Chapter 19: shock

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As a game developer, Wu Tian has not been on the job for a long time.

But in terms of games, Wu Tian has also played a lot.

Judging from the current content of “Under the Legend”, Wu Tian can clearly feel some of its characteristics.

The first is the quality of the game. Of course, this is not the content, but the pure external quality, such as the picture and the operation experience.

“Under the Legend” can only be considered acceptable on his side, and it is not much different from ordinary independent games.

But in terms of content, Wu Tian can only say that “Under the Legend” currently gives him a very bad feeling.

The content, although only the content of the teaching level, is quite boring.

Just push the stone and press the lever.

As for the combat phase, there are some dialogue options such as kindness in the game.

Players don’t need to kill monsters.

According to Wu Tian’s game experience, this is nothing more than a setting of honor points.

The ending with high honor is preferred, and the ending with low honor is bad.

There are no special settings, and the game plot itself feels like a template for fighting monsters in a dungeon.

After killing some of the mobs blocking the road, Wu Tian continued to set off without thinking much after seeing the prompt after the battle.

As a game developer, his approach is to pass a level first and see the experience of the whole process.

Although it could be resolved peacefully, Wu Tian chose the easiest way to fight.

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After all, isn’t it normal to fight monsters and upgrade in RPG games?

When going all the way, the sheep mother in the game often appears and asks the protagonist what he likes to eat and what he is allergic to.

With the exploration all the way, Wu Tian sighed softly and shook his head.

He had a feeling that the appearance of “Magic Mirror” was simply an accident.

After all, the current “Under the Legend” feels like a chicken rib to him, and he can play it but it doesn’t make his eyes shine.

There are no unknown places to explore in the entire castle, there is no brightening mechanism to decrypt, and there is no brightening plot.

It is simply the discovery of the gate to the underground world.

After triggering this plot, the sheep mother who rescued the protagonist before said that the outside world is very dangerous. If he insists on going out, it will prove that she has the ability to protect herself.

After agreeing, it is to enter the battle link.

The ewe who saved the protagonist before stopped him from going out and said that if hr wants to go, she must prove that she has the ability to protect herself.

Like the previous battles, the battle of Toril the Ewe can also choose Mercy.

Unlike ordinary monsters, Wu Tian still likes this sheep mother.

So there was no attack, but he soon discovered that the option of mercy was of little use.

After clicking several times in a row, the mother sheep was still constantly attacking.

So can you just fight back?

Or will there be a situation similar to the plot kill, emptying the sheep’s mother’s blood bar, and then triggering the plot?

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Wu Tianxin guessed, and at the same time tried to attack the sheep mother.

The first knife lost about one-tenth of his blood.

In the second knife, another small tube of blood was lost.

The third knife went down, and what made him stunned happened.

Because under this knife, the blood bar of Sheep’s mother was emptied directly.

The slain sheep’s mother knelt on one knee on the ground, still caring about the protagonist, and told him to leave quickly.

Then it turned into pieces and disappeared into the air.

“What’s the situation? How did you die? Isn’t this the way of preference? Or do you need to continue to be kind?”

Although there were no hints in the game, as a game expert, Wu Tian quickly thought of the possible settings in the game.

So in order to prove his idea, Wu Tian read the previous archive.

According to the previous mode, the battle started again.

This time Wu Tian no longer took the initiative to attack but kept clicking benevolently.

As the round progressed, the sheep’s mother’s attack became more and more severe, and Wu Tian accidentally bumped into the sheep’s mother’s attack.

The HP has deducted to the point that only a trace of HP remained.

But the next picture made Wu Tian confirm his thoughts.

That is, in the game, the mother sheep’s attack will actively avoid the love that represents the protagonist in the game.

Even if Wu Tian tried to take the initiative to diad, the other party would avoid it.

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“It really is like this! Let the player wait for a certain round, but the sheep mother will not kill the player.”

“Compared with the previous plot of killing the sheep mother, there is some irony in the implication, especially the setting that cooperates with the sheep mother’s attack to avoid the player. This part is a bit similar to the plot in “Magic Mirror”. Evil and Moral Humanity.”

As a game developer, Wu Tian also reviews the game from some in-depth aspects.

After avoiding the attack of the sheep’s mother, after clicking the mercy 14 times in a row.

Listening to the brisk music in the game and the plot screen after the battle, Wu Tian also shook his head.

I saw the protagonist who insisted on leaving. This time, the sheep’s mother finally stopped blocking, but gently hugged the protagonist and took the initiative to send her away from the castle.

“After all, I’m a rookie game designer. This plot trigger setting is still too rough. It turned out to be so many consecutive clicks of kindness. Although it is just to keep players from discovering, but…” Wu Tian shook his head.

“And since you want the player not to be discovered, the design of the bullet screen to actively avoid, but instead, it is actively exposed, telling the player that this is a plot kill, which is equivalent to taking off your pants and farting.”

Thinking about the setting of the sheep mother battle just now, Wu Tian also criticized this part.

In his opinion, if only one of them is used in such a design, it is not bad.

Using both is counterproductive.

But the next scene directly made him stunned on the chair.

Because this scene in front of him completely overturned his judgment!

Xiaohua, who wanted to kill the protagonist before, appeared again.

What shocked Wu Tian was not the character Xiaohua, but what he said.

【clever! Very ~ very ~ smart ~ bright! 】

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【You really think you are very smart, right? 】

【In this world, you are either killed or killed! 】

[That’s why you can do whatever you want. 】

【You are very happy, right? 】

[Because you have just forgiven someone’s life? 】

[Hee hee hee, but don’t act so self-righteous! 】

[Because… I know everything, I know what you have done! 】

【You have already killed her! 】

[But you regret it, so you go back in time and you want to do it all over again. 】

[Hahaha… You are such a naive fool, do you think you are the only creature with this kind of power? 】

[This power to reshape the world… comes entirely from your own determination, the ability to play God, the ability to preserve. 】

[I thought I was the only one with that kind of power, but… I can’t keep it anymore. 】

[Obviously, your desire for this world is higher than mine. 】

[Well, well, while you still have this power, enjoy it. 】

【I will always watch you! 】


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