The Gu Jue imagining the conversation snapped him out of it.

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To prevent getting mistaken as a pervert, Gu Jue didn’t end up jumping down. Ruan An’an had also returned to her normal self. There was no indication of her previous state aside from her nasally voice and the redness around her eyes.

Gu Jue had a great memory. He could remember most things after seeing them just once. In other words, he was too smart. Every time before an exam, when Gu Ming struggled over ancient texts, the elder brother would grumble about the unfairness of Gu Jue getting top marks despite not studying.

So, when he intentionally commits a scene to memory, every second would be crystal clear and unforgettable. That day, every word Ruan An’an spoke while crying was stored in his mind, much clearer than he could recite the “Tengwang Ge Xu” or “Chu Shi Biao” he had memorized for school.

Even though it was improper and abnormal behavior, eavesdropping was becoming something Gu Jue was addicted to.

Without any reminders, his body would automatically bring him to the spot.

He even used his connections to get a set of 1st High uniforms, to prevent getting reported by delinquent students there. Sometimes, he would wander around the schoolyard with a mask on. There was a minuscule chance of encountering Ruan An’an, and most of the time she was with one or two other girls.

Gu Jue first saw his son in 1st High again at the end of December, two weeks before the end of the semester. Before the final exams, Ruan An’an became worried.

“What are you gonna do during the winter break? I definitely can’t take you home, even I— sigh…”

“When I asked my classmates, they’re either allergic or their parents won’t allow it…”

“What to do…”

Over the next couple of days, all she talked about was this topic. She really was distraught over it.

Gu Jue thought that he could just take the cat back, but he was afraid of her becoming worried that Dummy had gotten into another mishap.

That was until Ruan An’an saw no other option but to post something similar to a “Missing Cat” poster. One day, she left the school gates during the physical activity period to put up the posters nearby. The general gist of the poster was that the cat was docile, free of diseases, and looking for a kind soul to take him in.

She also posted something similar on forums, but judging from her utterances, it never gained any traction.

Gu Jue contemplated it time and again.

It wouldn’t make sense… if he didn’t show up now.

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With a slight disappointment that he couldn’t make heads or tails out, Gu Jue picked up his son and left a note.

For the sake of his cat, he used his studies as an excuse to move into a condo near the school during the winter break. He ignored anyone and everyone who tried to get him home and enjoyed some blissful time with his son.

During this period, his parents, aunt, and brother all took turns visiting. Even Qin Li came and sincerely apologized again. She was so sincere that, had he not known the truth and his son not been the victim, he would’ve believed her.

Before, Gu Jue had tutored Qin Li out of a sense of familial obligation. Through all their interactions, he had never looked at this younger cousin properly in the face. Her facial features might as well have been mere symbols for all he cared – her face was just a medium like her name, something to recognize her by.

Actually… among all the girls of his age, only Ruan An’an formed a clear image in his mind.

An image that was taken by a camera with ultra-high resolution.

Gu Jue thought himself to be good at reading people. Whenever they went out to fight, he could tell immediately if the opponent was indeed tough or just faking it. That day, when Qin Li came to his condo with his aunt, he looked into Qin Li’s eyes for the first time. He suddenly became aware of what she was hiding behind her gaze.

She was looking at him. Her face was calm, but her eyes told a different story.

There was a craze, a yearning, something a regular 16-year-old shouldn’t possess.

Gu Jue smirked to himself. No matter what anybody said, he was adamant about living alone while attending school.

After the winter break, Gu Jue continued his routine from the previous semester where he would stroll around 1st High in their uniform and a mask, in hopes of encountering Ruan An’an.

He didn’t understand his own mindset and chalked it up to wanting to watch over his son’s savior.

Even if the chances were low, he was bound to see her if he went often enough.

Then, one afternoon, change had him at the scene of her getting robbed.

Gu Jue waited for the perfect time and showed off in front of the girl. It was somewhat cringy in hindsight, but he was satisfied with his overall performance.

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At the time, though, his heart was beating abnormally fast. Whenever he pictured her peeking out from behind him, he would be uncontrollably struck by how adorable she was.

None of the robbers were strong. They thought they had strength in numbers, but still packed less punch than a punching bag.

In the end, Gu Jue stopped himself before any of them had to be sent to the hospital. After all, they just wanted some money off of her. Thinking back, he might’ve killed them if they had any intentions with her body.

After the Entrance Exams, Gu Jue’s 3rd and final year in high school was over.

He no longer had school, meaning that he could watch over his son at all times. So, he moved back home.

