Chapter 18: House Building

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Posted bytheredsargeantJuly 26, 2020Posted inFun Territory Defense

Espada and the villagers were building a bulwark, Dee and Orto’s groups were gathering wood, and I was building houses with Till and Kamsin.

 ”I really wanted to make furniture for myself, how did I end up doing this…”

 I used the wood the carriages had gathered to make woodblocks first. It was difficult to process plain wood and transform it at the same time.

 So, I made the woodblocks first, and when I had accumulated enough materials, I started building the house.

 I’ve gotten used to the process, so I have been able to produce the blocks at a rapid pace. We took at the wood we could find, whether it was from logs, broken walls, decrepit doors, or any other structure, and turned them into woodblocks.

 In an hour’s time, I could make enough wood blocks to make a house.

Then let’s first build a house for Dee and his friends who have one yet. Then we’ll build a house for Orto and his friends. Then Fura’s house. And then Mr. Inca’s house…

 As I set up, I felt my excitement drain as I began to feel like a salaryman, but I couldn’t stop myself from doing it.

 Dee and the others’ house might also well serve as a barracks. We don’t have a training camp, but we’ll probably need a storage room for weapons and armors, and the like.

 I made a medium-sized room and two smaller rooms. Then there’s the mess hall, restrooms, and a rest area that can be entered directly from outside. I made sure the storage room was large, after all, the bigger the storage space, the better.

 When I built the building like that, it turned out to be a house the same size as my mansion. Well, there’s no helping it, I did make a large storage room after all.

”Ah, Vice Commander! The building is complete!

“My God!”

 Just on time, Dee and his subordinates came back. Their eyes sparkled as they looked up at the newly completed house.

“Oh, oh…! How stunning! As expected of Master Van!”

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“Isn’t made of wood… it won’t be anything like the carriage, right? My back still hurts from all the camping. Even after the long march, we still didn’t have anywhere decent to stay in this backwater village, so I am hoping that this will change things for the better.”

 Dee’s other subordinate knight poked the talker’s head to silence the lines that he unintentionally let out.

 You openly mocked my territory, what’s with this guy. What’s the same as camping? The house is at least a little better than that.

 As I stare at him, the good-natured Arb, aka Knight A, gives his best salute and shouted, “I’m sorry!”. 

“No, I’m okay. Instead, you owe the villagers an apology, okay?

 Turning my gave to the next knight, Lowe, aka Knight B, also gave his best salute and shouted: “Please forgive me as well!” 

“’No, you didn’t say even anything, though I still need your help.”

“Gather a lot of wood with as an apology to the people of the village.”

 When I told them that, Arb and Lowe replied loudly and ran off.

 Dee, on the other hand, seemed to have been looking around the house seemed to be in a good mood.

“It’s really stunning! I’m amazed at Master Van’s magical power, but I also take my hat off to the knowledge you needed to build such a stunning mansion!”

 As Dee praised the house, he looked around and realized that all his men were gone.

“Hm? Where did they go?”

 I pointed to the village entrance as Dee looked around with squinted eyes.

“I said I wanted the villagers to live in such a nice house, so they went to gather some wood to help me.”

 As I replied, Dee’s eyes snapped open.

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“W-what! That’s what they’re doing! I didn’t expect to grow in such a way while I wasn’t looking… Okay, I’m also going to go gather some wood!”

“There’s only one carriage, right? It’s not going to be easy to go after them now, so Dee should stay behind to defend the village.”

“Mmmm… it’s true that we won’t have enough manpower to protect the village if I leave. Well then, I’ll just stay here and help build the defensive wall.”

 With that, Dee joined in the building of the village walls.

 Thanks to Espada’s expert guiding hand, the construction of the village wall was completed on this day. On my end, I was able to complete the houses for Orto and the adventurers.

 The house of Ortt and his friends was kept to as small as possible. Well, they have each private room, so it’s comfortable enough.

 In addition to that housing, since there was plenty of room, I built a simple bathing area next to the lord’s mansion. I only built it because I wanted to take I bath, but I was happy when I saw the girls jumping up and down in excitement when they saw the bath.

 By the way, the primitive bathtub is made of steel, with Pluriel needing to use water magic to fill it with water, and someone on the outside needing to start a fire underneath it to warm it up. It is the so-called Goemon Bath.

 I gave it a try, and it was quite good. I was grateful to be able to cleanse myself with the water.

“Van-sama, please come in with me.”

“I’ll go in with you as well!”

 I was tempted to do so, but I refused. Since I’m a respectable adult, I would loath being treated like a kid just because of my apparent age. (T.N. Note: They are treating him as a kid because they request to bathe with him, obviously not treating him as a man but rather as a child who they don’t need to be cautious around.)

 When I protested against it, Till and Pluriel looked at me like I was a cute kid. I regretted it.

 In fact, I would come to regret it a lot more later on.

 In the evening, I was going to sleep in my new home, but I suddenly realized that I forgot to make a bed and almost cried.

 I’m an idiot.

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 I thought I could finally sleep in a spacious space, but what is this? I refuse to sleep in a sleeping bag even after I moved into an actual house.

 I hurriedly make beds using the leftover woodblocks. Four for our house, three for Dee’s house, and five for Orto’s house.

 We got some straw from the villagers and made a simple haybeds.

 Since they are soft and fluffy, I am satisfied with my work.

 Good night.

 The next day, I was full of energy, probably because I hadn’t slept so well in a while.

 ”Ha-ha. Till, more omelets, please.”


“Thank goodness! I didn’t have many ingredients, so I was a little worried about the taste.”

 When I commented on my impressions, Till sounded relieved. On a side note, the impromptu table and chair set that I’m sitting on are surprisingly comfortable.

 I’m happy to have a good morning meal at my own home and to be able to laugh with Till.

 When I was thinking that, Espada, sitting diagonally in front of me, opened his mouth with a grim face.

”…The defense of the village is important, but we also have to increase our income. As it is now, I’ve heard that the only interaction with the outside world is with peddlers who sporadically come to village on a monthly basis.”

 Although you are speaking in a serious tone, there’s a little omelette on your mustache, Espada. I’m I not sure I can do all of this at once, I’m already a bit tired.

“I’m sure I can acquire housing, furniture, and clothes if I have to, and I can get enough food. So why don’t we focus on building up our defenses?”

 As I said this, Espada gently wiped his mouth with a white handkerchief and looked up.

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‘We don’t have any condiments. Also, we don’t have any ingredients for Van-sama’s favorite sweet baked goods or anything like that.”


 I stood up and shouted. I looked at Till and she awkwardly avoided my gaze. Are we really that low?

“…We need industry. Okay, let’s make something to sell out of this village right away. I don’t care what it is.”

 As I said this, Kamsin raised his hand.

“I think the wooden blocks that Master Van makes would be good!”

“Rejected. I’m the only one who can do it.”

 Kamsin pouted.

”Well, I can go hunt down some demonic beasts and get some materials…”

“Dismissed. You can hunt them, but if you hunt them, they belong to you, and the other adventurers. They don’t belong to the village.”

 Till pitched in.

“Normally it would be crops and such. But it’s difficult to ask the villagers to give up their harvests. Besides, it doesn’t lead to immediate income.”

 Espada put in his own opinion as well.

 ”Of course, considering the distance it needs to travel, lumber is no good either. If you are on the side of a large river, you can use a waterway to cut costs, but in this village, you can’t use such a method.”

“Mmmm…it seems that I have no choice but to work.”

 I muttered reluctantly, and everyone turned to look at me.

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