Chapter 08

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Cheng Jingpo brought them to a restaurant that was only one station away from the hospital. Bo Ziren and Mu Zibei’s first time there and both were unfamiliar with the place, thus Cheng Jingpo took it on himself to order for everyone. For Bo Ziren, he ordered a beef soup set, as for Mu Zibei, he wisely selected the kid’s meal, whereby for himself, a simple noodle soup.

Mu Zibei used his chopsticks to play with the meatball on his plate and then looked at the guest of honor’s simple noodle soup, he sighed and commented, “Cheng dage, you didn’t need to save money for me, chose whatever you want to eat.”

The ever-calm expression on Cheng Jingpo’s face was veiled behind a curtain of steaming smoke coming from his noodle soup, “One bowl of noodles is good enough.”

“Obviously I was prepared to treat you to a big meal, but it ended up being like this. By chance others found out, wouldn’t I lose face big time?”

“Isn’t what the guest wants to eat is the most important when treating?”

Mu Zibei was stunned and then agreed readily, “You are right, what Cheng dage said is reasonable.”

Needless to say, Bo Ziren could easily guess the reason why Cheng Jingpo chose this particular restaurant to have the meal in; there were not many customers around, the environment was both clean and hygienic, even the prices were affordable. As a guest, his selection was truly considerate.

“Cheng dage, I’m so sorry about that matter the other day, please accept my humble apologies.” After finished dealing with one meatball, Mu Zibei once again expressed his deep remorse.

“Okay, I forgive you.” He laughed slightly.

“Then, can you keep it a secret and don’t tell Doctor Cheng?”

“You’ve already treated me to have a meal, it goes beyond saying that you’ve stuffed my mouth full. Now, how can I not keep it a secret for you?”

“Cheng dage, you’re so open-minded! I’m taking you as my friend.” Mu Zibei sealed the deal with a knock of the hammer[1]. “If you need my help in the future, no need to hold back, just directly…. directly tell my sister. Wait till I get my mobile phone next month, then I’ll inform you my number.”

“Sounds good,” Cheng Jingpo glanced at Bo Ziren, “Let’s exchange our mobile phones number afterwards.”

Bo Ziren was quick, in a matter of seconds, she immediately realized that she had concealed some truths from Mu Zibei, therefore she collaborated without a hitch with Cheng Jingpo.

Digging for information of potential enemy, Mu Zibei voiced out a question while eating, “Cheng dage, is there anyone wooing Doctor Cheng right now?”

“According to my knowledge, there are two.”

Hearing this, Mu Zibei could not hide the apprehension in heart, anxiously asked, “Is she interested?”

“Not at the moment.”

Relieve washed over Mu Zibei, followed by him muttering to himself in a soft whisper, “Even the best woman is afraid of a persistent wolf, I’m afraid they would pester her till her resistance thinned out.”

“En, what did you say?”

“Nothing.” Mu Zibei kept a tight lip, “I just felt a good woman like Doctor Cheng should have strict criterias in choosing her partner.”

“Don’t worry, no one in the family is rushing her to get married. She has plenty of time and freedom to wait for another three to five years.”

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“Three to five years?” Mu Zibei ventured cautiously, even bordering coyness “Can’t she wait a little longer?”

“Wait a few more years? Wouldn’t that be too pitiful? I think she should find her significant other before reaching thirty-five.”

There were many other things Mu Zibei wished to say but Bo Ziren who was seated next to him could not stand him anymore, and reminded calmly, “The thing you need to consider now is finishing off your meal.”

Cheng Jingpo smiled encouragingly at Mu Zibei, “En, your jiejie is right. You have to eat well so you can grow taller faster.”

Mu Zibei’s abrupt sullenness was cut short being pulled back to reality. He shoved rice into his mouth grumpily and because he was eating a little too fast, he nearly choked on a meatball.  Coughing severely, his face turned maroon, yet before Bo Ziren could react, Cheng Jingpo’s actions were faster than hers. One hand got a firm hold of Mu Zibei’s shoulder to keep him in place while the other patted purposefully on Mu Zibei’s back so that he could spit the meatball out. At the end, when Mu Zibe’s breathing eased out, he was given some warm water.