Perhaps it had been too long since she had seen him, when Gu Jue arrived home, Qin Li seemed very anxious.

After hearing that he would be attending university abroad, Qin Li exposed herself. The Gu family often had alcohol at the dinner table. There wasn’t much, but Qin Li’s mind was preoccupied and ended up slightly tipsy. She addressed him in front of everyone, revealing her true feelings.

It sent the others into an uproar.

Afterward, his aunt sought Gu Jue out. He informed her that a nanny had seen Miss Qin abusing a kitten barely a year of age. That nanny had never lied in the 10 years of working with the Gu family. He didn’t mention the details, but Gu Jue had shown his aunt the scar on Dummy’s body.

He decided to be frank with her, “Aunt, animal abuse is a symptom of psychological disorders. I may not like her, but she’s the daughter you brought up. I suggest you take her to a psychologist.”

So she can’t be a menace anymore.

He didn’t say the last phrase. His aunt was a reasonable person. She understood the whole picture once she was told of the situation. Qin Li had hidden her feelings for a whole year. No one other than Gu Jue himself had realized. Everyone in the family just thought Qin Li liked her cousin, and not in that way…

And to unleash her anger on his cat…

In the end, his aunt apologized to him, but Gu Jue was quick to interrupt her. She didn’t need to apologize. It wasn’t her fault. He knew who he should be angry at.

In a sense, Gu Jue was lucky. According to TV dramas, whenever the family found out the non-blood-relative girl has a crush on the boy, instead of breaking them apart, the family would encourage the relationship.

Luckily, his family wasn’t crazy. His parents and brother all understood how appalling it was. Mrs. Gu, who had once used Qin Li as a standard for her future daughters-in-law, had silenced those thoughts.

The Gu family had always had a plan to expand in the overseas market. After two years, their domestic development had become stable, and Gu Ming was about to do a Master’s abroad. So, Mr. and Mrs. Gu straight-up lived abroad for a few years.

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All memories of her ended the summer of his last year of high school.

Back then, he was inattentive and a f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g̲ idiot.

Gu Jue had thought that about himself on multiple occasions.

The younger of the Gu scions had never felt anything different for any girl during all those years. Ruan An’an was the first.

He was used to being alone. He knew that girls’ affections were nothing but trouble, and the incident with Qin Li only confirmed that.

On the other hand, subconsciously, he had avoided considering his own feelings.

Back then, it seemed like he had explained away his actions to see Ruan An’an as… intrigued, and “for Dummy”.

During his time abroad, every time he thought back to it, he would cringe at his own idiocrasy.

He kept insinuating to himself that that special feeling was from her saving his son and that she was intriguing. The worst part was, he had managed to convince himself…

To h̲e̲l̲l̲ with “intrigued”, what a f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g̲ idiot.

The real order of events was clearly…
– He picked up a son, but he lost his son
– She picked up his son, and he fell for her.


It was like the script of the typical “the son finds the father a woman and they fall in love” story, except, he was the one who fell first.

In addition to Gu Jue’s looks fitting the beauty standards abroad as well, he was also the point guard for the championship team one year in the NCAA Basketball Tournament. He was freakishly popular. The number of love confessions, date invitations, and even one-night-stand invitations…

From all genders.

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Even his buddies, he had to confirm that they were straight before he felt assured.

Once, there was an Asian girl walking in front of him. From the back, her resemblance to Ruan An’an was uncanny.

Loose black hair of the same length, and oversized clothes that reminded him of the 1st High uniform on Ruan An’an.

In the hoots of his classmates, Gu Jue caught up to her. But all he felt was disappointment when he saw the blushing surprised face of the girl.

After that, everyone knew – the untouchable hottie from Business School preferred long straight black hair.

Other than his studies and games, Gu Jue had little interest in anything else.

Until one day at home. He was staring at Dummy who was playing with toys, staring at the barely visible scar on his leg.

Suddenly, he was struck by nostalgia over the winter of his 3rd year of high school.

The winter that he spent eavesdropping atop the wall during 4th period every day.

He missed leaning against the tree, toying with a leaf as the girl underneath talked to his cat in a soft voice, listening to her recount her annoying teachers to the cat, watching her busy about for the sake of his cat, and finally, when he had reluctantly brought his cat back home.

Why had only her face remained on his mind? Why would he zone out when he saw loose black hair?

Those awkward feelings during his teenage year had become clear.

He was in love.

Oh, young love. The Mask Guy’s appearance explained! A teenage crush coming to fruition~
(Also, someone please restrain that Qin Li!!!)

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