Chapter 5 – The Beautiful Male Summoning Master

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Posted on September 16, 2017 by savvyblue1998

Qing Pu couldn’t help but stare blankly, and his golden eyes became a bit dignified.

Because of an unlucky incident, he became dormant in Yue Jing Hua’s body for many years, and understands “Yue Jing Hua” very well.

“She” does not have a tough disposition and is cowardly and timid. She is a young aristocratic miss who is excessively protected by her clan. Her mental strength is so weak, “he” never had to face bold opposition.

However, tonight’s Yue Jing Hua was different. Precisely speaking, this Yue Jing Hua who had been sneakily hijacked was completely different.

Her incredible intelligence was not something Qing Pu would expect.

It’s like exchanging one person for another. Today, Yue Jing Hua’s state of mind is quick and nimble. For starters, she is ruthless and vicious. Not only that, but she suddenly showed this extreme talent at fifteen!

“I caused “Yue Jing Hua’s” to appear to have a lack of cultivation. I’m one of the thirteen shamans from ancient times. Although I am a Profound Shaman, I’m not evil. Your fiendish black gas has nothing to do with to me. Nor am I the person responsible for the evil spirit lines. Also, you may have just realized it, but it’s only due to our joined abilities that we could control it.” Qing Pu’s words caused Yue Jing Hua to suffer from shock. She never expected that her right face was caused by evil spirit lines.

The Azure Dragon Continent has several mysterious ways to increase the speed of cultivation. The most common methods were diligent cultivation and medicine pellets, but two methods were particularly extreme. One was to hunt mysterious beasts and extract strength from their profound pellets. The second way was to carve spirit lines.

The two types of spirit lines were evil lines and and sacred lines, which were yin and yang in nature.

Legend has it that on the Azure continent was a mystical ancient art. Engraving totem-like lines on humans, beasts, or even weapons could assist them in absorbing dark profound spirit qi from the atmosphere.

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Evil lines absorb yin qi, and sacred lines absorb yang qi.

With regards to profound qi, the violent yin qi was the most difficult to control. It was very possible to sink into your heart’s devil and very difficult to extricate yourself from it, so evil lines were only useful in some large mysterious beasts, and were rarely used on the body.

However, the opposing gentle yang qi was easier to control, so sacred lines had become the best choice for people on the continent.

“Yue Jing Hua” had strange evil lines on the right side of her face. She had once gone missing and someone had drawn them onto her face. She had a blank space in her memories from the time that person had drawn those evil lines. The only link was Qing Pu who was inside her dantian, who had no information.

“Even though I am a shaman, I’m unable to get rid of the evil lines on your face. If we gather the both of our strengths together, we can prevent your qi from scattering. I am the only one on the Azure Continent able to become your teacher.” Qing Pu’s voice was filled with resentment. Back in the day, he was a shaker of heaven and earth who could strike terror into the hearts of countless formidable mysterious beasts with a single move, but now he had sunk so low that he had to beg this girl to let him occupy her body.

Qing Pu was once the most talented master on the Azure Dragon Continent whose skills had reached the acme of perfection. Who would have thought that he would be framed by his enemies and his body dissolved into smoke, with no alternative but to attach his spirit to a tree spirit to feed on like a parasite.

By lucky coincidence, he was able to form a contract with “Yue Jing Hua.” with the help of a Profound Shaman’s power, he helped “her” practice cultivation, which speed up her cultivation considerably and gather profound strength. He would have been able to form a body soon, but who could have thought about this evil lines issue.

The whole time Qing Pu was speaking, Yue Jing Hua’s back was facing him, so he did not discover that while he was speaking, she was looking around impudently with raised eyebrows and a crafty look on her face.

While the shaman Qing Pu was expressing his goodwill, Yue Jing Hua remembered the bronze Summoning Sacred Canon she saw at Old Xia’s general store.

She also remembered that when he was talking about summoning masters he had a lofty, unfathomable expression on his face as he said “Summoning masters are the true descendants. One person is enough to match more than one mysterious beast.

No matter how she had reborn into Yue Jing Hua’s body on the Azure Dragon Continent, she was still the 23rd century’s top spy, Yue Xiao Qi, whose confidence made everything a piece of cake; she did as she liked and held her head high.

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The mercenary who assassinated “Yue Jing Hua” and the backstage manipulator who drew the spirit lines on her face. With these people and matters in front of her, if Yue Jing Hua wished to survive on this profound qi filled Azure Dragon Continent, she would inevitably need a formidable force backing her.

Although the first layer of the Nine Transformations of Fortune’s Merit was rather mysterious, she was just a beginner. It would be too difficult to perfectly grasp the concepts. She still was unable to face strong enemies, but if she became a summoning master she would be able to summon a large army of mysterious beasts. Just the saliva from a bite from a single mysterious beast would be enough to drown the opponent alive.

“A summoning master? You bully me as if I haven’t studied the continent’s history. The Shaman Summoning Clan went extinct long ago. Your evidence is as flimsy as a dandelion, and wouldn’t be able to hold two pieces of meat. What method could you possess that would turn me into a summoning master?” Yue Jing Hua needed to retreat in order to advance. She no longer rejected him, but instead started to feel out the situation.

“To become a Shaman Summoner, you need to fulfill two conditions. You need to possess enough mental strength and elemental affinity. When Qing Pu’s body was damaged, he was one of the extremely few summoning masters whose abilities pierced the heavens. He could summon ninth rank mysterious beasts

By learning from his experiences, he wished to raise “Yue Jing Hua” as a summoning master, which would be a much easier way to cultivate. It was a shame that the past “Yue Jing Hua” was worthless.

