
Chapter 9: Maintenance

As the bell rang, the room became noisy. Qin He was about to leave when he saw Yu Cheng getting up, so he stopped and turned to look at him.

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He said, “What are you going to do?”

With his hands in his pockets, Yu Cheng looked indifferent and said, “I’ll do whatever you’re doing.”

“I’m going to the bathroom, but if I remember correctly, you just went during the last class. You…don’t have urinary frequency, do you?”

Qin He stared at him, scanned him up and down, and finally his gaze stopped somewhere with a complex expression.

“What the hell are you talking about? You’re the one with the problem!”

Yu Cheng widened his eyes, forcefully pulled his zipper, and twisted his head, almost breaking his neck.

Unpleasantly, he said, “Just go by yourself!”

“Don’t be shy about it. I won’t make fun of you.”

Qin He didn’t leave and turned around to pat Yu Cheng on the shoulder, teasing him before finally walking away.

“Damn it!” Seeing Qin He’s smirk, Yu Cheng became angry but had to vent his frustration towards the stool.

The harsh sound of the stool woke up many sleeping people. Some complained but didn’t dare to speak up.

Since the kidnapping incident involving Qin He, Yu Cheng has become very jumpy.

Qin He insists on following him every day, even to the bathroom. Qin He can’t stand it and can only tease people.

“It’s a good thing that Yu Cheng drank a lot of water this morning, so he has to stay in the classroom.”

The last time was just an accident, and it happened outside the school. What could happen inside?”

“Since Yu Cheng has been with Qin He, his temper has improved a lot, maybe only towards Qin He. Qin He’s words can be heard about 80% of the time. So recently, when the teacher sees Yu Cheng awake during class, it’s surprising.”

“When the teacher sees Yu Cheng paying attention in class, it’s as if he’s seen a ghost. When did this little guy start studying?”

“The Chinese teacher is also worried that Yu Cheng might be sick, but it’s not good to suggest that to students.”

Qin He could only keep an eye on Yu Cheng and Qin He almost couldn’t hold back his laughter when he found out.

This person has done something that surprises everyone, so Qin He turned his head and asked Yu Cheng.

“I didn’t do anything; I just didn’t like studying before.”

“Of course, I don’t like it that much now either.” Yu Cheng added

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“I thought it was boring, so I always skipped classes and slept. Later, I got into a few fights at school. When I was in my first year of high school, a male teacher came to me for trouble and got beaten up.”

Yucheng quickly explained, afraid that Qin He would think he was someone who easily resorted to violence.

“I don’t have a violent tendency. They provoked me first,” he said.

“Well, now I understand why you have that reputation. I’ve heard about that incident with the male teacher. But the rumour was that he was trying to encourage you to study, and you beat him up instead,” Qin He said.

Qin He leaned back in his chair and joked, “It’s a good thing you still come to school from time to time; otherwise, you might have turned into a monster with three heads and six arms.”

Qin Hefu raised his hand and pinched Yu Cheng’s chin, carefully examining him.

Slowly, he said, “You look quite fierce and menacing.”

Yu Cheng shook off his hand and pouted, saying, “Where do I look fierce? You asked me to do something, and I didn’t do it. It’s you who, despite looking gentle and refined, can be as fierce as my mother when you are angry.”

Yu Cheng has a bit of a temper, but his personality is generally okay.

He has a crew cut and often avoids making eye contact with people, giving off an impatient vibe.

Causing everyone to listen to rumours and look at people, directly putting a difficult-to-deal-with label on them

The phrase “difficult-to-deal-with label” implies that these judgements can be unfair or unkind.

Subsequently, Yu Cheng tasted some flavour from the latter half of the sentence. He was so happy that he went to Qin He to confirm it.

Like a child asking for candy, he waves back and forth and says, “So you believe me, right? You don’t believe what other people are saying.”

“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.” Qin He answers deliberately, and sure enough, Yu Cheng starts to threaten people to speak nicely.

After finishing using the restroom, Qin He quietly washed his hands next to him, and then heard someone on the side commenting on Yu Cheng.

As Qin He listened on the side; his expression turned cold, and he washed his hands harder and harder, almost rubbing them red.

“I heard that Yu Cheng is a bit of a nouveau riche.”

“It’s true; no matter how hard we work, it’s not as good as someone with money. Look at how easily they can switch to a different class, while we have to struggle and fight to stay here.”

“Don’t even mention him. He comes to our class and brings the average grades down, he’s such a jinx.”

“This kind of person is a scum, causing trouble wherever they go. Maybe his parents don’t even like him, which is why he acts like a monster with such a bad temper.”

“I think there’s a possibility that in a family with two sons, the elder one is so successful while the younger one is a waste of space. You could say he’s being spoiled, but at the end of the day, it’s really just neglect.”

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“I don’t even think he’s his mom’s biological son. Maybe he was adopted from somewhere else, haha.”

The two of them were disparaging Yu Cheng, exchanging insults, and laughing hysterically by the end.

Then, when they looked up and saw Qin He, they didn’t pay much attention.

They even wanted Qin He to agree with them, as if that would make them more powerful.

“You think so too, don’t you, Qin He?”

After washing his hands, Qin He walked over to the two of them with his palms already rubbed red and some drops of water still on his hands. He forcefully shook his hands in front of them.

“I say no.”

Qin He said that Yu Cheng was not a disaster, not a waste, and definitely not a monster.

“What the hell are you doing?!”

The two of them were caught off guard and got splashed in the face with water. They wiped their faces and were somewhat angry.

