Chapter 44: Sweet and Sour Pork with Pineapple

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About the green sprouts made by Ling Yaoyao, what everyone cares about most is not the auxiliary effect, but they really want to eat it!

One by one, they craned their necks and looked greedy!

Fortunately, Teacher Wang still remembered the purpose of this demonstration. She walked to the platform and put the whole plate of green sprouts prepared by Ling Yaoyao into the mental activity tester next to the platform.

The mental activity tester cannot accurately shows the actual auxiliary effect, but it could show the approximate range. If there is no active mental activity factor in the food, then there is definitely no auxiliary therapy effect.

The instrument lights up with blue color and a beeping sound. It scans back and forth a few times and quickly broadcasts the results—the mental activity content is first-class!

The curative effect of food ingredients or medicinal materials, supplementary food or medicine is divided into seven levels: top upper, upper, upper-middle, middle, lower-middle, lower, and bottom lower.

It is easier to achieve top-level in medicine, but it is difficult for food to have above than middle curative effect.

The way Ling Yaoyao used her mental power to deal with ingredients just now seemed to be careless. She was not as cautious as other high-level or master-level assistant therapists. But no one expects the result to achieve such effective mental activation factors!

This means that as long as Ling Yaoyao's mental power is not at odds with the target combatants, the auxiliary effect will certainly not bad!

Everyone made an excited "Wow" sound—

"Boss Yaoyao is great!"

"As expected of our boss!"

"We couldn't even make supplementary food, but the boss actually made the first-level supplementary food!"

"If it is the top-level, who cares more about the taste..."

Teacher Wang's expression was also full of surprise. She was already prepared for the possibility of no auxiliary therapy effect, and she almost reprimanded Ling Yaoyao for pursuing deliciousness and giving up the auxiliary therapy effect...

Who knows, the result is such a high level of mental activity factor!

Teacher Wang picked up a pair of chopsticks and a small plate, and under the watchful eyes of the whole class, she tasted this green sprout...

The rich, spicy sauce and the refreshing sweetness of the green sprouts are combined to provoke her taste buds. Teacher Wang's rigorous expression is refreshed, and she can't help but exclaim, "Very good!"

After passing Ling Yaoyao's skillful hands, even an ordinary green sprout tastes no worse than the craftsmanship of a five-star chef! What's rarer is that it can maintain the auxiliary therapy effect!

A girl in the first row is the closest to the platform. She was seduced by the strong fragrance but could only see and couldn't eat. Her eyes are so greedy. She couldn't help it and raised her hand while saying loudly, "Teacher, you can't just say it's delicious. I apply for a tasting!"

"I want to try it too!"

"Me too!"

Generally, when the student's work is good, the teacher will randomly select a few students as samplers. But when Teacher Wang looked down, the whole class raised their hands. Even the few in the back row stood up!

There are twenty-five people in the class. After removing Ling Yaoyao, there are still twenty-four students. A plate of green sprouts is not enough. How could she split it with everyone?

Teacher Wang looked at Ling Yaoyao embarrassedly. She is the chef, so she has the right to distribute.

In fact, Teacher Wang actually wants to occupy these green sprouts by herself. How can one bite be enough? Even one plate is not too much!

Ling Yaoyao made a calm conclusion, "The other four people who could make supplementary foods can taste it. Let's treat it as sharing knowledge with each other."

The four winners were extremely happy and ran up immediately...

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It doesn't matter if the rest of the students can't eat, but the four winners have to sigh loudly and make a look of incomparable enjoyment.

"This is the best green sprout I have ever tasted!"

"This is the best supplementary food I have ever eaten!"

"It's just too little..."

"Boss Yaoyao, you are so amazing!"

The rest of the students who were not qualified to try the food were very depressed. But when they saw Ling Yaoyao's small face without any pride or anger, they didn't dare to refute her.

If they can't make it this time, they can wait for the next time. As long as they are in the same class as Ling Yaoyao, why would they afraid that they won't have a chance in the future? Many people have secretly made up their minds to make supplementary foods as soon as possible in order to be eligible for tasting Ling Yaoyao's food next time.

Teacher Wang clapped her hands and said, "Now, everyone can choose to cook the green sprouts according to the method I gave, or the method demonstrated by classmate Ling Yaoyao, or any method of your own choice, as long as you use green sprouts as the main ingredients. Practice your hands with the ingredients... This is your first experimental class task. Just hand in your most satisfactory work before the class ends. There are still fifty minutes left. Please start!"

The classroom suddenly became lively.

An intelligent robot allocates the ingredients to everyone. If they need other ingredients, they can choose them from the refrigerators and seasoning shelves at the front and back of the classroom.

Ling Yaoyao's demonstration just now was considered to complete the classwork, and the score is undoubtedly excellent.