Sighing as relief washed over him,  Mu Zibei had tears glistening in his eyes, “I almost died because of a piece of meatball.”

Bo Ziren was very worried, “How do you feel now?”

“I’m alright now.” Mu Zibei turned towards Cheng Jingpo with undisguised gratitude, “Cheng dage, thank you for saving me.”

“Rest for a while first, before eating again.” Cheng Jingpo instructed, “Drink more water for now.”

The false alarm made Mu Zibei felt he had lost face in front of Cheng dage, consequently, he kept his head down in silence for the next quarter of an hour. The little rascal was too embarrassed to speak just like a kid being caught with his hand in a cookie jar.

“When I was small, I accidentally swallowed a coin and was rushed to the hospital to get it out.” Cheng Jingpo recounted his not-so-glorious past in a calm and steady voice.

It naturally caught Bo Ziren’s attention as she turned and focused towards him, “Really?’

“En, it during the New Year, the housekeeper aunt placed one hidden coin dumpling in every bowl, and I had waited for quite a while so I was hungry, when it came I scarfed the dumplings down, and swallowed the coin. It got stuck right in my throat and there was no other way to get it out but to go to the hospital.”

Mu Zibei asked a crucial question, “When that coin was taken out, what did you do with it?”

“I put it in my drawer as a memento; not to rush in doing things.”

Mu Zibei conveniently ignored the latter part, but followed up on the latter enthusiastically, “Me too! Recently I had a tooth removed, and it is in my drawer now. I even placed a candy next to it, so they can always be sweet-sweet together.”

Bo Ziren looked at Mu Zibei in silence, she thought, “Where’s the similarity? You just have a strange hobby.”

“A good idea.” Cheng Jingpo praised.

Instantly, Mu Zibei’s confidence was boosted again, to the point of forgetting the awkward moment earlier, and his skillful conversational skills also returned in full force, asking Cheng Jingpo what does he like to eat and Cheng Jingpo gave a few dishes’ name. The little one had not tasted any of them, causing his saliva to drool listening to Cheng Jingpo’s vivid description.

“Cheng dage, where exactly can I eat the Golden Jade Little Lamb you’ve just mentioned, ah?”

“It’s very simple, you can make it at home. The golden jade refers to white cabbage and little lamb is an alias for tofu.” Cheng Jingpo narrated patiently, “To put it simply, it is white cabbage stewed tofu; it’s a delicious dish.”

“Oh,” but the little fellow was not satisfied, again he questioned, “What about Hibiscus Goose Leaves Soup?”

“En, that’s actually what we call Chrysanthemum Leaves Egg Drop soup nowadays.”

“ …………………”

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Little fellow’s enthusiasm deflated to the bottom.

As for Bo Ziren, it was certainly a joyous meal. It was just that she did not join in the conversations much, she was content to just listen to Mu Zibei and Cheng Jingpo’s animated conversation.

Of course, she was more inclined on listening to Cheng Jingpo talking as he remained patient answering all of Mu Zibei’s illogical questions and not ‘entertain’ perfunctorily just because the other party was a child. He did not bring out the manner of a high and dignified teacher. His voice was nice and soothing, and to Bo Ziren, listening to him talking was something very satisfying and relaxing.

“Jiejie, quickly take down Cheng dage’s number.” When the meal ended, Mu Zibei did not forget to remind her of this important thing.

Therefore, Bo Ziren made an act of taking out her phone and punched in some numbers according to Cheng Jingpo’s instructions.

Mu Zibei seized this opportunity to ransacked Bo Ziren’s bag, hoping to find some other snack yet today, the fortune goddess did not seem to be in his favor.

Bo Ziren turned around and saw every big and small item in her bag was nearly strewn out, whereas Mu Zibei’s hand was going in for another round.

“There is no candy in my bag,” Bo Ziren whispered, “only bitter chocolate.”

Mu Zibei gave up after hearing that and Bo Ziren skillfully stuffed everything back into her bag.

