Chapter 102: Showing Off Affection

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The scarred man received first aid from the medical robot to stop his bleeding. Then, he used his communication device to order his subordinates in three warships outside. They should send all the medical cabins over to this passenger ship and then go back to their headquarter first. They should never attack this official passenger ship.

Why not send them back to their own ships for treatment? One is that these pirates were too injured and should not move too much to avoid excessive blood loss. The other reason is that Wei Yuan still can't trust them and wants to keep them as hostages.

Ling Yaoyao was very curious about something and couldn't help asking, "Why didn't you take passengers in the ordinary cabin as hostages just now?"

The big scarred man has a bitter face when it comes to this. He looks at the fat captain with a bitter smile. He is already in a lot of pain today, and he really doesn't want to mention the more painful experiences before.

The fat face captain wiped his cold sweat and explained, "Ah, because the Baijia solar system is under the jurisdiction of the Gray Wolf Legion. If they kill people on the spaceship, even if it is accidental, the Gray Wolf Legion will intervene..."

The Gray Wolf Legion acquiesced to the transaction between the patrolling army and the "Black Blood" star pirates, but it also restraint them with a rule, that is, no life should be lost. Otherwise, the patrolling army and the "Black Blood" pirates would be held accountable.

In the past, incidents in which powerful passengers joined forces to resist the pirates were not unheard of. The pirates took several ordinary passengers as hostages. Who knows that the powerful group didn't care about people's lives other than their companions. The pirates had a dozen or so hostages. As a result, one of the hostages was shot more than a dozen times. It didn't hurt the vitals, and they were rescued in time. Otherwise, the hostage might die.

They thought that as long as they were careful, they would be able to hide this matter from the Gray Wolf Legion. Besides, they didn't end up killing anyone?

Who knows, this matter was somehow known to the Nighthawks team of the Gray Wolf Legion. Which means... Major General Ling knows. The Gray Wolf Legion did not clearly intervene but sent a disguised elite team. The star pirates who were involved in that incident were all beaten half-dead. At the same time, they had prepared a medical cabin to ensure that they would not really die.

In the name of a "passerby," he "proposed" a new rule. They can take action on passengers who resist, provided that they are not allowed to hurt the other person's life. In addition, they do not allow innocent passengers who have not resisted to be used as shields and hostages.

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Otherwise, why would pirates not even dare to bring a weapon with a little more lethality? Why would pirates come to rob people with only energy guns and laser knives?

The Gray Wolf Legion kept them mainly because they felt that their existence could indeed serve as a warning to the less powerful adventurers.

These days, it is not easy to be a robber!

It's all blood and tears!

Ling Yaoyao laughed out loud. She felt that Ling Xuan's method of using violence to control violence was really great.

It seems that although Yilan is dangerous, it can be regarded as orderly chaos.

No wonder Little Brother Lu Lin knew that her destination was Yilan but did not dissuade her too much. It seemed that they would be fine here for a while.

Her decision to follow Wei Yuan and the others this time was really correct.

The Baijia solar system is well organized. Although she could not see that person, people mentioned his name everywhere.

This way, the five-person group of the Handsome Star Squad team arrived at Yilan without any danger.

This place is also Ye Xi's hometown.

Due to the nuclear change twelve years ago, many animals and plants in Yilan have mutated. They are extremely fierce and sturdy. Only a few major cities are safe.

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Upon arrival, Ye Xi suggested finding a place in the main city to settle down first, rest for a night, and then go out of the city to hunt Zergs tomorrow.

The most prosperous main city on Yilan Star is Bui City. Unlike the high-tech utopian look in the Imperial City, the architectural style here is rough and simple. The streets are very spacious and look very lively.

The shops on both sides of the street are also very distinctive, mostly related to exotic animals, exotic plants, and Zerg meat.

The people here are wild and unrestrained. Although fights are forbidden in the city, many fighting platforms have been set up for people who want to resolve their disputes.

As a host, Ye Xi explained them one by one.

Ling Yaoyao always thought that Ye Xi was just an ordinary civilian. In addition to being more agile and powerful than many boys, she was also always worried about money. She seemed to be doing all kinds of part-time jobs or other mercenary tasks outside of gatherings with them.

