Ever since Ruan An’an shared her “studying reflections”, the ice between her and the class seems to have broken down. Many girls had reached out to ask her all kinds of questions, such as tips on when to buy and when to sell, reasons for the collapse of shares A at that time and why they should not buy shares B even though they have a steady momentum.

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This was the Department of Economics and Management of University C. There were many brainiacs in the class. Seeing their eagerness to learn, Ruan An’an did not have the heart to refuse despite the troublesome situation.


Though if she had known this would happen, Ruan An’an would never reveal her true capabilities in that computer class.


Thursday afternoon, ten minutes before class started.


When she sent off a group of girls after finishing giving professional advice, she found a figure standing beside her.


She raised her head to meet a familiar pair of eyes.


Gu Jue rarely wore black, but it made a stark contrast against his fair skin today.

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Ruan An’an always thought that white looked clean and pure on him; but black unexpectedly made him look uniquely cool.


His eyes curved into a smile, and his cold, distant demeanor disappeared. He joked: “Idol, you’ve been very popular recently.”


Gu Jue must have been standing at the side watching the group of girls surrounding her earlier. She sighed: “I’m no idol…”


“You are! Also, idol Gu!” Qiu Yan turned to them. “You have no idea, since the post in the forum, everyone is so jealous of the three of us who are in the same group with you, hahahaha!”


Ever since they teamed up, the jester trio always occupied the front row seats for two of them, so the five of them were always sitting together. Ruan An’an liked that, as she was more familiar with them than with the other students.


Gu Jue, who never carried a school bag, instinctively rummaged through Ruan An’an’s bag for a pen, then slid his hand through his own pocket and pulled out a light blue package. (A new candy)

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—This “equivalent exchange” was transacted every day without fail.


It looked like a very innocent gesture, but many suspected that there were more beneath the surface.


Lian Hao chirped, “Tut tut, they’re doing it again.”


Chen Song added, “Tut tut, my eyes hurt every time I see that.”


Qiu Yan could not help smacking him, “Your eyes don’t hurt! You’re just jealous! You’re infected with jealousy!”



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Gu Jue was completely indifferent to their teasing, and sometimes he would be even more blatant in his actions. On the other hand, Ruan An’an’s ears burned with blush whenever she was teased, and desperately tried to change topics unconsciously.


But before she could change the subject, another classmate approached them.


Unlike others, the girl tactfully expressed her idea of asking Ruan An’an for advice for a period of time, politely using the word “borrow”.


The jester trio interrupted.


“Idol Ruan…” Chen Song smirked and said in a small voice, “We can’t make decisions for her.”


Lian Hao echoed, “Yes, yes, the three of us don’t make the call!”

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The girl was stunned, “Huh? What do you mean?”


“It means that if you want to “borrow ” her -” Qiu Yan pointed her chin in the direction of Gu Jue, and snickered meaningfully, “You will have to ask Idol Gu.”




Ruan An’an’s ears were on fire again.


Ruan An’an was still thinking of a reply, but the girl had already turned to Gu Jue.


“Classmate.. Classmate Gu,” She stammered in a faint voice. Her cheeks flushed, probably from his beauty or probably due to nervousness, “Can I borrow this sister for a while?”

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