Genius Summoner

Chapter 1790: 1790

Chapter 1790: Fierce Battle (1)

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Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The Juling Mountain had always been calm and harmonious. There were rarely any bloody battles, but at this moment, the peace of the Juling Mountain was completely broken! The fierce battle that broke out in the core area of the Juling Mountain shocked the entire mountain!

“Lanyi!” Yun Feng shouted as a figure had already rushed out resolutely! Yun

Feng’s pupils shrank fiercely. He was facing the light-element Fantastical Beast! Was he still going to fight head-on? She would never allow him to do that!

Yun Feng tapped the air fiercely with the tip of her foot and immediately jumped. She had to pull Qu Lanyi back no matter what. Even if she couldn’t, she could help him more or less!

“Buzz! Crack!” A spatial blockade firmly trapped Yun Feng in place. Ah Luo,

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who had just been invisible, appeared again and retracted his hand slightly. He was the one who attacked!

“What are you doing? Let me out!” Yun Feng roared as she knocked the space barrier around her fiercely. There was only a buzzing sound. Ah Luo glanced at her indifferently with his purple-black eyes. “If that kid wants to die, let him, but not you. Master has instructed me not to let you die.”

“Cut the crap! Let me out!” Yun Feng was enraged! She watched Qu Lanyi run up, but she could only be trapped here! Every time she was in danger, Lanyi would definitely risk his life to save her. Now, she could only be restrained here and watch something happen to him!

She raised her hand and threw out her mental strength, hitting the space barrier. The space barrier only trembled a few times and didn’t intend to break at all! Ah Luo glanced at it. “Don’t waste your time. It’s impossible for you to break it with your strength. Stay here obediently.”

“You’re right, my lord.” Shen Wu also rushed over. Even though it was very pitiful to see Yun Feng trapped inside, it agreed with what Ah Luo did. She saved its life. It wouldn’t feel good if she died.

Yun Feng kept attacking, but the spatial barrier stood steadily. Ah Luo stood there expressionlessly, as if he was watching Yun Feng make a fool of herself. Yun Feng finally stopped. After a moment of silence, she suddenly roared! “If you don’t let me out, I’ll blow it up with fused elements!”

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Ah Luo’s expressionless face suddenly twitched! He looked at Yun Feng in surprise with his purple-black eyes. Yun Feng sneered and clasped her hands together fiercely! “I’m not just saying. I’ll keep my promise! Let me out!”

Ah Luo frowned. Looking at Yun Feng’s determined attitude, Shen Wu was stunned. Looking at the power of fused elements that kept jumping in Yun Feng’s palm, he quickly said, “Don’t be impulsive! It’s his own business if he rushes forward. Why do you have to risk your life to follow him to his death?”

“You won’t understand!” Yun Feng roared. “I won’t watch him die! Even if I die,

I’ll die with him! I’ll say it one last time. Are you going to let me out?”

Ah Luo looked at Yun Feng’s extremely angry face at this moment. There was a storm gathering in her black eyes and it kept spinning. Ah Luo sneered. “Do whatever you want. Don’t worry. It won’t be so easy for you to die.”

Yun Feng’s black eyes widened. She was about to send the power of fusion of elements into her body without hesitation!

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“No!” Shen Wu roared loudly. Ah Luo was also shocked when he saw this. She really dared to do this! She really didn’t want to live anymore! She clenched her fists in the air fiercely. The power of fused elements in Yun Feng’s palm had already been swallowed invisibly!

“As I said, it’s not so easy for you to die.” Ah Luo’s expression was cold, for Yun Feng’s reckless behavior. Yun Feng bit hard and tasted blood!

“You have no right to decide my life and death. I’m the one who decides my life!” Shocking anger burst out of Yun Feng’s black eyes. The memories of Yun Lianyi’s previous life suddenly overlapped at this moment! She was restrained and used. Her life and death weren’t in her control! She only had the right to choose death at the last moment!

Her life was up to her to decide! It wasn’t up to anyone else!

“You…” Ah Luo choked. Even in front of the Fantastical Beast, she wasn’t willing to give in at all. “Do you want to die so badly?” Ah Luo frowned. If it weren’t for her master’s instructions, he wouldn’t have cared about her life at all. No matter what, he wouldn’t let her out right now! He didn’t care what happened to that kid. Her life and death weren’t up to her!

“Boom…” A dazzling light spread out and a slender figure appeared faintly from the light. Qu Lanyi was still officially meeting the light-element Fantastical Beast! Yun Feng’s heart shrank fiercely! Lanyi!

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The two figures stood in the dazzling light. The strong impact of the halo almost made it impossible to see each other’s appearance. Qu Lanyi pursed his thin lips and stared ahead with his deep black eyes. He had been carrying that white jade pendant with him since he was young. When he first opened the jade pendant, the old thing inside said that he wouldn’t let him go. He had known since he was young that when the old thing left the jade pendant, he would be the first person he wouldn’t let go.

He had already realized this. The current situation wasn’t unexpected, but Qu Lanyi was still shocked in his mind. The light-element Fantastical Beast… This was the first time he saw its original body.

“Kid, you’re digging your own grave this time!” The voice of the light-element Fantastical Beast echoed in Qu Lanyi’s ears. Qu Lanyi frowned slightly. “You swallowed the light element seed into your body?”

“Humph! No matter what, since I’m out of your control right now, the first thing I’ll do is to take your head!” In the faint light, a terrifying force was gathering. Qu Lanyi’s black eyes darkened and he clenched his fists tightly. Rich dark elements surged out of his body!

A ball of thick ink suddenly appeared in the light, as if a piece of night had appeared in the bright and clear sky!

“Light and darkness in the same body?” Ah Luo and the light-element Fantastical Beast were both shocked to see that. Creepy red patterns quickly spread from Qu Lanyi’s body. These patterns swam on his body that others couldn’t see!

“You want to beat me? In your dream!” A beam of light element energy suddenly descended from the sky, like a divine punishment! Qu Lanyi’s body flashed extremely quickly. The beam of energy that descended from the sky brushed past him.. One of his sleeves had already been torn by the light element! The red dark patterns on his arm were instantly exposed!

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