Who knows, Ye Xi is actually the daughter of the Blue Kite Merchant League—the black market boss! This identity does not seem to be bad at all!

Ye Xi found that Ling Yaoyao looked at her with curious eyes from time to time. She explained helplessly, "I liked martial arts since I was a child, and I don't know anything about business. My dad said that if I can't carry forward my family's business, I can't rely on my family when I grow up. If I refuse to study business, at least I must be self-reliant. So after I was fifteen years old, he would not give me a dime..."

She also explained that they came to Yilan to experience this time, she could help if there was something they wanted to buy on the black market, but her cruel father would not give her any help.

Wei Yuan and others didn't care about this. They came here to sharpen their own skill. They didn't expect anyone's help.

Qiao Mingyao was a little awkward and couldn't accept the story of "the little friend next to him suddenly became the daughter of the black market boss."

No wonder Ye Xi's fighting skills are so good, and she claims to have grown up from the bottom of society.

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He had secretly sympathized and felt sorry for Ye Xi before... She was such a good girl, but to survive she forced herself to be like a man! She must have suffered a lot!

Who knows, this is her own choice!

When she saw that Qiao Mingyao's expression was wrong, Ye Xi asked him, "Why? Do you want me to have a miserable life since childhood?"

Qiao Mingyao didn't change his face. "No. You have nothing to do with me!"

Ye Xi smiled slightly. "But if I have someone I want to marry in the future, I might have to compromise with my dad. No matter how good the martial arts, I can only barely make a living. Otherwise, I am so poor. Which girl can see me?"

In the interstellar age, "marrying" is not limited to women marrying to a man's family. As long as they have the ability, it is also possible for women to marry men (or women) to their family.

Qiao Mingyao immediately became angry. "You still want to marry a wife? Don't harm good people!"

Ye Xi only glanced at him faintly. "What's wrong with me wanting to marry a wife? It's none of your business."

The atmosphere of these two people is really getting more and more wrong! It always feels like there is a pink bubble!

It just happened that neither of them realized it at all... Ling Yaoyao looked at the sky speechlessly. She clearly has a boyfriend, but inexplicably, these two, who had no boyfriend/girlfriend, were showing off affection in front of her.

Zhao Qingyun pretended to inadvertently glance at Ling Yaoyao's beautiful face for fear that she would find out about his feeling and then move away quickly.

Captain Wei Yuan looked at his teammates jumping around like animals and said helplessly, "Let's go directly to the biggest hotel and stay there."

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At this moment, a very delicately dressed little boy, around seven or eight years old, emerged from out of nowhere. He rushed over and was about to hit Ling Yaoyao.

Ye Xi quickly stepped forward, grabbed his back collar, and lifted him up. "Little Ye Hui, can you change your habit of taking advantage of beauties? Be careful that you will run into a hard wall, and your paws will get cut off!"

The little boy smiled. He glanced at Ye Xi and very affectionately put his arm around her neck. "I also like handsome girls and beautiful boys."

The little boy's small face was like carved jade and looked very cute. His eyebrows and Ye Xi's were two or three points similar.

He turned around, and his pair of dark eyes looked at Ling Yaoyao and then at Qiao Mingyao. He exclaimed very sophisticatedly, "What a real beauty!"

In a low voice, he negotiated with Ye Xi, "The man belongs to you, and the woman belongs to me?"

Then Ye Xi banged his head severely. "No, this beauty already has a master. Her boyfriend is very powerful. You won't be able to fight him even if you train for 500 years."

Ye Hui glanced at Ling Yaoyao with regret, then at Qiao Mingyao again. He reluctantly said, "I don't want a man... Forget it. You should keep him for yourself. I'm still young. I can wait."

Wei Yuan and the others all guessed that this little boy must be Ye Xi's relatives. Most likely, he is her younger brother. Otherwise, the two would not be so familiar and similar.

Ling Yaoyao couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha! Commander Ye's younger brother is also very skillful!"

Qiao Mingyao, who was praised for his beauty but disliked for his gender and was paired with Ye Xi, had a dark expression.

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