[Genius Demon Empress] 001. Insult

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Azure Dragon continent. Around the outer most area of Mount Bai Shou, a few shadows are stealthily carrying an unconscious girl.

The moonlight seeping through the cracks between the trees are pale like frost, shedding upon the unconscious girl’s hair.

Swiftly moving across to a hidden place, the leader of the masked people throws the unconscious girl onto the ground, then tosses out a bag of gold coins: “She’s yours now.  As long as you don’t kill her, you can do whatever you want.”

The voice of the person speaking is melodious, sweet, and mellow; very obviously, it’s a woman. Except a shred of gloominess and coldness are mixed in with her words, making people shiver even though it’s not cold.

“DaRen[1], please feel free to be reassured, we the Shadow Rats Mercenary Group already took the money, so we’ll definitely complete our assignment. Besides, this time’s transaction only has advantages, no disadvantages.” The men to rub their hands together, and exposed their yellow teeth which has been darkened by smoking and drinking. They avariciously stare at the prey on the ground. Thinking of the good time they’re going have in a moment, they let out a vulgar laughter.

The kidnapper woman glances at the unconscious girl. A sneer appears on the corner of her lips. She pulls the girl’s hair upwards, behind the long black silk-like hair, was half of the outline of the girl’s graceful face.

The unconscious girl is very young. Her fine and exquisite body is bundled in a slightly worn-out deerskin soft-armour. On her waist, she carried a dagger gleaming with coldness.

The exposed half of the girl’s face, could bully frost and surpass snow [2]. She had eyebrows which were as thick as if they were nature itself [3], a completely straight nose, honey lips which sparkled even if nothing was put on, and near perfect facial features.

In those mercenaries’ eyes, flashed across a smidge of breath-taken, and couldn’t help but say in chorus: “Good gracious, we’ve never seen such a beautiful woman before in our lives. She truly is worthy of being Long Zhan Empire’s number one beauty.”

“She was the number one beauty, but now she’s nothing but trash who someone who can’t condense Dark-qi [4] and someone who’s dan-tian [5] is about to be crippled, that’s all,” the masked woman’s five fingers gathered together, then a spiral of sinister Dark light pierced into the unconscious girl’s body.

The unconscious girl cried out a sound. Her long hair, as if it were a rag had been forcibly pulled apart. After the gold light entered her body, her spine curled up together, and she threw up bits of blood from the corner of her mouth.

The other side of the girl’s face appeared out in the open. An ugly pattern of marks was closely spread-out all over the right side of her face.

The left and right side of her face contrasted beautiful and ugly, making it seem all the more out of place. Those mercenaries immediately showed at face of revulsion.

The masked woman satisfiedly took back her hand, “Don’t worry, even though her face is destroyed, her figure on the contrary is very good. The few of you should carefully enjoy it. Tomorrow afternoon, bring her bare naked body to the free market outside of Mount Bai Shou and leave it there, that’s all you have to do.”

Witnessing the woman crippling the other person’s dan-tian in just the moment she raised a hand, her cruel methods and profoundness of her cultivation caused these mercenaries who have been accustomed to seeing all kinds of fierce life-and-death battles can’t help but shrink back their neck.

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After the woman finished talking, her body disappeared with a shuffling motion from these people’s faces.

“Da-ge [6], this person’s origins and identity are not normal, what if someone looks into this?” Seeing that that extremely mysterious woman’s shadow already completely disappeared, the people from Shadow Rats Mercenary Group began to show hesitation.

“She’s only a good-for-nothing from a bankrupt family, what’s there to be afraid of. That woman just now was so vicious and merciless, and so generous with money. One hundred gold coins, this isn’t a small number.” The Shadow Rats Mercenary Group is an incompetent, lowly mercenary group. Even the group’s main backbone, Qi Feng is nothing more than a third rank dark-user, even everyday meals are a problem. It’s a very rare opportunity to encounter such an easy profitable mission like this.

Staring at that fine and exquisite figure, Qi Feng swallowed some saliva. He impatiently tore apart the girl’s deerskin armour, exposing her dove-white like fair chest.

Just as the deerskin armour was torn apart, the finger of the girl who was unconscious since the beginning twitched.

Consciousness gradually beginning to gather up, Yue Xiao Qi who sunk into unconsciousness when the bomb exploded and the large building collapsed with a loud rumble, gradually recovered her consciousness.

Soft and wet soil, and the scent of wet grass.

In the 23rd century CE Yue Xiao Qi lived in, the entire globe’s rainforests went extinct. Only in a few large nations’ countries’ could you smell this kind of scent. Yue Xiao Qi’s brain became a bit clearer.

