At that moment, the [Let me see] meme very well represented her thoughts.

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However, there were other pressing matters that required her immediate attention, and the arrival of the elevator interrupted that short moment of curiosity.

After signing the documents and bidding goodbye to the chancellor, Ruan An’an headed downstairs. She had completely forgotten about the episode by the elevator earlier and planned to take a stroll around the campus. As she turned into the corner of the corridor to exit the building, she stumbled upon a scene that resembled a pick-up conversation.

Facing her was Twisted Braid whom Large Waves claimed had makeup on. Twisted braid lifted her head, her expression dazed, cheeks flushed, captivated by what was in front of her. The person in front of her, without a doubt, must be the “Fine thing” the few girls were discussing earlier.

Although the person had his back towards Ruan An’an, she could not help but glanced at him as she walked past them. She was mesmerized at just one look, unable to keep her eyes off him.

He was very tall. He dressed very casually, only a plain white shirt and a pair of black trousers, but it did not fail to highlight his alluring figure.

The white shirt fitted him perfectly, the seams of the shoulder line perfectly met the corners of his shoulders, fully displaying his lean figure and long neck.

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Her eyes traveled downwards.

Although the shirt was not tight-fitting, she could see his tight waistline from the movement of his hands and feet, and his legs were long and straight, with a perky butt — 

She secretly catcalled him.

So pleasing to the eye with only a view of his back.

Ruan An’an halted her scary thoughts and pulled her gaze away from him.

Any rational adult would not gape at obviously a scene of someone asking for one’s contact.

Aside from the awkward situation, it is not an exaggeration to call him a fine thing.

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Ruan An’an swore that she only slowed down a little bit when she passed by him. After a final glance at the fine thing’s waist, legs, and butt with admiration, when she was about to leave the building, she heard a particularly clean, clear voice in the silence.

“Sorry.” He said, “I do not add strangers on WeChat.”

Since there were two more days before the official classes start, the campus was quiet. Undergraduates in twos and threes can be seen on the campus walkways, as most of them only returned early to unpack and clean the dormitory. 


There were two neat rows of tall, big trees on either side of the campus walkway, the leaves were green, still unaffected by the change of season. Ruan An’an looked around at the surrounding scenery, touring around the campus, her mind still occupied by the superb body of the fine thing.

Finally, she could not wait anymore. With one hand holding a folder, she turned on her WeChat and sent a message to Jiang Yi with the other hand: [Babe, I met a hottie in University C, long legs and tight waist, and a super perky butt. TvT]

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Ruan-An-Ruan (WeChat name): [I can give it a try. Jpg]

Jiang Yi responded immediately.

No-Jiang-Yi (WeChat name): [Send me his photo now.]

Ruan-An-Ruan: [Someone was asking for his WeChat just now, I did not get to see his face.]

Ruan An’an continued typing: [I will stay here for a while more, this guy could be my cup of….]


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She was about to type the last word “tea” ——

Ruan An’an suddenly felt that she was enveloped by a shadow. There seemed to be a person very close in front of her. Before she could pull the brakes on herself, she helplessly allowed herself to slam into the unknown figure. The collision between the two produced a slight muffled noise, followed by the sound of a folder falling onto the ground. 

The impact of the collision was not small, but undoubtedly, the other person did not budge, as if he had not been affected at all.

On the contrary, she felt like she was bounced back, and leaned back slightly unconsciously.

It was when Ruan An’an caught sight of that white shirt did she realize that — Oh, it is the perky butt hottie with a super nice voice.

Hottie responded quickly. At the moment of the collision, he reached out and grabbed her arm like it was a conditioned reflex, then immediately let go after she regained her balance.

The entire incident took place within a few short seconds.

Thank you for reading the novel.

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