Chapter 21: Four Seasons Protection Guide (8)

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    "What, what did you say?"

    Guo Guo shrunk against the wall, her whole body was half hunched, her pale face was blank, "I don't understand."

    Tang Xinjue's eyes were solemn.

    If it wasn't for turning around this time, she really didn't realize that Guo Guo's face was already pale to such an extent - leaning in the shadows almost gave the illusion of translucency. The temperature of the whole body seemed normal, and the strange coolness could only be felt when there was physical contact, as if a thin layer of cold water had accumulated, cold and threatening.

    In the previous exam level, the dormitory had always seemed to be defending them against ghosts, which also made her subconsciously ignore the danger from this aspect.

    But it turns out that any negligence can be fatal.

    When did the exam rules say that the dormitory was absolutely safe in the face of ghosts?

    Just like Xiaohong in the first instance, as long as certain conditions are met, ghosts can appear in the dorm.

    Her thoughts flowed. In reality, it was only for a moment, then Tang Xinjue had already shot like electricity, and her right hand pressed Guo Guo's neck and pressed her down!

    An attached phantom who had no time to hide appeared above Guo Guo's back.

    The shadows in the air were so faint that it was almost impossible for the human eye to catch them. It's just that for Tang Xinjue's extremely keen senses, at such a close distance, its concealment is completely useless.

    In the next second, a flash of brilliance came from her hand, and the toilet plunger fell on the phantom's head!

    The phantom didn't seem to react, and was caught off guard. It instantly detached a few centimeters from Guo Guo's body, and the shadow became lighter.

    After reacting, it seemed to be provoked, and it gave up Guo Guo and rushed directly to Tang Xinjue.

    Tang Xinjue looked at it coldly. This time, she didn't even need to do anything.

    [Ding dong, the Light of the Right Path shines on the earth! ]

    Without even struggling or screaming, the phantom was swayed by the golden light of the buff and immediately disappeared.

    Guo Guo was only agitated, and the blood on her face slowly flowed back. She raised her face and touched her head blankly: "Xinjue, why are you beating me all of a sudden? You even took out the plunger... No, why is it so cold?"

    Looking at Tang Xinjue's serious expression, her roommate realized something later, and her lips turned white: "I remembered, you just said that ghosts and evil spirits are not part of the recovery of all things. Why, why ask so suddenly?"

    "You have just been possessed by a ghost." Tang Xinjue replied directly, "If I was one step later, you will not just feel cold."

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    Guo Guo: "!!!"

    "I said why I was so confused just now, I can't think about things, I just want to sleep..." Guo Guo wanted to cry without tears: "I didn't expect that the bed would be unsafe, why are these things always attacking me!"

    "You were originally timid and easily frightened, but now you have yin yang eye ability, so your Yin Qi is heavier."

*As far as I know, qi or energy in Chinese culture is divided into two, yang qi, associated with the sun, light, etc., and yin qi, associated with moon, darkness, ghosts. I suppose the ghosts can see the abundant dark energy on her body and are attracted.

    In short, she (Guo Guo) was like a shining target, and (the ghosts) did not have to look around to find her.

    Tang Xin said, "However, it's not necessarily just you."

    With a physique that had been soaked in nightmares for three years, in the eyes of dark creatures, she was probably also a hunted object that needs to be swallowed. It's just that the buff on her body made them unable to get close.

    What's more, with the arrival of spring and the recovery of all things, if this rule also has an effect on ghosts...

    Tang Xinjue turned to look under the bed. In her eyes, Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing were diligently cleaning up the house, seemingly unaware of the movement above the bed.

    She turned her head to Guo Guo and said, "Look, what's going on right now?"

    Guo Guo looked carefully, and was stunned: "Why are they both lying on the table? Are they asleep?"

    Tang Xinjue thought that it was completely different from the scene she saw, indicating that there was still a problem in the dorm.

