
Chapter 12: Thump


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Although Qin He was focused on his work; he wasn’t so absorbed that he wouldn’t notice if someone was staring at him constantly. especially since that person was staring boldly and without any attempt at concealment.


As soon as Qin He arrived this morning, Yu Cheng’s eyes were constantly scanning his face. Qin He secretly looked at the glass window in front of him and saw nothing on his face, wondering what was wrong with this person. With a pattern of falling sick every five days with a major illness and every three days with a minor one, Qin He feared that he would be the one to suffer in the end.


Every time Qin He thought about going to see him, but Yu Cheng would lower his head very low, with his nose almost touching the desk, making it difficult to discern his expression or read his mind. In the spirit of caring for his fellow classmates, Qin He lightly tapped the table with his pen, signalling for Yu Cheng to look at him.


“What’s wrong with you? Do I have flowers on my face? Is it the kind that only you can see but not others? What are you looking at?” Qin He asked on the principle of caring, but his words showed no concern. However, when the person lifted their head, they stared at Qin He with an open mouth and Qin He said, “Are you having a fever? Your face is so red.”


“No… no,” Yu Cheng stuttered, cursing himself in his heart for being so weak that he blushed just from looking at someone.


It was just because he had been thinking about this person before going to bed yesterday that caused him to dream about Qin He who was obedient and soft like candy. Looking up at him, all the usual coldness in Qin He’s eyes disappeared, replaced with tenderness that was reserved for him alone. Yu Cheng couldn’t resist and kissed him, and Qin He obediently tiptoed to receive his kiss. However, before Yu Cheng could go any further, the alarm clock rang, waking him up.


After waking up, Yu Cheng didn’t feel any guilt or panic about having bad intentions towards his good friend. He just stared at the alarm clock irritably, wishing he could have had five or ten more minutes to finish that kiss.


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Even breakfast felt dull until he saw Qin He. Yu Cheng was curious about what it would be like to kiss Qin He for real and whether he would be as soft and obedient as he was in the dream.


His gaze lingered on Qin He’s mouth, imagining what it would feel like. He blushed at his own thoughts.


“What’s wrong with your face? Are you having an allergy?” Qin He asked with some concern. Despite usually being harsh and blunt, he couldn’t help worrying when there was a real problem.


“I have thin skin, so if it’s hot, it’s hot. Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Yu continued to act like an ostrich, feeling ashamed of himself for behaving that way in front of Qin He.


Later that evening, when Lu Ran suggested watching a movie, Yu Cheng no longer needed to pretend to be an ostrich. He had wanted to wait for the heat on his face to subside, but when he saw Qin He couldn’t help but stare at his mouth; the heat stayed high. Qin He noticed how hot he was and didn’t say anything, letting Yu Cheng continue to “fish” on his own.


Even so, Yu didn’t forget to guard against Lu Ran and deliberately sat in the middle, separating the two. He even leaned towards Qin He’s side.


Lu Ran looked at him and felt speechless for a moment. How could Qin He agree to be friends with this silly and foolish guy?


The curtains were drawn, the lights were turned off, and the room was pitch black except for the flickering light from the TV, which drew people into the plot. Road Ran chose a classic romantic film, and when the story reached its climax and the protagonists kissed, Yu Cheng couldn’t help but think of yesterday’s dream. He felt like he was on fire, cursing in his heart at Lu Ran’s choice of a trashy movie.

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But suddenly the TV went off, leaving the room completely dark.


“Stay seated; I know my way around my house. I’ll go check what’s going on,” Lu Ran said, feeling annoyed at the sudden power outage and walking out on her own. The two remaining in the room didn’t dare move.


A chattering sound came from Qin He’s feet are like the squeaking of a mouse. Qin He had been afraid of the dark and mice since he was young, and when the power went out, he was already a frightened bird. He tried to appear calm, but in reality, a chill had risen up his spine and his heart was pounding. The usually calm and composed person had another side to him.


The slight sound startled the bird, which flew away and landed in a warm embrace, suddenly touching another soft place.


When Qin He wanted to move towards Yu Cheng, Yu Cheng had already sensed Qin He’s anxiety. He wanted to turn around and hold Qin He’s hand, but was instead met with a full embrace. Their lips, which had been longing for each other, no longer needed to gaze from afar. 


Qin He felt a sting in his nose and was about to burst into tears. Then he felt a warm sensation on his lips. At that moment, his mind snapped, and his body became stiff. His mouth slightly opened, giving the enemy an opportunity. He felt a bit confused, which was rare for him.


To him, Qin He seemed very obedient, just like in a dream. But in reality, his brain had crashed. His lips were dry and soft, warm to the touch. Without thinking, Yu Cheng completed the action he had been dreaming of, gently licking Qin He’s lips. They were as soft as cotton candy, with a slight sweetness. It was the same feeling he had when he fed Qin He the medicine.


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The ambiguity in the air grew rampant, and Yu Cheng could hear the sound of his heartbeat. His long-buried feelings were growing wildly in his chest.


thinking, “So this is what kissing feels like?” It’s like getting addicted to it. In the past, Yu Cheng always found kissing a bit disgusting, having to swallow the other person’s saliva. But now he felt that if it were Qin He, perhaps he would accept it.


The person being licked suddenly woke up and pushed Yu Cheng away, accidentally hitting a chair behind him.


Hearing the sound, Yu Cheng panicked, saying, “Don’t move; you might get hurt.”


But Qin He just wanted to find a way out quickly, leaving this room. Something became clear to him at that moment; this uncontrollable feeling scared him. He instinctively avoided facing it and felt that what had just happened was absurd to the extreme. He wanted to escape… Many things had already gone too far, but he only realised it now.


The messy footsteps and successive sounds made Yu Cheng impatient. Listening to the noise, he pulled Qin He over to prevent him from being knocked down.


But the person Qin He resisted most was him. He struggled fiercely, and Yu Cheng had no choice but to reverse his grip on Qin He’s hand and lightly gasp, “Behave, or I’ll kiss you if you move again.” Yu Cheng finally understood his own feelings and shamelessly threatened the other person.


Qin He honestly cleared his throat and tried to attribute the absurdity just now to an accident, saying, “That was just an accident.”

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“Maybe it was at first, but you know it wasn’t later. That’s something I’ve wanted to do to you for a long time.” Yu Cheng spoke his mind freely, revealing all his thoughts. He knew that perhaps Qin He didn’t resist it so much. The dark room amplified their senses, and he could hear the sound of the other person’s heart beating.


He guessed correctly, otherwise Qin He wouldn’t have reacted so strongly and lost his usual way of handling things. The two confronted each other in the dark, and Qin He didn’t know what to say.


“This ends here, Yu Cheng!” Qin He was angry and trapped like a cornered animal. “You should know that this is not right.”


“As you know, I have never cared about what others think, Qin He.” Yu Cheng’s true nature was revealed at this moment; he was the flamboyant and unrestrained Yu Cheng. How could he be stopped by others’ words? He only knew what he wanted. “I want to pursue you.”


Yu Cheng’s words left no room for further argument. The love of youth was fearless of any obstacles and only knew that it wanted that person. They were always the most unrestrained and reckless people who did not care about the consequences or the price.


Yu Cheng was even more so. When he was a child, he would get what he wanted, and he only knew how to obtain things, never considering the possibility of losing them…


He didn’t even know that behind every situation there was already a clear price tag, that getting something meant inevitably losing something and bearing something…


 Qin He sat on the sofa like prey already spotted by the hunter, with nowhere to escape…


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