Chapter 95 – Official Bulletin Board – Seven

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[To The Royal Capital] General Chat Thread 254 [Arrival!]

This is a general chat thread.

Let’s write freely.

However, if you don’t abide the basic rules, this thread will disappear.

Previous thread: http: // ******

>> 980 Next thread, please.

>> 74

Just checked, there really is a battalion there

Why are there so many troops here?

It’s a bit too early to get a new event…

Did anyone start some big quest or something?



The NPCs are desperately telling people to open the way, but nobody is moving, lol

>> 84


>> 84

It’s funny that nobody can move from there at this point, even if they wanted to

The crown prince was announced to be the commander of the battalion

That’s a pretty big shot alright

Yeah, someone definitely started some sort of quest

The players moved even closer after hearing the word ‘prince’, lol!

The NPCs are totally confused

Well, it can’t be helped, it’s not like the NPCs know that they’re just game characters

>> 92

Pretty much

Imagine what would be like if the son of Japan’s emperor was out to do something and told people to make room, but them instead just started making a gigantic crowd surrounding him…

>> 94


>> 94


>> 94


They’re so confused, lol

They’re panicking, lol

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They must think we’re crazy by now!

NPCs: “Please make way!”

Players: “Is this an event?”

NPCs: “Please! Make! Way!”

Players: “Someone must have started a quest.”

NPCs: “The Crown Prince is here, now make way!”

Players: “Seriously!?” *furiously move closer*

NPCs: “What the!?”

No wonder they’re confused, lol!

All the soldier are in high alert, lol

If something like this happened in Japan, it would be a matter of national security, wouldn’t it? lol

They’d probably deploy the self-defence forces at the very minimum, lol.




What happened?

The head of the commander of the NPCs flew away

>> 109


>> 109

Ah… It must be…

I know who the culprit must be!

Me too!

I bet 50,000 Zimbabwe Dollars that the culprit is the Genocider!

Who’d bet against that!? Lol!

Anybody could figure that out, lol!

And the Genocider started doing her things, lol

She’s using a new weapon, threads!

Looks strong…

She was already strong before having this weapon…

Seeing her massacres always give me some good laughs

I bet she is the person who enjoys this game the most

Did anyone ever play a game that gave as much freedom as this one, by the way?

There’s way too much freedom here for any game to even compare, lol!

Even the official website says that you can do pretty much anything, so it can’t be helped that it is like this.

How can she seriously win against an army…?

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I guess the Genocider is in a build heavily specialized in killing people

Lol, no. Have you seen her when she’s killing monsters?

She’s just good at killing anyone

Would anyone seriously kill only people and no monsters in a fantasy RPG?

Woah woah woah

Guess she’ll be wrapping it up now

I thought it had ended after she entered the carriage, but the genocide started again!

Silly you, the Genocider doesn’t leave her job half-finished!

Did I just die?


And… I’m dead!




I was observing from a distance, and I can tell you all that the Genocider used her threads to somehow turn the whole battalion into one giant mass of meat

What the…?

I have no idea how that happened, but I guess it happened

Did she tear them apart with a sharp thread?

She’s scary

She never used threads before, so I guess she got it as reward from the event

Probably a top tier item exclusive to the top scorers of the event

It wouldn’t surprise me if both the Genocider and Absolutely Inviolable Area had multiple pieces of equipment that are as powerful as this one

They probably have extra effects when compared to player-made gear… And more importantly, their stats must be absurd

>> 149

Ah, yeah, it must definitely have some pretty crazy stats

Just like one can’t make money without having money, one cannot become powerful without having power

>> 151

You lost me there


Hot take, lol!

No need to be sorry, it was easy to understand, lol!



[Near The Royal Capital] General Chat Thread 254 [Another Country]

This is a general chat thread.

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Let’s write freely.

However, if you don’t abide the basic rules, this thread will disappear.

Previous thread: http: // ******

>> 980 Next thread, please.

>> 212

You just have way too many people in your faction

>> 214

Gg easy!

People like Hannes are in the order faction, it’s not just a number

They’re just jealous of order being the biggest faction

Even though they’re the largest faction, they got last place in the event! Lololol!

Oh, it’s a fight!

Ignore the troll…

Come on, are you running away?

What else are we supposed to do with trolls?

You just scared of facing the truth! The order faction is filled with people full of themselves, but in truth they’re just a bunch of losers!!!

… Losers?

Top players since beta? We’re going to be forever at the top? Oh no! It’s over! The Genocider ruined us! We can’t challenge her! Rena is invincible! There is nothing but numbers to you guys.

Shut up already!

>> 226

Don’t feed the troll!

I can only exist due to Order, the great tutorial uncle guided me through life…!

You’re all worthless gamers! Your faction isn’t worth anything! Just a bunch of losers! A mountain of garbage and losers!

But Order is the largest faction! (Please keep being stupid, you’re entertaining me)

This is good trolling alright.

Just what are they even trying to get at? lol


We’ll remember this kind of trolling for the next 100 years! Lol!

And if you’re not from the Order faction, for 200 years! Lol!

Can’t be helped, it’s not like there are many people in the other factions, lol

Isn’t this a bit too much…?

I have good news for all of you!

What is it?

Did a top player from Order suddenly drop here?

Right now the Genocider is trying to kidnap the princess of this country, so we’re gonna get in her way.

I feel like I just heard something crazy…

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Strange, I also think I heard it…

We won’t have enough time to stop her now that she’s already rushing to the castle, so we’ll instead attack her at the lord’s mansion in the beginner’s city!

She’s crazy!

Is there any communication between the top players of the Order faction to plan things out…? This seems like the kind of thing you’d prepare in advance to stop the kidnapping in the first place…

Ah, can’t be helped, we only found out about this whole kidnapping plan now after all… Anyways, isn’t it a bit frustrating that the Genocider always does whatever she wants with nobody being able to get in the way?

Well, it’s definitely a bit frustrating…

Indeed! So this time, we’ll be the one taking her by surprise instead of being the defenders like usual! You can see the details here: http: // ******

Basically, this is a player-made event.

Mmmmmm, sounds interesting

Wait, you even got the cooperation of some of the top players already? That’s impressive

Yeah! Let’s show her who has the power here!

But I’m scared of the Genorers…

Yeah, they’re trouble

It’s alright, I already convinced them to not interfere because like, “as if God has a chance of losing”, so they’ll just watch.

You’re scary…

She definitely set up the proper groundwork…

She even negotiated with the Genorers…

This looks serious now…

I am serious!

Then I’ll join!

Me too!

This looks like it will be fun even if we lose

… Well, it’s not like much will be lost even if we don’t win.

I’ll spread the word about it

Gotta make sure we reach as many people as possible, our faction is big after all

Let’s do our best!

See you all on the day of the “event”!

That was one cheerful person

She seems to be a bit too naïve to think it’s seriously possible to beat the Genocider though

But it looks interesting, I’ll try to participate at least

The mood changed a lot once she left…


I’ll go there to listen to her speech then log-off

So cruel, lol!

What if her speech is so catchy that you want to stay!? Lol!

No way! Lol!

We’ll see about that, lol.

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