Genius Summoner

Chapter 1031: 1031

Following behind the Gong family’s master, the other masters entered one after another. What they saw was a small room. A few family masters were already frowning in dissatisfaction. When they saw the person standing in front of the window with her back facing them, they all looked over with probing eyes.

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The reaction of the You family’s master was the most hilarious. He couldn’t move his eyes away when he saw this person. Why did this person look a bit familiar? Was he someone he knew? If that was the case… didn’t the You family have a chance of winning? Even if this person didn’t have any ability, he could find some clues according to what the Zhao family’s master said just then! As long as she was related to that pharmacist, anything was fine!

After everyone came in, Qu Lanyi closed the door. Yun Feng also slowly turned around at the same time. Her young and beautiful face and her clear black eyes were glittering with a different light. Yun Feng was too young in front of these masters, but her momentum wasn’t inferior to theirs at all!

The moment Master You saw Yun Feng’s face, he only felt that something in his heart was erupting passionately to his brain! He was so shocked that he saw stars and couldn’t see it clearly! The breath in his chest suddenly rose and rushed out of his throat as he shouted loudly, “It’s you!”

The other masters all glanced at the master of the You family with surprise in their eyes. He knew her? The master of the You family knew this person a long time ago? The master of the You family looked at Yun Feng with a tense face. His facial features were about to tighten. He wanted to say something, but couldn’t. He could only pant quickly and try to remove the shock in his mind.

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It was her. It was her. It was her!

Yun Feng glanced at the You family’s master and smiled lightly. “Master You, it’s been a while. I wonder if my brother, You Yue, is doing well in the You family?” What Yun Feng said was a bit gloomy. The You family’s master couldn’t help but break out in cold sweat after hearing that. Her brother, You Yue? Right, right, right! He was the descendant of the You family who came back from the Outland just then. How did he know? He had never cared about him…

“Ahem, since he’s a member of the You family, he should be living a good life.” The You family’s master pulled his face and said with a slightly weak voice. Yun Feng raised her brows and looked at him deeply. The You family’s master coughed softly and made up his mind to go back and deal with You Yue’s matter well as long as he could please the person in front of him. After all, the You family had You Yue!

“Brother? Your relationship with the You family is quite complicated.” The Master of the Zhao family glanced at the Master of the You family suspiciously. The other masters also looked over. The Master of the You family raised the corners of his mouth proudly, but before he could smile, Yun Feng said, “Masters, don’t misunderstand. I, Feng Yun, have nothing to do with the You family at all.”

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The You family’s master’s complacent smile froze at the corners of his mouth and he stood there awkwardly. The few family masters exclaimed thoughtfully with a gloating look in their eyes. The Zhao family’s master said anxiously, “Family masters, let me say something. We all know who we’re here for today, but I’m a bit different. Something happened to the Zhao family recently. My two sons were severely injured by a shameless person. I’m using this Life Potion to save their lives. I think you don’t have to fight with me for this!”

Qu Lanyi walked to Yun Feng and raised his beautiful eyebrows. “A shameless person severely injured your two sons?”

The Master of the Zhao family was enraged at the mention of this matter. He couldn’t hold it in anymore in his mind. He immediately talked nonstop and sounded very irritable. Yun Feng and Qu Lanyi listened quietly on the side, listening to this shameless person in the mouth of the Master of the Zhao family, who was courting death. They listened to how ruthless he was, how furious he was, and how he wouldn’t give up seeking revenge on this person. After hearing that, Qu Lanyi and Yun Feng nodded in agreement. The Master of the Zhao family said indignantly, “When my two sons recover, I’ll definitely cripple him and make him a dog of the Zhao family. He’ll only be able to crawl on the ground for the rest of his life!”

The master of the You family looked weird when he heard that, as if he was holding back something. He knew that the person who injured the Zhao family was none other than Yun Feng in front of him! The worse the master of the Zhao family said, the happier the master of the You family was in his mind. Just tell her. When you completely anger her, you can forget about getting that bottle of Life Potion!

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“Alright! No matter what, it’s impossible for the Zhao family to not have any responsibility at all. Zhao Jianzhong and Zhao Jianren have a temper and personality. Everybody in Yue City knows that,” said the Master of the Gong family coldly. The Master of the Zhao family couldn’t help but blush. “Even if… Even if they’re a bit willful, that person was too vicious! One of my two sons’ spines is broken, and the other fell off a cliff and was half-crippled!”

The hearts of the other few family masters trembled. Oh, this method was truly extraordinary and ruthless. However, the Gong family’s master burst into laughter after hearing that. “That person is quite interesting. He doesn’t provoke other families, but he provokes the Zhao family?”

The Master of the Zhao family moved his lips. He knew better than anyone else why they attacked the Zhao family. Zhao Jianzhong provoked them first. After that, Zhao Jianren wasn’t as good as them. In fact, he couldn’t blame anyone else. Otherwise, why would they go against the Zhao family for no reason? The Zhao family started the trouble first. In the end, they blamed everything on Yun Feng in their minds. It became that Yun Feng deliberately hurt someone with vicious and cruel methods.

“That’s right, Master Zhao. If Zhao Jianzhong didn’t provoke me first, I wouldn’t have bothered to attack him at all.” Yun Feng said with a smile. Master Zhao’s face immediately froze and his eyes widened to the size of an ox. “W-What did you say… It’s you, it’s you…”

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“Fengfeng, you were too gentle. You should’ve made those two bastards breathless,” added Qu Lanyi casually. The Master of the Zhao family was immediately enraged. “Kid, what did you say? I’ll cripple you!”

“Stop!” Master Gong shouted as he stepped forward and stomped on the ground. An invisible fluctuation shook the space, making Master Zhao take a few steps back. Master Zhao took a few deep breaths and looked at Master Gong with slightly red eyes. “Even though the Gong family is one of the four largest families, the leader of Yue City, this is the Zhao family’s family business! Nobody is allowed to interfere!”

Yun Feng looked at the Master of the Gong family, who stopped the attacker. She wouldn’t be so kind as to think that he was helping her. The Master of the Gong family said with a cold face, “I certainly won’t interfere with the Zhao family’s family matters. If you want to deal with it, you have to wait until everything here is done!”

Thank you for reading on

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