Her heartbeat, which has been violently beating because of running a few hundred meters, has been relieved a lot, but at this time, it was about to climb and revert to the previous speed.

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Ruan An’an couldn’t describe her current mood. She didn’t speak, and neither did Gu Jue. The two looked at each other like this and he didn’t let go. He seemed to be observing the expressions on her face, his eyes dark with a hint of playfulness.


It was very silent for a while, until a voice came from the side entrance——


“Oh fuck!”


Ruan An’an was taken aback, as if she heard a ‘pop’ sound of a balloon being suddenly punctured.

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The man at the door was still sighing, “When was there ever anyone here? My god, that scared me to death…”


There seemed to be some equipment near the door. A total of two people were moving about and complaining, “Why don’t you two look at where you are; this isn’t the proper place to be talking about love!” The two people walked away,  chattering, “Youngsters nowadays, tsk tsk…”


Two youngsters, “…”


Still in this position of a kabe-don(1), that wasn’t really considered a kabe-don, the atmosphere became sweetly embarrassing after the two people interrupted them, regardless of whether they were students or physical education teachers.

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(T/N: Refers to the action of an individual pinning another individual against a wall. Person 1 would be outstretching his/her hand to slam on the wall, locking person 2’s back against the wall.  A typical pose in romance movies/ anime)


It just so happened that the broadcasting system outside began to call the junior men’s preliminaries to play. The two youngsters then walked out of this place in silence together tacitly.


It was now the 100-meter preliminaries.


In addition to Gu Jue and Chen Song of the Class 1 of Finance who participated in this event, Chen Song had been called to run before him. At this time, he was standing on the track, flexing his wrists and ankles.

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Chen Song’s track was the innermost track. Ruan An’an followed Gu Jue to stand on the lawn next to him as the conversation between Chen Song and the Sports Committee could be heard clearly.


The Sports Committee said bitterly like an old and nagging mother,”Hey, this is wrong! You have to twist it this way, look at me… and also your feet! Don’t forget the feet!” The two suddenly started warming up together as the Sports Committee said once again, “Song Er, don’t be nervous later; everyone knows your level. Don’t be stressed and don’t look at the people around you, just run like you always do…”


The Sports Committee pointed to the second track, “This one is from the Sports Department,” Then, he pointed to the third track, “and this is the brother to the second track,” The sports committee concluded, “Can you outrun them? No. So my advice for you is to not look around and advance straight forward. Song Er, you can do it!!!”


Chen Song gave him a thumbs up, “Please don’t worry, Sports Committee! I will make sure to complete the task!”

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Ruan An’an, “…”


Ruan An’an really didn’t expect the Sports Committee to be so concerned about his work. It was impossible to not pay him a hefty salary with this level of professionalism.


The two brothers who were pointed out by the Sports Committee just now laughed uncontrollably, “No, buddy, are you sending your child to the college entrance examination? It’s just the preliminaries, why are you nervous?”


“Sigh,” the Sports Committee waved his hand, “Of course you won’t be nervous anymore, but can I not fret about my own child?”

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