“Wait, what is this?” Mu Zibei looked like he had just discovered a treasure, picking up a small notebook, opening the first page and reading it out loud, “The Theory of Love at First Sight relation with adrenaline, dopamine….”

Flustered, Bo Ziren covered his mouth in a hastened motions and snatched back her notebook with the other hand, pretending as if nothing had happened as she said, “These are my research subjects, you won’t understand.”

Mu Zibei’s black-grapes like pupils swirled around as if he could understand, “So you are researching this? It seems very interesting.”

“En, if you are interested, you can learn it when you grow up.” Bo Ziren put on a calm facade while looking at Cheng Jingpo.

Fortunately, Cheng Jingpo had his eyes focusing on his phone and missed Mu Zibei’s high-profile show and tell.

But Mu Zibei was not someone that could be distracted so easily, thus the moment Cheng Jingpo finished with his mobile, the little fellow asked in the most straightforward manner, “Cheng dage, what do you think love at first sight is?”

Right in that second, Bo Ziren’s mind exploded, that one second seemed like ages. After what seemed like a millennia, she heard his answer.

“It probably feels like you have known that person from before.” He answered casually and simply, a mysterious smile was plastered on his face.

Bo Ziren repeated his words inside her heart.

“Just like that?” Mu Zibei in the other hand had much more to say about this topic.

Cheng Jingpo’s clean, long, and slender fingers effortlessly clasped together before he stated, “This already is considered a rare chance of fate.”

On the way back, Mu Zibei’s head slanted to one side in deep thoughts, still keeping his unrestrained attitude, “Just now I forgot to ask what Cheng dage do, he knows so many names of dishes, could he be a chef?”

“He’s a teacher.”

“Ah? No way!” Mu Zibei’s face instantly turned bitter, “How do you know?”

“He said it himself just now, maybe you just did not pay much attention.” Bo Ziren subconsciously touched her nose as she cooked up an excuse.

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Mu Zibei had a hard time accepting this hard truth. However one must know although he performed very well in school, an absolute exemplary student, underneath, he did not have any slightest bit good impression of teachers. They always remarked things with sarcasm and were also hypocrites. Finding out the Cheng dage that he idolized after knowing for a short time was not a dazzling chef but someone who educates others, he felt like he had been tricked.

“What a waste to his good looks.” Mu Zibei lamented like an old soul.

“I like his profession very much,” Bo Ziren countered, “it suits him well.”

“What?” Mu Zibei approached till his face was stuck right in front of Bo Ziren, turning around he muttered, “You also like him very much?”

Bo Ziren stiffened, feeling the embarrassment of a secret hidden at the deepest part of her heart was being exposed in the broad daylight.

“I also like him very much.” Mu Zibei declared enthusiastically, “If I were a girl, I might have fallen in love with him at first sight too!”

Only then did Bo Ziren realized a child’s way of thinking was totally different from an adult’s, theirs’ most likely sprouted from a sense of worship.

“Why did you say if you were a girl you would have fallen in love with him love at first sight?”

“Because I like Doctor Cheng at the first sight too, and he is Doctor Cheng’s sibling which means he is the male version of Doctor Cheng. In conclusion, if I were a girl, he would have been the object of my love at first sight.”

Bo Ziren was rendered speechless, Mu Zibei’s logic sounded alien to her, but at the same time, it was also reasonable when one thought it that way. This made her unable to refute on the spot, successfully increasing his complacency in front of her.

Unsure if it was because he was too excited during the day, but that night, Mu Zibei came down with a slight fever which kept Lin Xinyu close, staying vigil beside his bed through the night, using a warm towel to wipe him down. Perhaps the wife-loving Uncle Mu also did not get a blink of sleep that night, pacing back and forth in front the corridor. Sounds of low coughing and rustling footsteps could be heard throughout the night, waking up Bo Ziren from her sleep. Putting on a sleeping robe, she came out from her room, wanting to check on Mu Zibei’s condition but was prevented by Lin Xinyu, “Don’t go in, he just fall asleep, don’t wake him up.”

