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I woke up feeling a lot of pain, but it was not really the pain that woke me up. Rather it was the loud thuds, and the scrape of an essence beast's claw on whatever was left of the great hall. At the moment I knew who I was, or at least I knew the body I was currently inhabiting. I felt like it was my body, but at the same time, I felt like it wasn't. But that was not what was on my mind right now.


I could feel it's breath over me, and every time it breathed the banner over my body rusted a bit an highlighted my sprawled out figure. I held my breath, as I peaked through the little opening at what I was looking at. It was invariably, the leg of a dinosaur or to be more specific a T-rex.

Back in secondary school, I had this rather eccentric teacher who was very different from the norm. He taught me a lot of things that were not really included in the syllabus for my school, and one of them was about dinosaurs. But there was a problem, I knew that this wad a dinosaur, even though it had a red upper skin, white underbelly with black dot like patterns on it, a horn and two very prehensile tails, was actually a species of essence beast called a land dragon. This particular one is called a Tychr Flame Lizard.

I was at odds with myself right now. I had memories that seem like mine, but are not mine, yet they were there like I always owned them before in the first place. The memories came with it's own ensuing emotions, and aches and pain, as if this life really was mine, and who I was no earth was really just a dream. It didn't make sense, it shouldn't make sense, but for some reason it did, plus thinking too much about the reason for my existence gave me headache.

I heard the Tychr Flame Lizard sniffing, it's growls intensely unsettling and growing ever powerful as it drew close to me, hovering over the banner. I once red somewhere that lizards had a very bad sight, and from my memories that seem to not be my memories, the Tychr Flame Lizard was practically blind during the daytime, so it avoided leaving it's nest unless there was a disturbance. And I'm sure my falling down from a pyramid of bones made enough of a commotion to wake even the dead.

However I was not out of danger yet as this beast could sense heat, and had really good hearing and sense of smell. I held my breath, and tried to steady my body as it laid helpless under the banner. The beast hovered over me for a while, it was sure I was here, but it couldn't sense me underneath the banner. I was thankful for that, but it didn't make sense though.

Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part that I won't be discovered by it, but the Tychr Flame Lizard had a powerful enough heat sensing ability that it could see and find any living being through ten inches of concrete. It's powerful sensing abilities made it a perfect zodiac beast, for the soul beast masters of the celestial beast sect, the very same sect that I belonged to, or at least this body that I'm in.

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The flame beast grunted a bit, as it walked around the great hall, searching for whatever might have cause the loud ruckus it heard a little while ago. As for me, I just held my breath as much as I could, and tried to make my self as small as possible. Eventually the Tychr flame beast, with it's height of almost ten meters, and length of 14 meters from snout to tail, turned and left. I listened with bated breaths as the rhythmic sounds of its loud footsteps faded into the distance.


I felt a shiver run through my entire body and I took in great big gulps of air, and tried to breathe as steadily as I could. Then I sat up, holding the banner and making sure it was still wrapped tightly around my body. That was the single most terrifying thing I've ever experienced in my life, and I'm sure the previous owner of this body would also agree.

<<Hide skill has been generated>>

<<Open System Menu?>>

This bloody witchcraft thing has showed up again. With the memories in my head, I could actually just accept that this was not the work of witchcraft, just some sort of higher power I couldn't understand at the moment. However if I said it's the work of devil, then it is the work of the devil, we Africans are stubborn that way. Some might say gullible and primitive, but I like to believe that we see the world as it really is.

<<Open System Menu?>>

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<<Opening System Menu>>

I didn't say I wanted to open anything, but then again I realized I didn't need to. I actually just agreed with my thoughts, and the screen responses to me. It made me wonder if this was not some random witchcraft, but rather 'my witchcraft'. Would I be like harry potter, who used his magic for, all these was the work of the devil, the huge monster that looks like a demon, all this bones and skulls. The fake memories in my head, and this screen. I really was in hell, even though I didn't know how I died this still seemed like it was hell.

