
Chapter 17: 17

Afterwards, Shen Shu deliberately observed the two of them at school, trying to capture more evidence, but they were not intimate at school.

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“This is enough.” Shen Shu stared at the photos in his hand, exuding a cold aura.


The next day at noon, an anonymous post appeared on the school forum, featuring photos of Qin He and Yu Cheng kissing, holding hands, and hugging. The headmaster’s office and the principal’s office both received anonymous reports accusing Qin He and Yu Cheng of having an inappropriate relationship in Class 11 of the second year.


The post was made at noon, when most people were browsing the forum. For a while, the post was pushed to the front, marked with the word “explosive”.


After Yu Cheng and Qin He got together, they mostly ate at the school cafeteria. As soon as they walked in, they would receive many curious or disgusted glances. Most people would look at them as they whispered to each other, casting curious or disdainful looks.


Qin He felt uncomfortable with these gazes. No matter where he went, no matter which direction he turned his head, there were always people staring at him. Those gazes seemed to want to strip him bare and see through him, filled with curiosity. At this moment, he felt like an animal in a zoo being observed.


“What are you looking at? Mind your own business!! Just eat your food!!” Yu Cheng stepped forward and stood in front of Qin He, shielding him from all the stares.


Qin He faintly heard about the forum post mentioning “men”, “kissing”, and “explosive” as he and Yu Cheng left the uncomfortable place. He had a feeling that something bad might have happened…


Qin He found a secluded spot and opened the school forum on his phone. He had heard of it before but had never checked it. He was initially blocked from accessing it, but after five minutes, he finally saw the post that was being discussed.

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The content was simple and didn’t say much; just a few photos were attached. They were pictures of Qin He and Yu Cheng kissing. The two of them were embracing and kissing intimately, bathed in the warm light of the setting sun, with bamboo shadows cast around them, making it a perfect wallpaper.


But as soon as Qin He saw it; his hand trembled slightly, and his phone kept buzzing with notifications, annoyingly disturbing his thoughts. He felt his head spinning as he managed to read one message amidst the rapidly flashing notifications. Could it be true?


Everything was laid out in front of them, and there was no need to answer anymore.


The weather in April made them feel cold, almost freezing. Their throat felt dry, making it difficult to endure. Qin He couldn’t hold onto his phone anymore, and he let it fall to the ground with a muffled thud, the screen cracked into pieces.


Yu Cheng didn’t react immediately. He squatted down to pick up the phone and check if it was broken, but he saw the kissing photo at a glance.


He had thought about how to come out to his parents and how to make them accept his relationship. But he had never imagined that their relationship would be exposed so early, in front of everyone. Obviously, they didn’t have a better way now, and they didn’t know how to face this sudden crisis.


Qin He shook his head as he looked at Yu Cheng, his teeth biting hard on his lip, as if trying to tear off the flesh from the top.


“Be good; I’m here.” Yu Cheng pressed his fingers against Qin He’s mouth, forcing him to relax his grip.

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The two of them entered the room, but it was unusually quiet inside, and the sound of their shoes stepping on the floor was clearly audible.


“Please have a seat. We have already informed the parents,” the principal said, looking at Qin He with pity and sympathy in his eyes.


“Parents, please have a seat,” the principal said, pouring everyone a cup of hot tea.


Qin He sat on the side, his fingers tightly gripping his pants, his headbowed. Qin Wanqing looked at Qin He’s appearance and had a bad premonition. Due to his poor health, he spoke with a hint of coughing and his complexion was pale, looking sickly.


“Principal, did Xiao He do something wrong? He’s a good kid. Could there be some misunderstanding?” Qin Wanqing spoke hesitantly, as she had only met the principal once before, when Qin He was admitted as a special student.


“Well, it’s like this, Aunt Qin. Qin He and Yu Cheng are in a romantic relationship. Now their photos have been posted on the school forum, causing serious repercussions,” the principal said with some embarrassment, looking at Qin He and Yu Cheng to continue the story.


Because it was during lunchtime, when website traffic was high, the technical department took a while to delete the post completely, but by then, everyone had already seen it. When Qin He came back to school in the afternoon; there was a report letter on his desk.


“This…this can’t be possible. Could it be a mistake? They…they are both boys; how is this possible?” Qin Wanqing turned to look at Qin He sought confirmation, but Qin He kept his head down, and the voices behind him were barely audible, and she suddenly understood.

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“We have solid evidence. According to school regulations, students involved in heterosexual relationships are subject to disciplinary action. But due to the severity of their impact, they might even be expelled.” The Yu family has donated so much money to the school, so they can’t be treated like this. But Qin He may not be as fortunate; he can be easily abandoned. Now that he has caused trouble with Yu Cheng and started a romantic relationship, it depends on whether the Yu family is willing to spare him.


Qin Wanqing walked up to Qin He, trembling, and grabbed his hand. Her voice choked with tears. “Tell Mom, this isn’t true; this isn’t true; say something.”


Tears welled up in Qin Wanqing’s eyes, and her eyebrows furrowed with indescribable bitterness as she begged Qin He to tell her it was fake.


She had never imagined that her usually obedient and well-behaved son would do something like this.


“Auntie.” Seeing Qin Wanqing’s hand about to strike Qin He, Yu Cheng wanted to intervene but was directly pushed away. Looking into Yu Cheng’s eyes, there was only anger. “Why are you doing this? Why!”


“Yu Cheng! I tolerated it when you messed with me before. I hoped you would study well, but I didn’t expect you to secretly have a romantic relationship with a man! Are you trying to seek revenge on me or your mom?” Yu Cheng’s family is relatively traditional, especially his father, who has pampered him but also disciplined him with physical punishment.


With a slap, Yu Cheng’s ears buzzed, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. He rubbed his ear. “I did nothing wrong, and I have no intention of seeking revenge on anyone.”


Lin Ying stepped forward to stop the situation. “Shut up! Do you want to be beaten even harder?”

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There was a commotion of shouting, crying, and insults for a moment, with cries ringing in the ears, attracting the attention of many people who stopped to watch but were quickly driven away in a frenzy.


Qin Wanqing cried and shouted, unable to get a response from Qin He. He stood there like a wooden man, enduring the beating and scolding.


“I pursued him; I shamelessly clung to him. I’ll leave.” Yu Cheng looked at the principal, then was slapped by Yu Yao again. “Do you think you can call the shots?”


The two of them were suspended from school and taken back home…


In Yao’an City, a continuous drizzle began to fall; the sky was dark and gloomy, without a trace of light.

Xian Nan Zhi


Hmm… It’s probably going to get angsty from here on, so if anyone has any objections, feel free to raise them in the comments. As a new writer, I may have some issues, but I will make revisions after the story is fully completed. Thank you for your support! Bow~


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