Gear Drive

Chapter 12

The Departure of a Little Hero

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I looked at Uta’s face, and it seemed that he had been severely scared by Uncle Ladder. So why don’t you go play in a bigger place?…… You always end up overturning the flower beds and climbing on the roof because you swing your toy sword so hard in this place.

When I look at the top of the roof, I can’t see the toy wooden sword at all. It seems to be neatly perched on the top.

Hmmm, if I could see it, I could get it with a stick or something. I don’t want to meet the ladder man because I remember he used to give me a hard time in the past.

«Hey, I’ll do a magic trick for you.»

«A magic trick?»

Anna tilted her head cutely.

«What can An do?»

«Why don’t you believe me?»

I am the world’s best when it comes to gears!

……What if it was really the only mysterious skill in the world?

«Hey, can you really take the sword?»

«……Well, watch this.»

I can produce a lot of small gears, and I’ve already confirmed that I can fix them in space…….

(Crown, give me a staircase of gears.)


─────Adapt and deploy under the circumstances.»

Nyu, nyu, nyu.


A few metallic disks appear in front of me.

Teeths immediately erupted. They are a beautiful orange gold.

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They were spinning slowly.

«What is this!»


Cute? I’m not sure about that feeling. ……

The gears are slowly moving upward. One stops at a certain height, and another stops a little further up…….

«It’s done.»


The gear stairs are done!

I’m glad we were just behind the building. I’m sure no one saw me.

……I mean, the gears are spinning, aren’t they?
You can’t put your foot on it!


All the gears stop moving.


«An, I didn’t know you could do that…….»


Yeah, it’s amazing.

Until a few days ago, I didn’t think it was possible either.

I was dreaming of more magic. Gusun.

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«Yo, tto.»

Guni ~tsu.

What’s with the elasticity? Is it fixed properly?……

You’re not going to suddenly fall, are you? It would be a shame to fall to my death in a place like this.

«Yo, tto.»

The gears are hard, but the air underneath them seems to be an elastic mass. It’s a little hard to ride because of the cushioning.

I decided to climb up one step at a time.


Wow, I was surprised.

The gear on the side of my back foot is shaking.

It’s like it’s connected to the ground by an invisible spring. ……

I’m scared! I just looked down!

No, no, no, no! The scaffolding is so small, it’s scary!

I climbed up to the same height as the roof, trembling inwardly.

There it is……. Let’s do this……

It would have been better if it had stuck out a little…….

Now, I’m going to go down……. It’s scary …….

«Huh, huh.»

I came down very cautiously, and I’m super tired.

I made up my mind never to climb up and down in this way again.

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«Here, take care of it.»

«An is amazing!»

«What is this…..?»


Log tried to touch the gears that were still floating, so I hurriedly turned them off.

«It’s gone!»

«Haha, yes, magic tricks.»

«Eh~ do more~!»

«No. Oh, and as you probably already know, you can’t go outside today. You’ll be eaten by the Berg Bear.»

«It won’t eat me! I’ll kill it!»

«You can’t……»

I reminded the three of them not to go outside and went home.

There were fewer customers in the cafeteria than usual, and those who were there were all talking about the Berg Bear. When I asked my parents if they would be able to keep up with their stock if the gates were closed for a long time, they said that they would have to think about it then. That’s no surprise.

────The sun will be setting soon.

«──This is how I’m going to defeat the Berg Bear…….»

«Uta, what are you doing?»

«Hey, Ana. Why are you here?»

«It’s going to be dark soon, and you came out of your house.»

«Huh, what, are you going to kill the Berg Bear?»

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«Log! You’re here too?»

«Don’t try it! You’re a fake hero and nothing more!»

«I’m not a fake!»

«Let’s not fight! You’re not allowed to fight, An said!»

«Look! Here!»

«? What’s that?»

«It’s fire magic!»

«Anna, I’ve seen that before! That’s the one that they use in the kitchen!»

«Yes! The old man said that forest creatures can’t get close to fire!»

«You can’t kill it with that!»

«Shut up! With this and the Hero sword, it’s perfect!»

«But the gate is closing.»

«Don’t worry, the water gate closes at the very end! A child can get out from there!»

«Hey, are you sure you want to go? Stop it! You’ll get your mommy in trouble!»

«Shut up! I’m not a wimp like you!»


«I’m a Hero! Watch me! I’m going!»

«Wait ~ Anna too! Anna goes too!»

«Hey, wait, you two!»


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