Brother Cheng’s Jokes

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Before heading off to bed, she sat reading one of the books Cheng Jing Bo had recommended to her, as per usual. She had been sitting for a while, before she received a text message just as she was starting to doze off. Reaching for her phone, she opened it to find a text from Mu Zibei.

[I have been talking with Brother Cheng up till now.]

Bo Ziren felt a sudden sense of helplessness wash over her.

Didn’t she tell him not to disturb others at night?

[Mu Zibei: He promised to give me a gift and then told me a joke, but I couldn’t laugh.]

[Bo Ziren: What was the joke?]

[Mu Zibei: ‘A rich skeleton walked into a bar and told the waiter that it wanted a glass of whiskey and a rag.’

I couldn’t understand it, but he refused to tell me why it was funny.]

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Bo Ziren mulled it over for a moment, trying to decipher its meaning.

[Bo Ziren: Because you want to drink and wipe?]

[Mu Zubai: Hahahahahahahahahaha, Brother Cheng’s jokes are always like a bully to me. My stomach hurts from laughing.]

[Bo Ziren: …]

Bo Ziren felt even more speechless.

What a cold joke.

It was only after she repeated the joke twelve times in her mind before the corners of her mouth inadvertently twitched upwards.

It does sound a bit funny.

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On Wednesday evening, Bo Ziren stayed in the supervisor’s office to help him arrange the coursework. By the time she was done, it had already become late. Feeling hungry, she walked over to a street behind campus where she knew she could find a meal.

Unfortunately, she saw Fang Zheng and a member of school staff coming out of a nearby booth. Although the weather was cold, both of them wore thin clothes. The staff member wasn’t even wearing a jacket but wore a long sleeve shirt, with the sleeves folded up his arms.

Bo Ziren walked ahead while the two men strolled behind her. They were talking and laughing loudly, almost deliberately, as if they wanted it to ring in her ears. She also heard the sound of a can being kicked steadily along. 

Bo Ziren felt something was wrong, and increased her pace, but to no avail. They kept up with her, turning the walk into a chase. She could see their shadows closing in on her, and she couldn’t shake them off no matter how many turns she took.

She reached an intersection, her heart racing, and in her panic walked in the direction of the brightly lit and bustling road.

“You there, stop!”

She was suddenly yanked back by the hood of her down jacket and was very rudely forced to a halt. Fang Zheng’s face loomed into view. His face and cheeks were flushed with alcohol, as he stared down at her.

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“Why did you embarrass me like that in the cafeteria that day?” 

He seemed to be in a bad mood. 

“Just because I gave you a note, do you think I still like you?” He scoffed. “You think too much. I have met a lot of women like you,” he leered down at her. “They know how to pretend and put on a high-profile act, and don’t even bother talking to boys they think are beneath them.” 

He narrowed his eyes.

“Who do you think you are, treating yourself like some sort of goddess?”

Bo Ziren couldn’t believe the nonsense she was hearing, and slowly reached into her pocket grasping her phone. Noticing her movement, the other guy grasped her wrist and brought his face down closer to hers.

“Don’t worry,” he said softly, “no one wants to hurt you.” 

He stared at her. 

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“You have two choices, either make-up with my little bro, or apologize to him.”

Bo Ziren’s hand broke out into a cold sweat against her phone’s screen. She scrambled to think of a way to get rid of them.

“Choose quickly, we don’t have much time,” he said, increasing the pressure on her wrist.

“Don’t touch me.” Bo Ziren said sharply.

“No one wants to touch you. Stop seeing yourself as some big thing.” As he spoke, his face inched menacingly closer to hers.

On impulse, Bo Ziren lifted her foot, kicking him squarely in the shins. He bent down in agony but didn’t let go of her hand.

“A girl who fights is so not cute,” he said, his face twisted with anger. “You look so thin and weak, but you’ve actually got strength-”

“Bo Ziren.”

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