Chapter 6 This is the judgment of a professional gamer

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Days go by.

Finished the last CG illustration, and finished the corresponding audio and subtitle editing.

Chen Xu looked at the game source file on the computer and showed an excited expression: “You’re done!”

“So are you looking for a game publishing company now?” Ruan Ningxue next to him was also a little excited.

After all, this is the project she worked so hard to complete this month.

Well, although I didn’t get a dime from Chen Xu’s side.

“No.” Hearing Ruan Ningxue’s words, Chen Xu shook his head gently.

“Huh?” Ruan Ningxue was a little surprised.

Although she doesn’t know anything about games, she also knows that Chen Xu should be considered an independent game producer now.

Just like drawing comics or making movies, shouldn’t you find publishing houses and film and television distribution companies?

“This game is not the same, and this game is not on a domestic platform, but an overseas official game platform.”

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“Direct connections can also be made in China.”

“After all, there is no way to do this. Just like selling books, it basically goes to overseas platforms. “Magic Mirror” is 100% an 18R game. This kind of theme is actually a relatively embarrassing type.” Chen Xu explained to Ruan Ningxue .

“Then, Chen Xu, why are you still doing this type of thing?”

Ruan Ningxue was a little puzzled. According to his statement, it feels like the game will be down before it goes online.

Even if this is really the case, it means that Chen Xu will be able to be her assistant next.

But to be honest, Ruan Ningxue is now a little different from what she had thought at the time. She spent the month with Chen Xu.

She has made a great improvement with Chen Xu, and at the same time has some simple understanding of the game industry, which seems to be quite interesting.

In addition, there is also her hard work in this, and she really hopes to succeed.

“I have to eat it little by little. I have sufficient preparations for the follow-up of “Magic Mirror”. Senior Sister, you can wait for my good news when the time comes, and then I will definitely give you a big red envelope!” Chen Xu smiled slightly.

“Okay, then I’ll just wait.” Ruan Ningxue looked at Chen Xu with a confident face. Although she was confused, she nodded.

A certain neighborhood in the magic capital.

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A woman in a white shirt and jeans leaned against Ruan Ningxue’s house.

“Xiaoxue, are you really thinking of helping me? With your art and my game design skills, we can definitely make a name for ourselves in the game industry!”

Looking at Yang Xin, who had an excited face in front of her, she put the juice in her hand on the coffee table, Ruan Ningxue seemed to feel that she could understand Chen Xu’s feelings at this moment.

“Sister Xin, I didn’t attack you. You have already developed three games. It seems that all of them are losing money, right?” Ruan Ningxue rolled her eyes and said.

She didn’t know much about games before, but she followed Chen Xu to make games for a month.

Although for her, her work is no different from the previous sketchbook, it is still painting.

But she knew a little bit about the game, and then she found out that Yang Xin, who used to brag to her, didn’t even make a game that paid back.

“Next time it will be a big sale! As long as Xiaoxue comes to help me!” Yang Xin said confidently.

“Come on, it seems that Uncle Yang and Sister Xin have agreed that they will not inject capital after the start-up capital runs out, right? So you, Sister Xin?” Ruan Ningxue, who was sitting on the sofa, expressed doubts looking at Yang Xin’s confident face.

“Cough, by the way, Xiaoxue, how is the game made by your apprentice? Have you found a publisher? Would you like me to introduce one?” Yang Xin coughed softly and changed the subject.

“No need for this, Chen Xu said that he would go online directly on the official platform and not find a game publisher.” Thinking of what he had said to Chen Xu before, Ruan Ningxue shook her head and said.

“didn’t look for a publisher? That’s a big disadvantage. There is no third-party platform for resource promotion, and it is all based on the official platform’s new game recommendation. Unless the quality explodes, it will be difficult to get ahead.” Yang Xin said in a kind of experience.

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“Sister Xin, Chen Xu said that the game doesn’t seem to have any new games in the genre, and it will be uploaded on an overseas platform.” Ruan Ningxue recalled some of the content she talked to Chen Xu yesterday.

“There is no new game in the genre? Overseas platform? 18R content game!? No wonder you are looking for Xiaoxue, but you, a junior, take it for granted, it is difficult for a simple meat selling game to become popular.” I still know the game industry well. Yang Xin, upon hearing Ruan Ningxue’s words, immediately understood the type of game.

Even if it is some bloody and violent games, as long as it is not too excessive, there are still recommendations for new games to be added to the official platform.

Instead of launching on a domestic platform, they chose an overseas platform, and no new tours have been added to the genre.

With this treatment, it is basically an 18R game.

“No way? Chen Xu should have his own plans, right? And “Magic Mirror” is not a simple 18R game, it still has a relatively rich plot content.” Ruan Ningxue thought of Chen Xu’s confident appearance before, and was not sure.

“I don’t understand? I heard you say that your apprentice’s art skills are not worse than yours, right? When I came to you, I just wanted to rely on art as a selling point, but the game can’t be successful just by relying on art. As for the content? What content can 18R games have?”

“This is a judgment from a professional game producer! In addition, there is no new game in the genre, no third-party publishing company, unless he himself advertises on a large scale, otherwise it is very likely it will not float.” Yang Xin is very courageous to judge.

“Then, Sister Xin, do you think the game’s sales can exceed 50,000?” Ruan Ningxue asked Yang Xin with a confident face.


Although Yang Xin haven’t seen the game that Ruan Ningxue participated in.

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But Yang Xin was still very confident in giving the death sentence.

After all, according to the information she got, low-cost independent games, no publishers, 18R games, only two people participated, and the other party seemed to be a manga artist before, and he outsourced some games.

18R games, although there have always been many potential users.

After all, who is not an LSP.

But in this type of game, the competition is also quite huge.

So how can such a combination make a successful game?

You know, she has developed three failed games, and she knows that the game industry is not easy.

“Although 50,000 is impossible, 18R games are generally priced relatively cheaply, and with Ning Xue’s art level, there will be a high bonus and the quality is not bad. If the sales of 10,000 are not bad, maybe you can look forward to it, at least you won’t lose money. .”

“From a risk perspective, 18R games are indeed relatively small.” Yang Xin looked at Ruan Ningxue and comforted a little.

“This is a judgment from a professional gamer!” After thinking about it, Yang Xin added another sentence.

“That’s it.” Ruan Ningxue, who currently knows little about the game industry, has some concerns on her face.

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