Ling Yaoyao asked Teacher Wang, "Teacher, I think there are some rare ingredients in the freezer. I want to try some other supplementary foods, can I?"

The learning progress of each student is different. After completing the classwork, they are allowed to use other ingredients. Otherwise, the refrigerator in the classroom will not have so many ingredients. If they could make more and better supplementary foods, there can be additional bonus points.

Teacher Wang's impression of Ling Yaoyao has risen sharply, and she is very supportive. "Of course you can."

The experimental class is two rooms connected together. So she could go to another room so she wouldn't disturb the rest of the class. Ling Yaoyao was hungry because of the Biying fruit's effect, and she only tasted a little bit of the green sprouts to fulfill her job as a chef.

Ling Yaoyao continued to ask a little dazedly, "I, my stomach is a little hungry. Can I buy the ingredients to cook them and eat them myself?"

This is an unprecedented request. The tuition fees paid by the students of the food supplementary therapy department had already included the cost of commonly used ingredients in the classroom.

Teacher Wang didn't interact with the students much after class, but she also noticed that Ling Yaoyao seemed to be eating between every class... She didn't expect a lady from a big family who seemed cold and not close to people was actually a girl with a big stomach!


Teacher Wang immediately has an explanation why Ling Yaoyao has a good cooking skill that does not match her identity and appearance. It is indeed a reasonable excuse to learn to cook by herself in order to satisfy her appetite.

The way Teacher Wang looked at Ling Yaoyao suddenly became more kind and affectionate. She smiled and said, "Can you make more so that we can taste the taste as well? You don't have to pay for the ingredients."

Ling Yaoyao immediately fell in love with the pineapples in the freezer!

She is going to make a sweet and sour pork loin with pineapple!

In addition to that, she wants to make another loofah and egg soup!

One is complicated, and one is simple. The flavor is also suitable together!

Because the boys and girls in the food supplementary therapy class obediently called her "boss," Ling Yaoyao decided to make enough for all of them.

Of course, it is only enough for everyone to eat a piece of meat and drink some soup.

Ling Yaoyao is not very good at mentally processing meat ingredients in real life, so she simply processed pineapple, tomatoes for the sour sauce, and the loofah with mental power.

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For speed, she also requisitioned a pot on Teacher Wang's podium to boil the soup.

In addition to occasionally instructing students on dealing with ingredients mentally, Teacher Wang was also distracted and paid attention to Ling Yaoyao's every move.

The little girl clearly said that she was cooking, but she smashed a pineapple, which was a fruit!

She also heard Ling Yaoyao boiled a big pot of boiling water to make soup, but she didn't prepare any ingredients that seemed suitable for "simmering soup"!

Teacher Wang walked over and asked, "How is it a soup? A big pot is full of boiling water, but no ingredients..."

At this time, the pork tenderloin has been marinated with pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine, and salt. It will only take ten minutes to cook it. Ling Yaoyao sharply cuts the loofah, faster than the intelligent robot assistant on the side. Without raising her head, she said, "Didn't you ask me to make more? It's okay. I just need to put a few more loofahs later!"

Even though Teacher Wang had changed her opinion on Ling Yaoyao because of a plate of green sprout, but she was now deeply suspicious.

In this era, "soup" is mostly meat stock from chicken, duck, fish, or lamb together with thick soup seasonings. The required time varies, and the taste is not bad, but there is not much novelty.

In short, it was completely different from Ling Yaoyao's casual approach.

Even the rest of the students who were still fighting with their attempts with green sprouts couldn't help but glance at Ling Yaoyao from time to time.

Actually, compared to Ling Yaoyao making delicious food, they all secretly hope to see Ling Yaoyao make a failed work... Everyone is obviously in the same class, but they are still toddlers when Ling Yaoyao already knows how to fly! Everyone would like her to slow down.

They were whispering, planning to pretend if the food that Ling Yaoyao makes is awful. They can't undermine their boss' self-confidence...

However, when Ling Yaoyao started to fry the pork loin, the rich aroma filled the classroom!

Everyone smelled the mouth-watering scent of meat and then looked at the weird-shaped green sprouts in their own pots... Some of them were burned, some were boiled into green mush, and some were mixed with salad dressing...


Suddenly, the depression hit them. What the f*** are they doing?!

When the sweet and sour pork loin with pineapple was cooked, and the loofah soup was also done. Ling Yaoyao poured the stirred egg mixture down and then added oil, salt, soy sauce, and a small amount of cooking wine.

Then she finally turned off the heat. Two dishes were successfully completed!

Ling Yaoyao took out a lunch box she carried with her from her space button. First, she filled a large bowl of loofah and egg soup, and then scooped a small portion of sweet and sour pork with pineapple and slowly enjoyed it in the corner. There are also a few small steamed buns in her space button, which happen to be perfect!