Forest? She should be in the Hexagon stealing the strongest weapon the U.S. army recently obtained, why is she in a forest.

Year 2238 CE, NASA discovered what is supposedly a record of humankind’s strongest weapons in history on the Gamma satellite in the Milky Way.

The Americans utilized several hundred international code-cracking experts and half a year’s time to decipher this record’s first page.

Yue Xiao Qi and another female spy, Zhen Ni, infiltrated the heavily guarded Hexagon, under the orders of stealing the top-secret data which has a market value as high as six hundred billion international currency.

After successfully cracking through the authorities’ defenses, and stealing the record with the strongest weapons recorded inside, Yue Xiao Qi opened that mysterious weaponry record due to needing confirmation.

It was a book with a strange name; its size was similar to the Holy Bible – Canonical Text of Uncommon Knowledge.

After flipping past the title page, Yue Xiao Qi could only see a few pages of blank space. Due to being flabbergasted because of the strange book in her hand, it had caused Yue Xiao Qi to be careless for a moment, making her overlook Zhen Ni’s movements.

In a moment of seconds, the U.S. Army’s defences completely activated. In a rain of firearms and a hail of bullets, sounds of Zhen Ni’s insane laughter, reverberated by her ears.

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Because of jealousy, Zhen Ni’s mentality became twisted, she frantically clamored: “Yue Xiao Qi, aren’t you the internationally ranked number female spy? Now even if you grow wings you can’t fly [6]. If it weren’t for you, the person Liao Zui loves would be me, the internationally ranked number-one, trump card female spy would also be me. Die, Yue Xiao Qi.”

Yue Xiao Qi, someone who lived aloofly in both the dark and light worlds [7], wandered under both the sunshine and the moonlight, the astounding female spy.

She does whatever she wants, is wildly arrogant, haughty, and also deterministic.

Even as she is being betrayed by her companion, under the rain of firearms and hail of bullets, she was still able to retain her indifferent mild yet tender smile. Not even a twitching her brows and eyes, she shot a bullet at suicide brooch she always wears on her body. In it, it stores explosives strong enough to make an entire large building collapse.

She may be dying, but Zhen Ni’s alarmed yelling before her death and a whole army’s begging made her feel very carefree.

As a female spy, unexpected encounters can happen at any time.

Even if it is the female spy Yue Xiao Qi, someone who has never failed before since starting her career at fifteen, and the Cathay Alliance’s most legendary female spy.

When the bullet detonated the explosives, her body tore into fragments. The moment fresh blood rushed out, her blood sprayed onto the Canonical Text of Uncommon Knowledge she was holding against her chest.

A hollow and distant sound, like it came from the Ninth Heaven, the highest of heavens, arrived and echoed beside her ears: “Congratulations, you have successfully opened the Canonical Text of Uncommon Knowledge.”

The first moment after she regained her consciousness, disarrayed yet sorrowful fragments of memories entered into Yue Xiao Qi’s brain.

Transmigration? Reincarnation? Large amounts of information rushed into Yue Xiao Qi’s brain in a moment of lightning and thunder [8].

She, didn’t die, she had entered into her body.

Someone who lives in an unknown continent outside of Earth, into the body of a girl named Yue Jing Hua.

As a top-notch spy, in the shortest time possible Yue Xiao Qi filtered out a few of the most useful information for her current situation.

Who is this body’s original owner, why was she taken here by force, and how to escape from this situation?

Name: Yue Jing Hua

Family background: The daughter of the direct blood line of a fallen noble family from Long Zhan Empire.

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Personal experiences: Began learning martial arts at three, could condense Dark-qi at seven, advanced on to a dark-user when she was ten, becoming a dark-martial practitioner, and advanced through to ninth-rank dark-user at thirteen.

Also at age thirteen, Yue Jing Hua was poisoned and became disfigured, her dan-tian became damaged, so she was unable to condense Dark-qi, and her cultivation dropped below dark-user.

Age fifteen, after her family went bankrupt because her biological father, Grand Duke Xue Ying, wasn’t good at running businesses he disappeared. Yue Jing Hua and her mother as well as her younger brother, all went to seek refuge at her maternal side’s family in the country of Shang.

The area Yue Jing Hua is located at is called Mount Bai Shou. The reason she would appear here is because she has to participate in Xuan Ji Academy’s entrance exam along with some companions.

Not long after entering into Mount Bai Shou, Yue Jing Hua encountered a raid from these mercenaries disguised as bandits. Among the companions she was with, no one was willing to come out and help. After a surprise attack from a female mercenary, Yue Jing Hua received a serious injury, and silently passed away.

