Chapter 15 (1)

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The Meddling of Zou Dhou

Towards the end of the term, Bo Ziren became very busy. In addition to reviewing professional books, she also continued to help her tutor translate his book. She found she had less and less personal time. Nevertheless, she still found a moment to go to the library and was lucky enough to find the book Cheng Jingbo had recommended.

She sat under the century-old camphor tree growing on campus and began to read. However, she was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

“What are you looking at?”

Zhou Dou sat next to her. As she self-consciously shut the book, he lost interest in what she was reading and began to joke about other things instead.

“I can’t believe you dared to ask for leave on Teacher Fu’s birthday. Do you not want to live?”

“I had something to do that day.”

“What can possibly be bigger than your mentor’s birthday party? If you don’t build a good relationship with him, you will have a hard time during your second year. You will only be able to work on certain key topics and you might not be able to garner a name for yourself. Your research won’t succeed during your next three years at university. Have you thought about this? If this is where you are headed, you might as well quit school as soon as possible, get married and become somebody’s housewife.”

“Thank you for reminding me.”

Bo Ziren stood up to leave, resisting an eye roll. She was going to search for another place to read in peace.

“Don’t rush to hide.”

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Zhou Dou smiled.

“I’m on my way to take a nap in the big classroom. You can have your spot back.”

He stood up and left, leaving Bo Ziren feeling very strange. Had he come just to remind her about the important connection between her interpersonal life and her future? But they had not even developed a close enough friendship yet to talk like this. She wrinkled her forehead, deeply puzzled.


That evening, everyone was concentrating very hard in the small meeting room, all of them immersed in translating Fu He’s work until finally, the last bell rang for the day.

Zhou Dou dropped his pen, and proclaimed to everyone, “Let’s all go to dinner together. Bo Ziren’s treat.”

Bo Ziren, who had been packing her school bag, turned her head to look at him.

“What treat? She asked in a whisper.

Zhou Dou turned towards her and smiled softly. 

“Right? You told me you wanted to treat us all, but you only told me quietly because you were afraid of being rejected by everyone.” 

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Huang Xiaoling fluttered her long eyelashes. With her face looking like she had seen a ghost, she asked Bo Ziren directly, trying to confirm what she had just heard.

“Bo Ziren, you want to treat us? Really?”

The other elder sisters and seniors also stopped what they had been doing, focusing their attention on Bo Ziren’s face. They didn’t dare ask in case they made a mistake.

“She’s already acquiesced,” said Zhou Dou, taking the lead. “Let’s not bother with trying to pick a place, and let’s instead go straight to the newly opened restaurant on Siwei Road.”

“That restaurant is very popular. Do you have a reservation?” asked Senior Sister Zhao.

“Does this restaurant have boiled fish? I like tomato pot,” Senior Luo added.

Senior Tang shook his head.

“No, no, this restaurant’s specialty is spicy hot pot, and their tomato pot is not flavorful enough.”

Huang Xiaoling said defiantly, “Spicy things cause acne. I want pork bone soup. It can be very nourishing during winter.”

“We can discuss the details once we arrive,” said Zhou Dou, picking up his school bag. “Let’s set off now. Gold master, hurry up,” he said to Bo Ziren, urging her forward.

Bo ZIren stood speechless at the event unfolding before her. She silently squeezed the purse in her pocket. Fortunately, she had brought enough money with her today.

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They walked to Siwei Road, and Bo Ziren, who was supposed to be the one inviting everyone, fell back to the end of the group. Zhou Dou walked backward a bit to check that she had followed, as if afraid she would run away.

“Zhou Dou, is there any relationship between your family and Vice President Zhou?” Huang Xiaoling suddenly asked.

Zhou Dou ignored her.

Huang Xiaoling felt a bit put off at this treatment. After all these days of getting along, she was feeling complicated feelings towards Zhou Dou. On the one hand, she hated his arrogance, but on the other hand, she couldn’t help but pay attention to his every move. They had even accidentally bumped into each other more than once, but she was always utterly ignored.

“Xiaoling, I would never dare ask about this kind of thing in person. You are too courageous.” Senor Tang had always been tolerant of Huang Xiaoling.

“It was just a casual question, but he’s the one who doesn’t want to answer.” 

Huang Xiaoling purposefully walked to Senior Tang’s side and began talking and laughing with him instead.

Zhou Dou slowed down even more, waiting for Bo Ziren to come closer.

“Do you have enough money?” he whispered to her.

Bo Ziren nodded.

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“Don’t worry, I will pay the bill while everyone is eating.”

Bo Ziren firmly refused. 

“Since it is my treat, why should you pay the bill?”

“Because I volunteered on your behalf.”

“I know you did it to get me closer to them.”

Zhou Dou’s face lit up after hearing this.

“So you are not so dense.”

“Thank you, but don’t do this again in the future. I can solve my own problems.”

If Bo Ziren’s former sentence of understanding made him happy, this next sentence now caused any jovial feelings to grind to a halt. 

How could this woman always act like he was a stranger? Did he really look so annoying?

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