Chapter 12: “Magic Mirror” sales

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Compared with the conversation between Ruan Ningxue and Yang Xin, Chen Xu at this time has been paying attention to the performance of “Magic Mirror”.

In fact, many people have noticed the game “Magic Mirror”.

Although it is on the overseas platform, it is still a rather special game.

The sales volume is not placed here, and the official platform will not release the sales volume, but for game designers and the media in the industry, based on statistics from various aspects, the estimated sales volume is achievable.

Although there may be some errors, it is not too outrageous.

Although “Magic Mirror” has not been on any sales platform, on the praise list, “Magic Mirror” has occupied the first place with an incredible performance.

An 18R game suddenly reached the top of the praise list.

this really surprised many game designers.

Many people also want to see how magical this game really is.

Especially in the comments section of this game.

Many people have found that players’ comments are basically completely different from some traditional gentleman games, and even make them a little bit incomprehensible.

‘A very good match 3 game! ’

‘Women get out of here! Don’t get in the way of me playing match 3 games! ’

‘I couldn’t tell for a while whether this was a match-3 game or a gal game, but one thing is certain, my brother is very satisfied. ’

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‘I thought this was an ordinary gentleman’s game before, but I have to say that I was shocked. Where is this a shoddy gentleman’s game? Is this a boutique indie game at all! ’

‘As a professional sprayer, I can only find such a spray point, that is, you are such a gentleman’s game, what are you doing so touching, so delicate! ’

‘Even ten minutes have passed, I have entered the sage state, this game should be closed, but why am I still playing this game! ? This match 3 is interesting! ’

‘In this game, I saw the good, evil, beauty, and ugliness of human nature, it is a different game! ’

‘When a gentleman’s game impresses me, does it matter whether I rush or not? ’

“I opened the game with excitement, but when I left, I was not relieved, but disappointed. ’

These evaluations made many people stunned. Could it be that they opened the wrong game?

Of course, in addition to many well-received players, there are also some players who talk very hard.

It is different from posting soft articles on forums frequented by gentlemen on the Internet with 20,000 yuan at the beginning.

Now it’s just word of mouth among gentlemen.

So for Chen Xu, just wait for the money.

“Well, the first fund is available, and the next step is to change the workplace and register a company.”

“In addition, you have to plan your future development path well, and get more points along the way.”

In the rental house, Chen Xu was leaning on the bed, making the next plan.

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Chen Xu also found out how many points he has.

Although there is an increase, it is still relatively limited, and it is just enough for 2 single draws.

While Chen Xu was thinking about it, the phone on the side rang, picked it up, and took a look, the caller was Ruan Ningxue.

“Hey, Sister Ruan, what’s the matter?” Chen Xu answered.

“It’s nothing, I just want to congratulate you, I thought…” Ruan Ningxue on the other end of the phone was a little embarrassed.

But Chen Xu probably knew what Ruan Ningxue wanted to say, and smiled at the moment: “It’s normal, sister, but I’m actually a little surprised by the sales of “Magic Mirror”.”

This statement is half true and half false. the success of “Magic Mirror” is completely within Chen Xu’s expectations.

Whether it is the quality of the game itself, the follow-up publicity plan, or even the decision to use “Magic Mirror” as the first game, Chen Xu investigated in advance and then planned it.

As for the truth, that is the popularity of “Magic Mirror”, which is indeed a bit beyond Chen Xu’s imagination.

Although it is the official overseas version of the platform, it is also a name. In fact, the main audience is still domestic players.

But even so, the sales performance of “Magic Mirror” surprised Chen Xu.

At the same time, this also reminded Chen Xu once again that the game industry in this world is far more prosperous than in the previous life.

“By the way, Chen Xu, do you have time in the evening? I’ll give you a celebration banquet, and I have a friend who wants to get to know you.” Ruan Ningxue on the other end of the phone asked.

“No problem, in fact, I also want to invite you to have a meal. After all, without your help before, the development of “Magic Mirror” would not have been so easy.” Chen Xu said sincerely.

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Afterward, the two chatted casually for a while before hanging up the phone.

Putting the phone aside, Chen Xu took another look at the sales of “Magic Mirror” in the background.

A total of 58,121 copies were sold in 6 days.

Its growth line is completely explosive growth. Obviously, the fighting power of the gentlemen is extraordinary.

And in terms of the current potential of “Magic Mirror”, this is just the beginning.

You have to know some third-party platforms, which are just on the way.

When Chen Xu was looking at the data of “Magic Mirror”, he was delighted.

The indie game world is not so peaceful.

The media who noticed this game also began to count the relevant data of this game.

After all, with the theme of 18R, it has rushed to the praise list, which is really surprising.

At the same time, the related topics of “Magic Mirror” also quickly began to ferment.

Relevant sales data is difficult to count for ordinary players.

The media and some practitioners who paid attention at the beginning may think that there will be 10,000 or 20,000 people.

But with the announcement of a third-party statistical agency, it made people who paid attention to this game feel incredible for a while.

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Because the data given by the third-party organization turned out to be 50,000.

Compared with the real sales volume, it is actually 8,000 lower, but even so, this data still surprised many designers.

In particular, some designers who also make gentleman games feel that their worldview has been subverted.

A gentleman’s game, can sell so many copies? What a joke!

Is this number high?

Not high, the sales of top masterpieces can reach millions on the day of their debut, and some overseas world-renowned masterpieces can even reach tens of millions of sales on the day of their debut.

Of course, these games can’t be compared to “Magic Mirror”.

As an 18R game that is not recommended, and it is still an independent producer’s game, it should not be said that it was made by a non-game designer.

This data is simply bursting!

It has even been regarded as breaking the record of the gentleman’s game.

Not to mention that there are no newcomers, but at least it is unprecedented. Before this, there was no gentleman’s game that had such explosive results as “Magic Mirror”.

And this is just the beginning.

Many designers of Gentleman Games have a hunch that they are about to witness history!

It doesn’t matter how big this history is, and it doesn’t matter whether “Magic Mirror” is a gentleman’s game, but that is also history.

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