Bo Ziren nodded and stood outside quietly for some time.

“Xiao Ren, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?” came Uncle Mu’s mild voice.

“I’m not hungry.” Bo Ziren shook her head and returned to her room instead.

Liu Xinyu went back to her room at dawn; lying down on the bed with her husband, switched off the bedside lamp, a heavy sigh vibrated in the darkness.

“Xinyu, I feel you should spend more time with your daughter.”

Liu Xinyu was too exhausted to pay any attention, she only replied with an ‘en’ as she succumbed into her drowsiness.


During breakfast that morning, Bo Ziren and Mu Zhidong sat face to face as they ate. Mu Zidong had a healthy appetite, after he feasted on one sandwich, two fried eggs, and gulped down a tall glass of milk; he let out a satisfactory burp before he put the empty glass back on to the table and exclaimed, “Mu Zibei is a medicine pot, always the last one in Physical Education class running, can’t even compare to a girl.”

Bo Ziren reprimanded him, “Everyone has their own good qualification, you cannot judge your brother this way.”

Mu Zidong grunted, and jumped out from the chair, then went to ‘summon’ his treasure sword from the sofa.

The atmosphere in the house was a little gloomy till afternoon when Mu Zibei’s fever finally receded, only then did Lin Xinyu feel some peace of mind. Just as she wanted to take some rest for a while in the bedroom, her eldest son wrapped around her throwing a tantrum while stomping his feet and all, “Mama, I want to buy another treasure sword, there are too many enemies, one sword is not enough to deal with them. I want to buy it now!”

Lin Xinyu spared no effort in coaxing her son.

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Bo Ziren was in her room reading when she heard the commotion outside. She reluctantly putting down her book, she rested her head on the table and closed her eyes––then, she vaguely heard a beep sound of text message notification.

Grasping her phone, the sender’s name made her blinked twice to ensure it was real.

[Yesterday you left something at the restaurant. Fortunately, I noticed it today at the lost and found item, and decided to pick it up for you. I’ll put it at the bar counter in the Café, when you have time, come over and ask Xiao Ji for it.]

Bo Ziren turned around to check her bag, and indeed there was an item missing––a Bodhi seed keychain with her surname character ⎾⏌ carved on it. Most likely it was dropped when Mu Zibei was ransacking her bag for candy and then fell in a corner.

Since she had nothing to do, Bo Ziren decided to make a move towards the Café and ran into Cheng Jingpo the moment she walked in. He was discussing something with the worker in charge of the place’s lighting.

“How come you came over so fast?” Cheng Jingpo was a little surprised upon seeing Bo Ziren walking in through the doors.

“En,” Bo Ziren came to a stop right before him, and said, “Thank you for bringing back my things.”

Her eyes immediately roamed over the bar counter while conveying this.

“Wait, your item is still with me.” He took out her Bodhi seed keychain from his outer coat, then remarked casually, “I was admiring it just now.”

Bo Ziren received the keychain, along the creases on the Bodhi seed the heat from his palm lingered, a warm feeling filled Bo Ziren.

“You look cold,” He looked at her nose pink due to the cold, “Stay awhile since you’re already here, Xiao Ji just made a fresh pot of coffee, I’ll tell her to bring you a cup.”

She looked up, scarcely believing his invitation.

“I have something to settle at the moment, leave after you finish the coffee.” He prepared to turn around after saying that.

“What time will you be back?” taking off the scarf around her neck, she added after an afterthought, “I can wait for you.”

His dark pupils seemed to pause for a second, the way she looks at the moment while looking at him was extremely vivid and for the first time in his life, he did not try to use any excuse to reject the opposite gender’s advance. After a short moment of pondering, he said, “In half of an hour time.”

He stopped again after taking a few steps, turned around he prompted her, “Go sit inside, the heating is relatively better.”

He went out the door before went out after saying so; gradually, his tall and straight back disappeared from the line of sight.




[1] Figurative action like sealing a deal in an auction.


Translator    : Woodear

Editor        : ChocolateMorn

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