Garudeina Vol.4 Chapter 3

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The Great Times


“Hmmm….Tina.” (Georg)


“Ha….Yes!” (Tina)


“Come over here.” (Georg)


“Okay!!” (Tina)


When the meeting ended, Georg called Tina to him. Tina ran at such speed that a whooshing noise could be heard near her tail, and the other people had expressions of envy while they left. Only Ferris remained by my side, she had a face of envy, but was watching it while smiling.


“There, there.” (Georg)


“Yes!” (Tina)


Tina puts a chair right in front of Georg’s eyes, sits there and turns her back to him. She sits sideways so that the backrest doesn’t get in Georg’s way.

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“Well, is this okay?” (Georg)


“Yes! Thank you very much!!” (Tina)


After checking her answer, I put my hands in my pocket and pulled out a comb. Using it, I comb Tina’s hair.


“Fuuuuu…..haa……” (Tina)


Tina accepted it with rising breath and a pleasant voice. Yes, this is the event that happens after each meeting, being brushed by Georg.

The conference has only been held three times, but it was Georg who was mentally tired after the first meeting and caught Ferris right after the end, proceeded to comb her hair and, as such, established this tradition.


Incidentally, Georg began to touch Ferris’ ears and tail whenever he returned home from work, and in the week following the immigration of new residents, he combed the hair of every new resident.

He asked of Ferris: “Can I touch your ears and tail?”

The person himself reasoned like this: “I was tired, I wanted to do it, and now I feel no regrets doing it, I feel satisfied instead.”


Ferris, who heard his words, accepted his reasoning. Originally, it seems that there is no significant meaning in touching the ears and tail. It is a common story that people who have touched the ears and tail should take responsibility, but there seems to be no such thing in this world.


Georg honestly thought he should have heard about it sooner. Knowledge from when he was a person in modern times interfered here.


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However, the ears do seem to be sensitive, and so, the beast people do not want to be touched there by someone they do not trust.


And yes, Georg, who gained the right to touch Ferris’ tail and ears, mofu’d, cuddled, slightly kissed the ears and fell asleep holding her tail. Sometimes she looked at his face and saw a feeling of enjoyment plastered all over it.


Ferris was shaking her body slightly with sweet breaths. Usually, they sleep in two separate beds, but that day they took the same bed to sleep in. Looking at how much I did, the action was already out, but I was only hungry for that much.

Of course, because Ferris was fine with it, Georg literally continued until he slept from exhaustion.


It goes without saying that Ferris had a weird feeling that night and could not fall asleep. Even when trying to get out of bed, the tail was held firmly.


Because of Georg’s love for beast ears.


There is only that. From then on, Georg was healing himself by catching Ferris at his leisure, and was seen doing it at the first meeting.


“Tina is going to be busy from now on…… do you best.” (Georg)


“Yes, Georg’s expectations, I will do my best not to betray them.” (Tina)


“Hehe, the day I savor a fish dish might not be so far away.” (Georg)


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While having an ecstatic expression, Tina told us stories, and when I had completely brushed her hair, she moved to the next stage without falling asleep. Namely, the ears and tail.


“Uwahhh……it’s a little ticklish.” (Tina)


“Huh, like this?” (Georg)


“Ah……ha…there…..” (Tina)


While I turned the ears and stroked her tail, Tina who was tickled at first started to raise a glassy voice now. She has a very dangerous scent, but I think this is a form of skinship.



It’s skinship.



“My older brother, soon.” (Ferris)


“5 more minutes.” (Georg)


“Ahhhhh…..uuuu…” (Tina)

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Even though Ferris is displeased, I cannot resist this charm. Despite being from the same tiger family as Ferris, her fur and hair are slightly softer than Ferris’. Who is better, I am not saying.


Georg, who had recently been taught several things related to ears and tails by Ferris, could now even feel the slight differences in the skin. Of course, he has the permission of all residents. As a result, the residents started to say: “If you want Georg to take care of you more, you should properly care for your skin.”


For a while, I was sorry for those with lovers, but those people told me that they have no problem with it if I do it to them both at the same time. Who would’ve thought that lovers could approve of me like this.


It seems to them that Georg is a family and parent before he is a Lord. It is said that parents should love their children equally.


<This is heaven on earth.>


Aside from what I thought, the skinship is generally well received by the beastmen. However, as the Elves and dwarves who have no beast ears and tails seemed a bit sad, I gently stroked the long elf ears, and I rubbed the muscular dwarf bodies.  This is also popular, but to be honest, if it’s a male elf, dwarf or a beast, the look they give me with upturned eyes hits hard in another sense.

So, I have decided to always mofu with a lady at the end of the day.

Even though he makes great accomplishments and has a great deal of strength, Georg is a sensitive ordinary man, too. Regarding the male camp, they also agree on this.

Those who were already married had probably declared that they would not let me comb them, but as it has been requested so much, and has been adjusted to be able to do it with their spouse and children together, it has become an unwritten law of sorts to have me do it.


It’s said that even Georg said that it is not good to let random people touch you, but it was subtly changed afterwards and ultimately became a saying of how Georg touches people to bring them good luck, and it was rooted into the tribe laws.


But Georg, who loves Nina, thinks of no such things. He just loves the beast ears and tail in front of him.

…….Approximately 5 minutes after Ferris reprimanded him, he returned to work.

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