I was sent as a fiancée, but this time I’ve been too active.

Van’s territory is tiny to begin with. Moreover, it is remote and adjacent to the Kingdom of Jiernetta, which is now at war.

From the outside, it was thanks to his ballista and catapult that he was able to make a major turnaround from a situation in which the war was close to defeat. His Majesty the King will reward me for my achievements.

If only money is given as a reward, Van, who has only a tiny fiefdom in a remote area, will be treated harshly. Some of the nobles might even distrust the king’s leadership.

The most stable income for landowning nobles is tax revenue from residents. A nobleman with a large and prosperous estate is admired for that reason alone.

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So, if they want to give Van a fiefdom, where do they get the fiefdom from?

The only lands that could be given as a reward are the lands of the Marquis of Fertio and the Count of Ferdinand.

Under such circumstances, what would His Majesty the King do if I joined forces to defend the Count of Ferdinand’s domain? The Count of Ferdinand, whose reputation was already low, would lose even more territory.

However, since the Count had participated in the battle for Scudetto himself, he would not be punished. In other words, he will probably be given money or land on the side of the Kingdom of Jiernetta.

How the other nobles would decide is not clear, but Van, who has the strongest ballistas and catapult troops, would want to expand his territory, so this is the most likely scenario.

Arte came up with that idea and wanted to help the Count’s territory with his own power as a member of the Countess of Ferdinand’s family.

Well, with His Majesty’s character, even if Arte commanded, he would likely take credit for the weapons because he knew they were made by me.

Thinking of this, I folded my arms and groaned.

“…Then it can’t be helped; Arte will be going home temporarily, so I’ll name ten from the Knights and twenty adventurers as guards. After that, you can take the dolls that Arte liked as my replacement.”

When he told her this with a sigh, Arte bowed deeply, wiping away her tears.


“Well, I’ll be off then.”

“Take it easy. If things get dangerous, we can retreat temporarily and then fight again.”

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As he said this with concern, adventurer Ortho tapped his chest and looked up.

“Leave it to me. We’ll escort you.”

The other members nodded with smiles on their faces as Ortho said this.

“Leave it to me. I’m now good enough to join Van-sama’s mechanical archery team.”

Xsara, who is a man’s dream to carry two guns, looks comical when he does it.

Incidentally, Xsara has mastered the mechanical bow as he has declared, and has even begun teaching other adventurers how to use it.

In this sense, adventurers staying in the villages of Seat and Espada have reached a level of le bells that separates them from the rest of the world.

“…Don’t worry. We will protect the future mistress.”

Pluriel also assures her emphatically. But for some reason, his half-smile is annoying. This is giving off a bad sissy side that makes fun of the kids.

“I’ll pay you a special additional reward if you complete the mission with everyone intact. I’ve asked for it.”

When I said this with a wry smile, the adventurers raised their hands and cheered.

Later, Till and Camsin, who had become good friends, also said goodbye to Arte, and Arte and the others left for Count Ferdinand’s territory.

I thought it would be all right if I made a large group of people and secretly followed them and kept it a secret, but you can’t put words in people’s mouths. They would find out at some point.

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I was itchy, but this time I had no choice but to trust Arte and the others and send them on their way.

As I stood there in front of the gate, even after Arte and the others were out of sight, Espada approached me, clearing his throat.

“Well, Van-sama, we have a lot of work to do. Let’s get to it right away.”

“Wait, lingering…notice the somber atmosphere here, Espada…”

“I’ve given you time to change your mind firmly. Time is running out. From now on, as a lord, you must think about your territory.”

“Well…I’ve worked quite a bit since I got back, you know? I haven’t rested for a while. I’m going to die.”

“It’s okay to complain as long as you complain. Now, let’s start with a report on the situation in the village while you were away. Lada Vesta-sama of Apkallu and Bell-sama of the Belrango Chamber of Commerce have asked to see you.

“…Can you prioritize them, so Espada can decide? Let’s do it in order. Oh, and we’re having a festival this evening, right? I won’t give up on that, okay? If you don’t barbecue, I’ll boycott work, okay?”

“…I don’t have a choice. If it were true, I was supposed to study at night, but…”

“Oni? I’ve suspected it for a while, but it’s a real demon, isn’t it!

As Espada and I exchanged such words for the first time in a long time, there was loud laughter from those around us.

Even Till and Camsin were laughing, not to cover for us.

I can’t believe these guys. If it weren’t for me, they would have been very angry with me

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