When they smelled the two scents of rich sweet and sour and light savory soup, the students who thought Ling Yaoyao would feel "the taste of failure" this time and even Teacher Wang, felt their faces were a little bit painful.

The students were so attracted by the aroma of the food that they couldn't continue their own experiment. They all looked at Teacher Wang with eager eyes.

Ling Yaoyao, the admirable and unreliable boss, is already immersed in the satisfaction of enjoying her own achievements at this moment, ignoring her little brothers and sisters who are still struggling with hunger!

Teacher Wang waved her hand helplessly, "I give you ten minutes to try the food first, but you have to stay back for ten minutes after class! If you don't have any complaints, go and eat..."

Before she even finished her words, everyone let go of the ingredients in their hands, swarmed down, and lined up. They waited for the intelligent robot to distribute the food to them as evenly as possible.

This can make it difficult for intelligent robots. The students often clamor about "why his share of meat looks half a centimeter longer than mine."

Teacher Wang took advantage of her authority in the class and asked the robot to get her share first.

The sweet and sour pork loin with pineapple is crispy and sweet, which raises people's appetite. The loofah and egg soup dilutes the sweetness of the pork. It is delicious, but the portion is too small and unsatisfactory...

After the food was eaten, Teacher Wang discovered that she had forgotten to do the efficacy test. However, even without the test, she could feel that the mental energy contained in it had rejuvenated the mental energy she had consumed while demonstrating just now. The effect is certainly not bad.

When Ling Yaoyao had finished eating her portion, she found that the students were looking at her sadly.

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"It's delicious. Why is it so delicious!"

"Not enough. It was just a little bit, not enough!"

Teacher Wang took the opportunity to very carefully say, "This time is a special case, so everyone has a share. In the future, students who cannot make supplementary food will not be eligible to participate in the tasting of Yaoyao's work! Of course, even if you made supplementary food, only a limited number of people can be selected. Only those who perform well will be given the opportunity!"

So everyone went back to their stations and continued to fight with green sprouts!

Teacher Wang's trick is really useful. At the end of this class, five more students were able to make supplementary foods.

Three people managed to make something that looked and tasted very good, almost imitating Ling Yaoyao's practice. However, it does not have any supplementary effect.

From all of them, Zhen Rou made green sprouts with inferior auxiliary therapy effects, and the taste is also very good, which is regarded as the best performance amongst the students.


Zhen Rou had the mentality of "don't want to be too far behind my good friend." She watched Ling Yaoyao's cooking methods more carefully than others. Although her finished product is far below Ling Yaoyao's level, she was already very satisfied and happy.

Teacher Wang summed up the lesson quietly. "It seems that the female students are leading the way. Four out of the seven girls can make complementary foods. Ling Yaoyao's excellence is obvious to all. In addition to Ling Yaoyao, the second is classmate Zhen Rou... You, male classmates, have to work harder. If you can learn 50-60% of classmate Ling Yaoyao's craftsmanship, you won't worry about finding a female combatant to pair with you in the future!"

There is no such thing as a gentleman is far away from the kitchen in the interstellar age. Men and women are equal. Actually, male auxiliary therapists are relatively popular because many female combatants prefer soft-bodied auxiliary therapists.

Because of what Teacher Wang said, the boys in the supplementary food class lowered their heads in shame. They made up their minds to learn how to cook, fighting to get the girl... Ah no, to please more female combatants.

Because of a Ling Yaoyao, many people who entered the Department of Food Auxiliary Therapy with the plan to use this major as a springboard to change their majors later are determined to study hard. As men, their dignity won't allow them to be too far behind the girls!

The female classmates all know that in the main exhibition hall, Ling Yaoyao used her strength to arrogantly told Wu Lili from the auxiliary medicine department, "We, girls in the food auxiliary treatment department, are not only good at hooking up with boys, but we are also very powerful!"

Who would say that girls in the food supplement department are not easy to find a partner and could only find one by relying on their faces?

The most terrible thing in this world is not that others are better than you, but that people who are better than you are working harder than you!

Ling Yaoyao, who is so talented, beautiful, and from a good family background, is hardworking and motivated. How can they be embarrassed to lay down like a salted fish without any fighting spirit?

They even vote to change the group chat name of their class into "indulge in learning and eating"... very suitable for the food supplement department.

Ling Yaoyao, the squad leader, used her own skill to win the hearts and minds of the entire class. Everyone became her younger brother and younger sister...

Compared to the students in the food supplement department, who could enjoy the happiness of tasting from time to time, Ling Yaoyao's fans from the pharmacy supplement department next door are very sad. They can only squat on the star network secretly and wait for her new virtual supplementary food.

