
Chapter 15: Sweetness


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The two of them maintained a close but distant relationship in front of others. They understood the attitude of the larger environment, and most of the time they restrained themselves. But people in love always form their own world, even if it’s just looking at each other. It’s different from others’. Everyone could feel the special bond between them.


The special bond between them was evident to everyone. Yu Cheng’s obedience and Qin He’s initiative were different from before. There was an indescribable tenderness in their eyes when they looked at each other, guarding their secret.


The Yu family was happy that Yu Cheng was obedient and well-behaved, and Qin Wanqing was happy that Qin He finally had someone by his side.


Everyone was happy for such “friends.”


“Qin He, flowers for you.” The flowers were vibrant and dripping with charm, held in Yu Cheng’s hands as he smiled even brighter than the flowers. Yu Cheng has always liked bright and vivid things; even his clothes exuded a sense of flamboyance, and now he held the vibrant flowers in his arms. He looked like a delicate prince, coming to propose to his beloved girl, or like an irresistible ray of light, leading others forward.


The air was heavy with moisture, and the fragrant flowers exuded a rich scent, making Qin He somewhat intoxicated…


“How come you’re giving me flowers?” Qin He doesn’t like flowers, and he doesn’t care much for such things. Yu Cheng knows all his preferences, so why suddenly give him flowers?


“I passed by a flower shop and thought that I’ve never given you flowers before. Isn’t it customary to have a solemn ceremony at the beginning of a relationship?” Yu Cheng always takes Qin He seriously. In the past, he didn’t think there was a need for elaborate gestures, but after being with Qin He, everything had meaning. “My dear Mr. Qin He, can we be in a relationship?”


As he spoke, Yu Cheng even made a formal bow. He dressed up carefully today, or rather, he made an effort every day when he saw Qin He.


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“You’ve already given me a bracelet that binds me. How could I refuse?” Qin He pretended to ponder for a moment before raising a question.


“Of course you can’t refuse, and you can’t change your mind either. After all, I have such an excellent and handsome boyfriend like me. How could you bear to change your mind?” Yu Cheng lifted his chin, straightened his clothes, and looked at Qin He.


“Alright, I won’t change my mind. But don’t send flowers next time,” Qin He said this as he gently stroked the petals in his hand.


“That won’t do. Flowers suit you well, and they’ll look lively and beautiful at home. It will also cheer up Auntie if she sees them and improve her mood,” Yu Cheng tried to persuade him.


“…Fine,” Qin He recalled how his mother unconsciously furrowed her brows.


Yu Cheng used his hand to smooth out the wrinkles between Qin He’s eyebrows. “The doctor said she’ll be fine; she just needs rest after being overly sad. Spend more time with her; everything will be alright. And you still have me.”


“Yu Cheng, do you ever get tired?” Qin He played with the flower petals, realising that Yu Cheng had helped him with many things, including his grandmother’s funeral, Qin Wanqing’s doctor appointments, and even his current job. He couldn’t help but worry if he was becoming a burden to Yu Cheng and if he would get tired of him.


“No, not at all. I’m more than happy to help you. I’m genuinely willing to do these things for you.” Yucheng enjoyed the feeling of being able to assist Qin He. He just did what he could. He knew that Qin He could handle things on his own, but he wanted Qin He to rely on him.


“Let’s go, Teacher Qin. Your students are still waiting for you to rescue them. The recent classes have been driving me crazy.” Yucheng’s hair was slowly growing out, but it was still a bit prickly from being shaved too short before. He rubbed against Qin He’s neck, trying to shift the focus elsewhere.


Knowing that Qin He would come over for extra classes today, Lin Ying had asked the housekeeper to prepare a lot of snacks in anticipation.

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Lin Ying found Qin He very likeable at first sight. She knew how difficult it was to make her son obedient and sensible, and she had experienced it herself. But she didn’t have the ability to make Yucheng completely obedient. In her eyes, Qin He was like a saviour, and she was always delighted to see him.


