After that, Ruan An’an threw several more shots guided by Coach Gu in that same semi-embrace posture.

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Of course, one could not actually learn through this teaching method.


But Ruan An’an did not stop.


Every shot went through the hoop when Coach Gu guided her with her hand in his, but whenever he loosened his grip, the direction of the ball would deviate. If she was lucky, the ball would at least touch the rim, but sometimes it did not even touch the rim.


Finally, Coach Gu decided to stop the class when the little girl’s forehead began beading with sweat.


“You had 21 throws in total and only three got through…” Gu concluded and nodded, “Well, you are right.”


Hands on her knees, Ruan An’an raised her head, her face dubious, “What do you mean I’m right…”

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“It may be that you have no talent.”




I only said that I had no talent to mock myself, why are you agreeing with me?


Are you the same person who was flirting with me earlier?


Ruan An’an was already tired, and her face was flushed when she got up, “Didn’t you say that basketball doesn’t depend on talent, but depends on the  coach?” She retorted with her eyes wide open, “How can the coach blame the student when he’s the incapable one?”


The girl’s voice was sweet, coupled with her reprimanding tone and the slight pant after the previous exercise, it sounded exceptionally lovely and pleasant.


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“I did say that,” Gu Jue seemed to be enjoying her current state very much, his grin widened. “Then did you know that a Master may be able to initiate the apprentices, but their skills depend on their own efforts?”


“…” Why does everything you said make sense?


Ruan An’an stood up, and looked at him with a straight face for a while. She knew that it was unwise to continue the topic, it would end up embarrassing herself anyway.


She said, “Let’s eat fish together when we have time.”




Ruan An’an sneered, “You seemed to be very good at picking.”



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Finally, Coach Gu’s silence symbolized the treaty between the two, and both agreed to try the “Cambridge Delicious Fish” restaurant in University C.


And the little dispute in the basketball court was resolved when Coach Gu apologized to Ruan An’an with a cup of Harvard Milk Tea.


The milk tea shop was buzzing, and there were no empty seats, so they decided to have their drinks via takeaway. Gu Jue took out his cell phone to make payment, and Ruan An’an inadvertently glanced at a corner of his screen, and froze.


There was an obvious crack. Although the area is small, she had a strange obsessive-compulsive disorder that no matter how small the crack was, it would be magnified eight hundred times to her.


Completely distracted by the crack and oblivious to the attention she had caught around her, the two of them walked out of the milk tea shop.

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Ruan An’an hesitated several times before speaking, “Um… Gu Jue.”




“I just saw your mobile screen… Is it cracked?”


Cell phone still clutched in his hand, Gu Jue was slightly bewildered.


The screen cracked this morning when he woke up.


He tended to get cranky when he did not get enough sleep. This morning, the crankiness had reached an unprecedented height. He fumbled when reaching out for the cell phone and threw it out just after three rings of alarm; unfortunately the cellphone hit the corner of the cabinet. Dummy, the lazy orange cat jumped three feet high in shock.


“Is it badly cracked?” Ruan An’an did not want to appear overly obsessed, and answered reasonably, “Well… I heard that it’s serious if the inner screen is cracked.”

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