“It’s okay! It’s okay!” Her eyes lit up. “It doesn’t matter whether two other boys team up with me or not as long as I team up with you!”

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“But you don’t know me,” Ruan An’an blinked, “Why…?”


Qiu Yan was mesmerised by Ruan An’an’s eyes. The fluttering eyelids seemed to be playing in her mind in slow motion. Ruan An’an obviously did not have any makeup on, but her skin was very smooth and soft. Her eyes would widen slightly when she was surprised – so enchanting even without a trace of makeup.


Qiu Yan’s eyes were about to light up. “Because, sister, you are so pretty! This first half of the semester will be mainly focused on the competition. Everyone would be busy working with their teams. What great happiness it is to be able to see such a beautiful person every day!”


Ruan An’an chuckled. This was what an esthetic obsessed would say.


“I will ask him and give you an answer after class.”


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Qiu Yan said “ok” happily and returned to the two boys. Ruan An’an, who was stopped at the classroom back door, entered the classroom. At first glance, she saw Gu Jue sitting in the last row.


The simple and clean white T accentuated his slender neck and smooth shoulder line – even his back looked so good.


This seemed to be the first time that she was late than Gu Jue.


Ruan An’an made her way towards him. In a flash, she saw a girl standing beside Gu Jue.


Her long hair blocked her face as she lowered to say something to him… Probably asking if there was anyone sitting next to him.


Gu Jue nodded.

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But the girl did not leave, and said something again.


Ruan An’an noticed that Gu Jue’s next reply took quite a while before the girl left.


Ruan An’an stepped forward immediately but before she could say anything, Gu Jue looked up from his seat and said, “I’m sorry. This is-“


He stopped when he met her.


“You’re finally here,” He got up and gave his seat to her. He said with a hint of happiness in it, “I reserved your seat for you many times today.”


Ruan An’an noticed the hint of helplessness in his tone and tried to suppress her smile.

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I cannot blame others for asking for my seat. Anyone would be tempted when such a handsome guy is sitting all by himself in the last row.


But Ruan An’an was very curious. “Did the girl ask you for something else?” She asked as soon as she sat down, “I was at the back door, and it seemed that she was asking you something, so I didn’t come over immediately.”


“Oh, she asked me if anyone was here at first, and I said yes.”


Gu Jue put one hand on the back of the seat, “The row had three seats right? She asked me how many friends I have, and if she could join us.”


… She wants a threesome? Cough…


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Ruan An’an was taken aback, “Then?”


“Then I said, can you look for another empty seat.” Gu Jue suddenly turned to look at her. The next sentence seemed to slow down deliberately. “Because I want to sit alone with her.”




“I prefer to be alone.. with her.”


This “she” was self-evident.


The classroom was huge and there were indeed plenty of empty three-seated rows everywhere. As the “she” Gu Jue mentioned, Ruan An’an appeared to be calmed down on the outside but she was about to explode into fireworks sky high on the inside.

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