Her mental strength was weak and she was only able to attain a low grade strength with effort. Her elemental affinity was even worse. With such natural talents, even if she were to become a summoning master, she would take an entire lifetime to become the most unqualified summoning apprentice. The most she would be able to do would be to call second rank mysterious beasts.

Such strength would never be able to help Qing Pu reach his goals.

Actually, “Yue Jing Hua” shouldn’t be blamed regarding her talent as a summoning master.

The Shaman Summoner clan on the Azure Dragon Continent were prosperous a millennium ago, but soon afterwards they became smaller and smaller until finally they became extinct.

Naturally, because cultivators on the Azure Dragon Continent placed much more importance on cultivating profound qi, they neglected to cultivate their mental strengths. Furthermore, the natural elements in the atmosphere became more and more unstable, making profound qi more stable in comparison. This lead to the thorough downfall of the summoning masters.

Qing Pu had no choice but to lower himself and help “Yue Jing Hua” cultivate profound merit. Even if he was a summoning master who needed a body, his cultivation had reached the heights of the heavens. It was naturally enough to guide a single person, but that night he was forced to extract “Yue Jing Hua’s” talent.

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Afterwards, Yue Jing Hua’s facial features were destroyed, and she had strange evil lines branded onto her face. The evil lines not only absorbed dark qi, but it gobbled up the profound qi within her body. For the sake of “Yue Jing Hua’s” body, Qing Pu did not counter the evil force. This put him in danger, and he had no choice but to draw on his and “Yue Jing Hua’s” internal profound qi. For a while, “Yue Jing Hua’s” cultivation decreased, and after three years her previously genius talent became a waste.

“How do I find out whether I have enough mental strength and elemental affinity to become a summoning master?” asked Yue Jing Hua.

“In terms of mental strength, you are the first person in several hundred years who can contain my own mental strength. Your mental strength isn’t bad at all, all you need is a little tempering.” Qing Pu was an intelligent person. Just by listening to Yue Jing Hua’s tone, he knew that she had started to become interested in being a summoning master. Naturally, he would say what would let him take advantage of the situation.

“As for your elemental affinity, concentrate your profound qi into this sphere.” In his hand was a crystal ball used for testing.

Yue Jing Hua concentrated her energy into the crystal ball.

The crystal ball stayed transparent, and no change occurred within it.

“!!” No color, that meant this Yue Jing Hua was incapable of sensing any elemental energy. This was unexpectedly worse than the previous “Yue Jing Hua,” who could at least sense a little bit of fire energy.

Qing Pu made a wry smile and took back his crystal ball. It was difficult to encounter someone with such a genius level of mental strength, but he never expected that she did not have the least bit of elemental affinity.

To be incapable of sensing elemental energy meant being incapable of summoning.

Qing Pu’s last hope shattered. Could it be that there was truly no longer anyone on this earth capable of becoming a summoning master, and he was doomed to be unable to see the light of day ever again?

“I’ll test it again.” Yue Jing Hua sensed the thread of the strength of good fortune within her body start to move, and started to pour the strength of good fortune into the crystal ball.

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In the crystal ball appeared a haze that suddenly start to emit all types of colors. The bright light pierced Yue Jing Hua and Qing Pu’s eyes, causing them to squint.

“Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, time, space! All elemental energies! Yue Jing Hua, your talent gave me the fright of a lifetime. You’ll be the first all attribute summoning master in the world!” The muddled Qing Pu felt as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt, and incredulously looked at the crystal ball.

The strength of good fortune was the most mystical strength in the world. There was no way of knowing what it contained, but when Yue Jing Hua poured the strength of good fortune into the crystal ball, all the surrounding elements acted like cats who caught the scent of fish, and they all drew closer.

“Is being all attributes good or bad?” Although she didn’t feel pressured, Yue Jing Hua still understood she might have bit off more than she could chew.

“There are pros and cons, which you will only see in later stages of your cultivation. Even though both requirements have been fulfilled, it’s a pity that the Azure Dragon Continent no longer has anyone capable of making summoning sacred canons.” Qing Pu’s knowledge was greater than the current Yue Jing Hua’s. He already knew that the current continent had not had summoning masters for a long time.

It could be said that summoning sacred canons and summoning masters were complementary existences, like left and right hands. A shaman summoner could only contract with one summoning sacred canon, and the canon grew along with the shaman summoner’s advancement. When the summoning master died, the canon became unowned. A formidable shaman summoner could contract with a canon of similar or weaker strength, but changing canons would mean renouncing his contract with his original canon.

“Lao Xia’s general store has a summoning sacred canon. It’s too bad it’s only an incomplete copy that isn’t useful at all. Moreover, that one still costs ten thousand gold coins. I never spend money on useless things.” Yue Jing Hua shrugged.

“Who said summoning masters need summoning canons? They are all unqualified and inferior summoning masters with obsolete methods. I still have methods to make you a summoning master, only…” Qing Pu made as if to speak, then stopped and seductively blinked his eyes at Yue Jing Hua, waiting for her to ask a question.

Yue Jing Hua was indifferent and stingy, and played with him a bit. He was too unskilled. “I’m financially strained at the moment, so don’t force it. I still haven’t become a summoning master. I have never been fond of cats and dogs.”

Qing Pu felt the pit of his stomach tighten, and blue veins bulged like earthworms on his forehead at this suddenly inflexible woman.

She actually had the audacity to lump might summoned beasts with cats and dogs. She’s unlearned, he absolutely insists on teaching her and widening her experiences to become a peerless diamond rank summoning master! “I can teach you how to draw summoning magic arrays, but I have a condition. Let me become your life contract beast, and temporarily reside in that sacred canon.”

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