“I said, Qin He, how much money did Yu Cheng give you to maintain him? Yu Cheng listens to you so much now, do you two have any improper relationship?”

“I heard from those wealthy people, but they spend a lot when they play around.”

“Don’t play with women; only play with men, Qin He, are you doing that too? How much are you selling for?”

The person in front of them emphasised the word “men” heavily in order to humiliate Qin He. For Yu Cheng and others, they still need to keep it a secret, but not for Qin He.

In this era, homosexuality is particularly taboo, and people are especially unwilling to bring it up.

Qin He grabbed someone’s collar and pressed it against the toilet door, causing a muffled sound. There were many people in the restroom upstairs during the break, so Qin He went downstairs to this restroom, where few people go.

“Qin He, what are you doing?”

Another person grabbed Qin He’s arm, but was pierced by Qin He’s cold gaze and couldn’t say anything for a while.

“Qin He, you want to fight, don’t you?”

“And you said you didn’t have an improper relationship. Now you’re acting like a trapped dog. I only said a few words to you; is this necessary?”

Although Qin He looks thin, but he is strong. The person being pressed against the door panel has a red face and cannot speak.

“Right, so what do you want?” Qin He’s eyes were somewhat bloodshot, but he appeared indifferent.

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Qin He is not particularly close to others, but he has never lost his temper. He is good-looking and is touted as a good student by his teachers.

In the eyes of others, he may seem aloof, but he is actually easy to talk to. He is always willing to help with small problems or difficulties that others have.

This angry side of Qin He is something that no one has ever seen before, which makes people unconsciously tense up.

Qin He also grew up being bullied since he was a child. After Qin Wanqing divorced, she moved away from the small town and settled in Yao’an City.

Because he didn’t have a father, Qin He was often mocked by children, and sometimes he would get into fights when he was angry.

At first, Qin He would still get beaten up, but slowly he learned to not always get beaten up, even though he would have injuries.

Later, Qin He learned how to fight, knowing where to hit to cause pain and which parts of the body needed to be protected.

When faced with those big guys before, Qin He didn’t have much chance of winning, so he chose not to confront them directly after reporting to the police.

But for two thin and weak boys, Qin He was still confident.

They were not like Qin He, who had really been beaten up. In a short time, the two of them leaned against each other, wearing tattered clothes.

The buttons on their collars were broken, their glasses were crooked, and there were no obvious injuries on their bodies, but they were especially painful.

Their pure white clothes were covered with a layer of dirty water, and the original colour could not be seen. Their collars were crooked.

“Mind your own mouths; you’re just cowardly insects who only dare to shrink back behind people’s backs.”

At this moment, Qin He’s sharp tongue was used to its fullest, picking only the most unpleasant words to say.

“It seems that years of education cannot civilise beasts like you.”

“Or perhaps you’re worse than beasts, not having learned respect in all these years. Before you understand people, learn how to judge them!”

“How about it? When you were being harassed for money by someone before, wasn’t it Yu Cheng who saved you?”

“When we lost the class funds, wasn’t it Yu Cheng who came up with a solution? And now here you are, defaming him.”

The cold words of Qin He slammed into the two of them, and he added another sentence at the end.

” There is no surveillance camera in the toilet, so don’t waste your time. Besides, there are no injuries on your body.”

Some people looked at the two of them with disgust and then turned and walked away.

Qin He walked into the classroom on tiptoe, greeted the teacher, and returned to his seat.

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From the moment Qin He entered the door. Yu Cheng had been staring at him because of his previous words. Yu Cheng had been unwilling to go find someone because of what was said earlier.

“I asked what’s wrong with you, taking so long in the bathroom—could there be something wrong with you?”

Yucheng seemed to have finally found a way to regain the upper hand, and as soon as he sat down, he imitated Qin He’s previous demeanour.

Class was about to start, but Qin He didn’t pay attention to him and took out his textbook by himself. As soon as he took it out, his hand was pulled over by Yucheng.

“What’s wrong with your hand?”

“I just washed my hands; don’t make a big deal out of it. The teacher is up there.”

Qin He withdrew his hand and looked at the red mark on it, unconsciously reminded of what had just happened.

“You were washing your hands, not shedding skin. Are you naturally delicate like a little girl?”

Qin He was speechless at the remark about his delicate skin.

“I just like to wash them vigorously to get them clean. Is that not okay? Let’s listen to the class!”

Yucheng wanted to argue again but was stopped by a look from Qin He. He pouted and fell silent.

“The ignored teacher began teaching with a fake smile. The two may have been speaking softly; he couldn’t hear them, but that doesn’t mean he’s deaf!

After class, Qin He casually reminded him while he was doing his homework.

“You should study well; it’s only beneficial for you, or else what will you do in the future?”

“Huh?” Yu Cheng was a bit confused, having just been filled with knowledge by the teacher, he was still a bit dazed.

“I mean, study well. Don’t ruin my reputation. You’re quite smart; don’t listen to others’ nonsense.”

Qin He couldn’t help but roll his eyes inwardly. This person looks fierce but acts like an ignorant fool.

“I know I’m smart,” Yu Cheng said, ignoring the first part of Qin He’s statement and smiling.

Qin He shook his head and looked down at his homework. It was unnecessary to say anything more to him.

He didn’t want to hear those words from anyone else’s mouth again, but the root of everything was Yu Cheng’s own hard work.

Qin He let out a slow sigh, thinking back to the last time he tested Yu Cheng’s grades. Although there was improvement, there is still a long way to go…

Xian Nan Zhi
a novel world with a fictional setting.

I’ve noticed that since Qin He got a phone, he’s almost become a walking recorder. haha, gaga~

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