Her memories come to a sudden stop, a man’s voice from in front of her breaks the silence like a housefly’s buzzing.  

“Such white skin and soft flesh, girls from noble families really do make people feel ecstatic,” Qi Feng groaned.

The groaning immediately turned into a wave of miserable howling. Following soon after, sharp pain came from the area between Qi Feng’s thighs and he instinctively began to quickly fall backwards. A flash of white light immediately burst out from within his body, a suit of rock armour began to form over his skin.

Yue Jing Hua’s body may have been disabled, but she did after all come from a noble family, she does have some knowledge and experience.

The white light on Qi Feng’s body is precisely a third-rank dark-user dark-martial practitioner’s skill – rock transformation. It can for a short duration of time allow the skin to become as hard as rock. It is very hard for a normal person’s attacks and weapons to harm it.

This must be quickly dealt with as soon as possible. She absolutely cannot allow him to complete his rock transformation.

A pair of elbow, like iron clubs popped up from the ground, and ruthlessly attacked towards Qi Feng’s knees just when the white light still hasn’t completely taken form yet.  

Transformation skills from Dark-qi require a bit of time, and during that amount of time, is exactly when Qi Feng’s combat capabilities are at its weakest. His legs numbed for a moment then he kneeled down.

“Bang bang bang”, a few elbow attacks came like shots of bullets, quickly and ruthlessly, just as if those elbow grew eyes, each attacked towards his knees, abdomen, chest, and neck.  

Qi Feng collapsed down on his back. The girl swiftly leaped up. A flash of light from her waist appeared. The cold light from the dagger on her waist shifted, and then the sound of blood spurting echoed.

Those two mercenaries both gasped, and subconsciously protected their crotch area. Though it’s late, Qi Feng had already fallen down and was endlessly rolling around on the ground.

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This girl, her methods are very sinister.

Her back faced the dim light of the night, the girl’s face was hidden under her dishevelled hair. Only a pair of clear eyes remained, it was glinting a fierce light like a beast would.

At a rapid speed, Yue Xiao Qi’s brain began to revolve: the enemy are three male adults, their heights are about 175cm, and all are adept at martial arts.

One of them has temporarily lost the ability to fight, the remaining two’s standard are rather poor. Two minutes are enough to take care of these two.

Just as the two mercenaries had yet to come back to their senses and react, their sight blurred again, and the girl disappeared once more.

The Yue Jing Hua who has been labelled as a good for nothing, her feet suddenly became like a top that grew legs, and met those two mercenaries head-on in close distance.

Another whack from her elbow collided into the mercenary on the left’s face. Only a cracking sound was heard, then the bone on bridge of his nose cracked; mucus and fresh blood mixed together.

“Pftpft”, ten slender jade-like fingers directly stabbed into the mercenary on the right’s eye sockets. His black beads [9] burst out, his vision immediately becoming blurred.

Attacking with both hands one after another in quick succession, she proceeded on to grabbing the two hefty fellows’ necks, and “peng [10]” there was another loud sound.  

The two mercenaries who were full of vim and vigour just a moment ago are now weakly laying on the ground, their faces covered in blood, their appearances completely gone.

Making underhanded moves [11], breaking bones, poking eyes, not one move is not an utmost sinister technique.

Qi Feng straightened himself up with difficulty. What he could only see though was the Yue Jing Hua who had been labelled as a “good-for-nothing”, quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately defeating his subordinates. The expression in his eyes finally changed, from his initial disdain to fear.

After taking care of those two, Yue Xiao Qi was slightly astonished. Yue Jing Hua’s body was unusually easy to use. No matter if it’s her jumping ability or ability to exert force, every move she learned from her previous life was carried out without any breaking. The only thing that’s inadequate is when she was fighting, she was unable to re-direct qi from her dan-tian.

However, before attempting to get a full understanding of this body’s problems, she still needs to properly “take care” of Qi Feng and the person hidden behind him manipulating things from behind the scene.  

There’s revenge to get but she doesn’t get it, then that isn’t Yue Xiao Qi

“What what do you want to do,” Qi Feng stuttered, while looking at the “Yue Jing Lan”’s evil-spirit like face while she got closer step-by-step. A smile of unknown intentions blossomed from her cheeks, like an enchanting fluttering jimsonweed[12] amongst the dark night.

Who said that Yue Jing Hua was a good-for-nothing who couldn’t condense together Dark-qi. All her moves just now were all fatal. How is this some newbie who came to Mount Bai Shou to learn and practice, this is obviously an evil street ruffian who’s familiar with all kinds of fighting techniques.    

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