Intermission 2: Sister Ferris.

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The days are passing with the momentum of chopping bamboo, it is slightly scary…..


Every day is unique, and as the sister of Georg, I’m still enjoying every part of it.


Even the blue sky that I never looked up to now impressed me, and even the insects that were originally only troublesome crop-eaters to me…, I still don’t like insects.


If it’s a butterfly or a grasshopper, I find them pretty, but I don’t like spiders or caterpillars.

She is on such an incredible journey with Georg, and slowly she was gaining the emotions of a normal girl her age (TN: The POV is switched to 3rd person view really weirdly in this sentence). At first I still thought about my mother, brothers and sisters. However, I won’t say that I don’t care about my siblings whose faces I do not remember , or my mother who didn’t help me in the end, or the families they were connected to. It’s just that I find this elder brother who keeps protecting me very important. For me, my brother is my only family and is my world.


“Ferris, are you not tired?” (Georg)


Besides, it still feels somewhat rude to inquire about my previous family when I look at the brother who anxiously worries for me like this.


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“Your older brother is worried, didn’t you take a break a few moments ago?” (Georg)


“What is brother worried about for his sister?” (Ferris)


My older brother and me, I have not experienced any sense of incompatibility in this relationship yet. He is a Dragunir, and my benefactor. There is a slight resistance against calling such a person my brother.

“Even if the injury has healed, Ferris isn’t completely fine yet? I do not want to push you too much.” (Georg)



“…..You are really overprotective and worrying a lot, I’m being spoiled.” (Ferris)



“I decided to be kind to Ferris.” (Georg)


“….Stop already.” (Ferris)


Even though I made a slightly dissatisfied expression, he just smiled cheerfully.

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Always, yes, when I am tired, resting, eating, and sleeping. I have only spent two days together with him, but his unconditional and unlimited kindness has certainly, although warming my heart, also been a slight annoyance.


<A sun-like person.>


Or maybe a Prince Charming. He helped me away from a dangerous place and keeps protecting me. I feel really good when I’m relying on him.








He spent some days with me here, and a short time later we arrived in a place called the Devil Forest, where he immediately chased away all the monsters. In only a moment, he created a town in the middle of this vast forest. When I heard that he is going to make a country where only beastmen, elves and dwarves will live, my heart was surely dancing, but I didn’t honestly think that making such a thing would be possible.

The power of a Dragunir, I think it is reliable rather than horrible. This person surely can do it. I believe him to this extent.

And this time, the rapidly passing days of education and acceptance for as many as 68 new residents, the reconstruction of the city, and the cultural exchange with the new residents began. I studied by myself, but I always had my older brother at my side. Other than that, I remembered even the emotion the new residents had when they were accepted here.

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Yet this is only one step.

My brother mumbled that while we were staying at his own mansion. A town that can be said to be a utopia for demi-humans is growing right now. I think this is a great change by itself, but my brother isn’t satisfied yet.


I repeat to myself:  “Organization is …….”, “Food self-sufficiency rate…..”, “Security personnel……”, “The operation involved a civil official with training…..”. All this management stuff is still difficult for me.

Eventually, I realized we would be making a country that could equal those of the humans. And I know that this will be seen as an act of picking a fight with the humans.  Even if that’s true, my brother has no intention of stopping.


“Older brother…..let’s take a good rest.” (Ferris)


“Hmm?…… Oh, what are you worried about? I’ll also comb your hair properly later.” (Georg)


“That….is not what I meant….” (Ferris)


Recently, Ferris lost her resistance to Georg combing her hair every evening. It was first asked for by the wolf and rabbit tribe people, and others might have been a bit jealous, because soon enough all residents were asking for it.

<It has become a habit….>

Yes, for other people it seems to feel the same. If you let Georg comb your hair, you will feel as if you are falling asleep in the warmth of the sun on a beautiful day.

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A sense of security, it can be summarized by that.

The act of trusting a person, and on top of that a truly trusted person, gives the same feeling a kitten has when it rests on its mother. It is a sense of happiness and security which I felt when I was sleeping next to the mother of whom I don’t know of if she is alive or not.

Although I became able to call him my older brother with confidence now, I still feel embarrassed.


And it has even gotten to the stage that we will accept new residents again soon.

From my brother’s story, I can tell that there are about 300 people gathered. I feel both happiness and loneliness in that story. My brother has definitely been getting busier. That means less time for ourselves. However, if you look at the older brother who is so busy, and see the residents who have great expectations, even if my mouth trembled I wouldn’t say anything.

Besides, I have some expectations somewhere in my heart. This city has given a daughter like me the freedom to enjoy daily life. How great would it be if my mother and siblings were included in those 300 new residents?

And my brother will say someday: “Here, you can take over.”


He is a great brother, a proud elder brother. I really lack the ability to stand next to such a person.

But I will not leave this place. Because this is my wish.

Somewhere in my heart I think of him as a member of the opposite sex rather than an older brother. If that hinders my wish, I do not need such thoughts. I just want to stay by his side.

The existence called Ferris is now composed of that will.


There would soon be a big turning point for the town and the world.


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