[Leon An Khel: Age 20]

[Bloodline: Ancient Human]

[Cultivation level: 0: Mortal]

[Strength: 3/ Speed: 2/ Body 3]

Talents: None

Skills: <<Hide>>

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Stat points:0 Skill Points:0

Most of these things are self explanatory and what I was confused about, the memories in my head filled in the blanks. I really was in another world, and the body I'm in belonged to this Leon An Khel. And since I have no recollection of my name from earth, I guess this is just what I'm going to be known as.

As for his bloodline, there was a funny story behind that. Based on his memories, black people are rare in this world. They're known as Ancient humans, and are quite talented when it comes to cultivation, even though more often than not, they're nothing more than primitive barbarians.

{Mission: Find shelter before nightfall} {Rewards: +1 to all stat}

{Time limit: 2 hours 36 minutes and 30 seconds} {Penalty: Death}

Great another death threat. What the hell was this thing anyway. I had no idea what I was dealing with here.

{Apologies, system would now begin orientation. Welcome Leon, you have been taken from your home in Osaka Japan, earth. From the year 2377 and taken to the popular single player RPG game world the legend of Leon. You are currently inhabiting the body of the main character, and you're expected to live your life, or his life anyway you see fit, with the Game World System as your guide. It has been determined that you are aware of the plot and as such know about future events, dungeons, loots, characters and grinding locations that would help you conquer this world. So play hard and impress all the gods in your journey to godhood and multiverse legendary fame. Thank you..…}

"Wait what! Are you kidding me. You've gotten the wrong person! I'm from Nigeria west Africa, and I'm not from the year 2377, it's 2019! I'm not aware of anything! What game are you talking about?" I asked frantically, and a little too loud as well.

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{Oh dear. It seems the system has made a mistake during the transference of souls. I shall consult with my makers for a solution. In the main time the system advice the host to quickly find shelter and move from where he currently is, as his previous outburst has alerted every essence beast within a two kilometer radius of his presence. I shall now commune with my makers.}

And with that established, the words disappeared and I was left alone. At some point, I think I started accepting this whole thing as my reality, at least for now, considering I was in danger. I really need to find that shelter and get to it.

Based on Leon's memories, the great hall has a storage cellar that was well protected and should have supplies and formations to keep it intact for a very long time. The only problem is the fact that the cellar was right under the pyramid of bones in front of me. Which means, I have to crawl back into that mound of death. But if it keeps me alive, I'm prepared to eat shit!

I got up, still weak but a lot stronger than when I first woke up. It seems that the +1 to all stats really helped make my body stronger. But of course I still looked like an AIDS patient. I wrapped the banner that had protected me from the Tychr Flame Lizard around my body as best as I could, the iron rod that held it up, and was responsible for knocking me out, served as a crutch which helped me scale the pile of bones, until I reached the hole I crawled out from.

*Groooaaaaaarrrr* *Kriririririririr* *Braaaaaaaaaayyyyyy*

I felt heavy all of a sudden, and the sweat that broke out of my body flowed down in rivulets, like I had just been doused with water. I was paralyzed with fear, and it was only until a loud form of movement shook the earth and pushed me back into the hole I crawled out from, was I able to regain control of my body. I was afraid, I was very afraid. I began a mad scramble for the bottom of the pile, not at caring about the amount of noise I made.

And as I did so, I could hear monsters picking apart the bones, and bringing down the pyramid as they looked for me. I was so panicked that I discarded the iron rod, and dug harder, using my fingers to push bones away until they were scratched and bloody.

Finally my hand met a handle that I didn't hesitate to turn. The trap door to storage room opened inwards, so as soon as I fell in, I was accompanied by a dozen skulls and bones, and they would have kept filling the storage room up until there was barely enough room to breathe. So i got up and closed the trap door, cutting off the flow of bones, and whatever little light I had to help me see. And within that darkness a screen popped up.

{Mission accomplished} {+ 1 to all stats,}

But I didn't care about that. I was terrified, so all I could do at this moment, was cry.

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