Because the foundations are so important, they are difficult.

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About two months after our city accepted the large resident group, I was digesting its state.

On the first day, those who couldn’t hide their doubts and anxiety even after arrival had been astounded by the wide-scale recovery magic used to cure the ones who had bad health or wounds. After that, they were given clothes, meals, blankets, etc. To maintain equality, every 2~3 people were given a house of their choosing, to live in.

Later, I was complained to by Nina and Cale, for bringing way more people than first assumed.

Starting from the next day, I started to teach studying half of the time, and in the other half I allocated jobs to them, so I could multitask as much as possible. This desperate plan of switching between studying and working is a harsh strategy to get the desired fighting power of our country as fast as possible. Also, when I’m working, I can instruct the people who have been here for a longer time to teach the newbies.

I got a small complaint of the head of each department about letting people without work experience do the jobs.

As soon as all people trusted me, I distributed the combs. After that, I brushed the tail of Lisa (Risha) for a long time.  Because it was done in the plaza, the show deeply moved the onlooking people.

I combed the hair of Ferris, who suddenly became moody, carefully in the evening.

Then, to deepen the bonds between them, I introduced everyone to soccer. At this stage, the men are enjoying it a lot. Sports are great.

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However, following the complaint that there weren’t enough balls, I cut down on break time and increased their work.

In addition, the females’ gardening shows great promise, for they are planting plants such as hemp and cotton, which are the raw materials of new clothes. The gathering of tools and materials for tailoring already began, so I calmed down the situation by using my coercion skill for the first time in this city. I instructed them to make copies of some materials and distribute them to workers.

The women’s enthusiasm gave me a scare that night.

The fishing industry will also flourish at some point, since I’ve made a pier, fishing rods and taught them how to fish. But because the beastmen haven’t had the opportunity to bond with water in their lives, many of them disliked water. Then again, there are some who are accustomed to it and jump in to catch the fish with their bare hands.

When something is different, you suddenly become frustrated.

I decided to rethink it at some point and proceeded to build a mine, but I realized that I hadn’t developed a long-lasting light source, so I went to research that first.

But I am already extremely busy, so the research advances slowly.

These days I’ve been repeating the same thing over and over. But when I thought my heart would finally break, the chaos settled down. In other words.

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“I want to take a break for a while.” (Georg)

“What are you saying, I promised a new ship would be made today, the people from the iron and wood industries are waiting for you, brother. You need to go, quickly.” (Ferris)

Georg was having a burn-out.

“Hey, I don’t think I need to do those things which I can also do tomorrow.” (Georg)

“Tomorrow is the day of the regular meeting.” (Ferris)

“Ah….then the day after tomorrow….” (Georg)

“The day after tomorrow you have to visit and provide guidance to the farms, and in the afternoon you need to train the newly organized guards.” (Ferris)

“Then, three days time!!?” (Georg)

“You have to make a trial production facility for compartment maintenance, and there is the money casting with the iron and wood industry.” (Ferris)

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“Ahhhhh, I feel like tofu……” (Georg)

Recently, Ferris is too capable and strict. This is the gift of a long education, and it is a pleasure, not to be grieved over.

“……Shall we go?” (Ferris)

“Yeah.” (Georg)

In the end, Georg went to work with built-up enthusiasm.

The next day, the monthly meeting with the chiefs of each department was held.

They were the chiefs of the agricultural industry, the livestock industry, the fishing industry, the iron industry, the wood industry, the textile industry, industrial director Nina, and industrial director Cale.

As well as the captain of the newly organized guards, Johann of the wolf-tribe, and Jill of the leopard-tribe who became his assistant. She seems to have served as a merchant, so she already had a high degree of knowledge about letters and calculations. She has the job of solving disparities between residents.

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A meeting of twelve people, including Georg and Ferris, was held there.

By the way, the guards are meant to maintain the security of the whole city with a population of over 500 people now, rather than only defending the industries and branch industries. In fact, this is a preliminary step for the establishment of the military, it is nurturing the future officers.  In the future we plan to make the guard corps and military completely separate organizations, but the guard corps organized this time is planned to be promoted to military leaders at some point.

The guard corps currently consists of 47 people. A corps that consists of 3 platoons, each 15 people, with Johann as commander and Jill as the adjutant. And after the second corps, the captain of the first division, the squad leaders and the senior general positions are set up, Johann will function as the captain of the guard and Jill as the security officer. And this organization is under direct command of Georg. As they have the role of maintaining security, they cannot afford having bonds of friendship with other organizations. They are honored to have received life directly from Georg, and they will be bound by stricter rules than other organizations. The residents of the city were convinced that they needed it, but it will be trial and error for some time. It will also be necessary to create manuals for those rules later. Again, the challenges are piled up.

By the way, they have received armor and weapons from Georg. Those aren’t products of the iron industry, which hasn’t succeeded in making high quality weapons or armor yet. No, they are of the highest quality, made by Georg himself. They were so good that Georg was asked to give some of them as prototypes for the industrial sector, and the joy of those people was amazingly great.

Light armor that emphasizes mobility by protecting only the chest, shin and vulnerable spots, but it’s very reliable and will definitely protect the important places of the body. And what they were even more pleased about was being given two one-handed swords like Georg has. This is because only Georg can teach the handling of those swords, and it’s a problem of skill too because the swords are extremely specialized.

This is the reason for their joy, being able to fight the same way as the person of their admiration. And, as the time is approaching that I have to teach the sword to the men, the male camp of this city is abnormally excited. I am not recruiting students.

And they will be the cornerstones of the strongest infantry units that will be feared by humans. There are few people that can win one on one against a healthy beastman, since its strength and agility are vastly superior to those of humans.

In addition to the foundation of the guards, we also established a medical research group of five people with particularly good grades.

And so, the evolution of our town finally begins.

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