Among them, Ling Yaoyao's number one fan is Su Qinghe, the number one in the pharmacy auxiliary therapy department.

She enjoys the food supplements made by Ling Yaoyao, which had a very good supplementary therapeutic effect and unprecedented deliciousness. But Su Qinghe also occasionally finds a few extremely weak supplementary medicinal therapeutic effects!

'Wow, medicinal materials can be handled like this!'

Inspired by this new finding, she sometimes tried it in private. She is occasionally treating certain medicinal materials as food ingredients. After removing impurities, they were ground into powder together to make medicinal agents, and she had a lot of unexpected and novel effects!

If she has the opportunity to discuss and communicate with Yaoyao in person, it would be great!

Unfortunately, every time she deliberately passed by the food supplement class, she would find classmate Yaoyao surrounded by many people.


This made Su Qinghe a little bit depressed. It was obvious that she found the goodness of classmate Yaoyao first, but these people had more opportunities to talk to her!

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But she was happy that Ling Yaoyao, the assistant therapist she admires and loves, was able to gain public recognition so quickly!

She also has to work hard to make better auxiliary medicines and insist on staying in the most conspicuous position of the medicine auxiliary therapy department. She can't fall behind. Otherwise, Ling Yaoyao probably won't see her at all.

Ling Yaoyao didn't know that without deliberately doing anything, she unexpectedly got the attention of the original male protagonist, Xiao Ming, and the goodwill of the original female protagonist, Su Qinghe...

On the fifth day of school, Ling Yaoyao felt that her hungry dilemma was finally over. She returned to her normal food intake of three meals a day and was successfully promoted to a B-level physique.

However, what made Ling Yaoyao depressed was that her height barely changed from 164cm before eating Biying fruit to 168cm... She still failed to reach the average height for interstellar girls of 170cm.

Maybe it is because the physique raised by foreign objects is still a little worse than those with a natural B-level physique.

But at least her chest has risen by a cup... from the original B to C...

Zhen Rou covered her mouth and laughed. "It seems that so many things you have eaten these days still have a significant effect. Although you haven't grown much taller, you have grown some flesh!"

Ling Yaoyao: "..."

In the past two days, Ling Yaoyao has posted two more instructional videos on Weibo, one is the "Fish Porridge" requested by the public, and the other is the "Peanut Stewed Pig's Trotter" that she made to feed her baby blood vine.

Although she also likes to eat trotters, she definitely doesn't want to enlarge her chest or anything!

On the star network, Ling Xuan has not been online for the past two days. He only left a message to her saying that X-312 star temporarily blocked the network for information confidentiality.

When she was ready not to meet him for a month, he suddenly appeared.

When she thought she would be able to see him every day in the future, she suddenly couldn't see him again.

However, it was not like there was no contact between the two. Ling Xuan will send her at least two messages every day—"Good morning" and "Good night"...

For some reason, Ling Yaoyao suddenly recalled that she harassed Ling Xuan with three messages a day during the summer vacation and added the "Momoda"...

Ling Xuan's greeting didn't add any kisses, but it still made Ling Yaoyao feel that the man was using the simplest way to express that he missed her.

Ling Yaoyao originally wanted to reply, but she remembered that Ling Xuan had never returned her message before!

As everyone knows, the hatred of women is terrible! Ling Yaoyao decided not to reply to his messages!

But she still looked at each one carefully. She couldn't help but secretly figure out whether when Ling Xuan did not reply to her message at that time, he also had the same mood as she is now.

When she found that she started to like that person a little bit, she wanted to get closer. For the first time, she realized what it means to miss someone... However, she is still hesitating. Does she like him to that point? She has to think more about it!

After all, they are different from ordinary men and women. If they formally start a relationship, it is not a relationship that can be cut off if they want to break up.

If they become a lover, when one day they found that they are not suitable to each other, there is no way to return to be normal siblings, so she still has to be more cautious.

It was only the third day, and Ling Xuan couldn't bear it anymore. He asked her in a text message, "Why don't you reply to me? Are you busy with schoolwork?"

This time, Ling Yaoyao finally replied to him with a very serious tone. "There is nothing to talk about. I'm afraid your communication device will be monitored."

Ling Xuan realized what it meant to lift a rock and hit himself in the foot.

Ling Yaoyao practiced driving a mecha on her own for two days and became proficient in the basic movements using a mental tentacle control. Next, she wanted to try her skills on the mecha battle platform!

What? Ling Xuan hasn't taught her any fighting skills yet? She feels that she is a genius. Maybe she can learn by herself without a teacher...

Thinking about this, Ling Yaoyao ignorantly opened the list of top opponents bound to Ling Xuan's mecha training room and chose to let the system automatically match an opponent...

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