As soon as the doorbell rang, Lin Ying went to open the door and welcome the two of them in. Yucheng stood by, watching his enthusiastic mother completely ignore him and his awkward boyfriend. Some things hadn’t changed at all.


“Mom, we just took a long ride. Let him rest for a bit; I’ll take him upstairs first,” Yucheng said, pulling Qin He along to go upstairs.


“This naughty child, Xiao He, Auntie will cut your favourite watermelon for you later,” Lin Ying said to her unlucky child, feeling too exasperated to say anything else as she loudly chatted with Qin He.


After Lin Ying finished delivering the items, Yu Cheng locked the door. After all, it would be strange to be intimate with his boyfriend in a private space.


“You’ve made the same mistake in this type of question several times; what’s wrong?” Qin He complained as he grabbed the person’s ear.


Despite having his ear pulled, Yu Cheng still smiled happily, showing no signs of discomfort.


“But I wasn’t talking to you.” Yu Cheng quickly responded.


“Oh, I see. My bad. Why don’t you change to a different teacher then?” Qin He let go of the ear and tapped his mouth with the pen cap.


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“No, no, I’ll focus, okay?” Yu Cheng rubbed his ear and muttered to himself, almost forgetting that his boyfriend was a study fanatic.


“Why did your hair change from a hedgehog to a sea urchin? It’s prickly to touch.” Qin He patted the person’s head, feeling the prickliness but finding it quite amusing.


Yu Cheng watched Qin He playedfully tried to lean forward, but was stopped with a slap on the forehead. “No, it’s too prickly. Let it grow longer first.”


Yu Cheng stared at the person, wondering why it was so difficult to get close. It would still take a month for the hair to grow long enough.


“Little hedgehog, it’s time to study hard now, you know?” Qin He tapped the person’s head with a pen.


“Oh, do you remember when we first met?” Touching his own sea urchin head, Yu Cheng remembered how cautious he had been at the beginning.


“I remember my arms and my pants.” Qin He deliberately disrupted the atmosphere with a serious tone, intentionally not saying what Yu Cheng wanted to hear.


“I didn’t just lose to you; I even gave myself to you. No regrets, no regrets.” Yu Cheng urged, touching Qin He’s arm. “What was your first impression of me when you first saw me?”


“Stubborn, unreasonable, quick-tempered, non-conformist, someone not to be messed with, and really annoying,” Qin He looked at the gradually lowering head and then changed his tone. “But being good-looking earns you some points, and later on, I realised you were actually caring and gentle, completely different from the first impression.”


“That’s true; if I can pursue you, then I must be quite outstanding. You’re really hard to chase,” Yu Cheng agreed.

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“Even though I’m so hard to chase, you still pursued me.”


“Well, it’s because I like you and I can’t control myself.” 


“Alright, little hedgehog, if you can solve this question, I’ll give you a consolation prize, okay?” Qin He pointed at the question he had just given to Yu Cheng, his eyes smiling. 


Yu Cheng felt that this person really knew how to control his emotions, knowing how to say the right words to comfort him. All of Yu Cheng’s emotions seemed to revolve around him, from happiness to anger, from hurt to sadness, but Yu Cheng still felt happy.


Qin He doesn’t need to do anything; just being there makes Yu Cheng happy. Yu Cheng imagines what their future would look like with Qin He, still holding hands even in their old age. Just the thought of it makes Yu Cheng happy. Yu Cheng has never had so many expectations for the future before…


He slowly plans, planning for a future with Qin He, planning how to make their parents accept it, and planning how to protect Qin He…

Xian NanZhi 


Feel free to favorite, comment, and leave a starfish for your cute little love~


Yu Cheng’s mother, Lin Zhengying, has changed her name to Lin Ying, and all previous chapters have been updated accordingly, without affecting the reading experience~



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