Ruan’s Villa was more than half an hour’s drive from University C. Mingsu Villa District was opposite the Linjiang Mansion, the most expensive residence in the city. The location where it was situated was excellent.

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The car could not enter due to security reasons. So Ruan An’an paid and got out of the car, and only reached the entrance of Ruan’s villa after walking on foot for ten minutes.


It had been three years since she was here the last time, but she was still familiar with the place she had grown up in. She stepped through the door and walked in.


The Ruan family background was not outstanding, the only value worth noting was their stability. They never invested in any risk-taking businesses, and have been sustaining steadily. Although they had not been making big financial successes these years, they had not made any losses.


The Ruan family’s position in Qing Cheng was a little awkward. They were much better off than the middle class families, but they were a world of difference compared with the Lin family or the Gu family.

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The moment Ruan An’an stepped into the living room, the sound of a shrilly female voice filled the air, every sentence accompanied by a particularly sweet and greasy tone.


It was also particularly familiar.


“…Yes, I returned from France with my mother a long time ago, because school has started.”


“Yeah, I also signed up for the ‘Game Championship’ . The most outstanding student in our class is in my team. It’s really a shame if you didn’t join… Eh, when will you come and hang out at my house? My mother got you a small gift from Fashion Week… It’s nothing special, just a bracelet, not expensive, not expensive at all…”

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“By the way, Qiqi told me that the second son of the Gu family is back… but I haven’t even seen a photo of him. It’s so mysterious… Dear do you know him?”


“No, oh, don’t talk nonsense! I don’t! I don’t even know him, I just heard about him, I was just curious…”


Ruan An’an leaned on the door, watching her step sister by name chattering away over the phone in her hand.


Ruan Lin, the daughter of the Ruan family, had a sweet appearance and a sweeter mouth, but she was too petty to make it to society, though she gained a little fame in the circle of celebrities.

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On the contrary, Ruan An’an’s fame was nonexistent.


A bunch of rich young ladies had only started investigating her after Jiang Yi’s birthday party, all of them wondering about the mystery person who was so close to Miss Jiang.


Ruan An’an’s wanted to keep her visit short. Originally, she was still thinking about whether to avoid her or just ignore her on the way upstairs. However, she could not help laughing while overhearing the conversation.


Ruan Lin, who was on the phone, turned to look around, her inquisitive expression froze in an instant.

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Ruan An’an finished laughing, but still felt amused. She entered the house and stepped forward, “Why, the last time I came back you still liked Jiang Yi’s brother. Now you’ve changed your target to this mysterious second son of Gu? Do you just fall for anyone who’s successful?”


“Ruan An’an…” Ruan Lin muttered, then opened her eyes as if she suddenly realised something, “Ruan An’an? Why are you back-?!”


“Oh, you know my surname is Ruan, so why can’t I return?”


“But—” Ruan An’an raised an eyebrow, “This is indeed a place I didn’t want to return to.”

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