    She opened the bed tent and directly used the toilet plunger to spit out two streams of water downward. From her field of vision, the water fell on her "roommates", but the roommate did not respond.

    A scene that goes against common sense appears, the logic system in her mind was awakened, and the scene in front of her suddenly changed. It revealed the exact same scene as Guo Guo said: the two roommates were lying on the table, their bodies rising and falling gently, as if they were really asleep.

    "Wait, will there be many ghosts below right now?"

    Guo Guo hugged Tang Xinjue tightly and shivered.

    "Then we'll have to go down and have a look."

    When Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing were woken up, they both looked at a loss. They had come down to clean things up, but why did they fall asleep on their own?

    Seeing Guo Guo trembling all over, Zheng Wanqing's face was full of question marks: "The dorm is almost cleaned up, what else is there to be afraid of? Do I look scary?"

    Guo Guo looked horrified: "...It's not that you are scary, it's the thing lying on your back that is scary!"

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    "Wanqing, don't turn around!"

    Under Tang Xinjue's screams, Zheng Wanqing restrained herself from turning her head to look subconsciously, but at the same time, her eyes widened suddenly, and her facial features were covered with an uncoordinated gloomy shadow.

    Guo Guo screamed: "That thing is going to get into the body!!!"

    Tang Xinjue stepped up and pulled the person into her arms. Seeing the coldest spot according to her senses, the toilet plunger fell on the back at the position of the heart*, pressed it hard and pulled it out--

*心眼, xīn yǎn, actually refers to the mind eye. Also refers to the area of the heart. I couldn't get a complete meaning, but I'm guessing in this context, it's the spot in the middle on your back, around where the heart is.

    "Zheng Wanqing" seemed to feel the outward suction force and immediately struggled, but was ruthlessly suppressed by Tang Xinjue's hand. Finally, with a "bang", a faded phantom bounced out, and before it had time to react, it was smashed down a few times by the toilet plunger. The scream dissipated.

    "It's gone, it's gone now." Guo Guo held onto the railing with soft legs, looking even more frightened than Zheng Wanqing, who was almost possessed just now.

    Zheng Wanqing woke up with lingering fears: "What was that just now? I almost thought it was winter." In just a few seconds, she seemed to be drowning in cold water, and she was completely powerless.

    Guo Guo explained it. Tang Xinjue did not speak, and lowered her eyes to check the toilet plunger. When her roommate finished explaining and thought they could relax for a while, she suddenly said, "Zhang You, help me get this."

    She handed the toilet plunger over.

    Zhang You was stunned for a moment, then pursed her lips: "Why did you suddenly let me take it?"

    "Help me check the temperature." Tang Xinjue replied in a low voice, "I've been frozen for too long, and I can't feel the difference in temperature anymore."

    Zhang You said: "This is your weapon. It's not good for me to take it. What if a ghost attacks you?"

    Zheng Wanqing and Guo Guo looked at each other and turned to look at them together.

    "It doesn't matter," Tang Xinjue also smiled, "You have malicious sensor tools, if a ghost approaches, you should find it immediately, right?"

    Zhang You opened her mouth halfway, and the words behind did not come out. She was slightly stunned. Immediately, she seemed to realize something, her expression changed suddenly, and she turned to run!

    "This is a closed dormitory, how do you want to escape now that you are on someone's body?"

    Under Tang Xinjue's sneer, the other party also realized that it had no way to escape. Its reaction was much faster than the previous ones, and they saw Zhang You swayed, and the whole body was about to fall down.

    "You want to slip away when you see the situation is not good?"

    Tang Xinjue was faster than the other party, and stopped it with a single hand. Didn't know when the Frozen Talisman had been activated, and the newly condensed icicle contained the stump of the phantom demon exuded a faint chill.

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    "You'll die when you come out."

    The ghost on Zhang You's body: "..."

    A minute later, Zhang You was tied to a chair by the Wu Hua Da Bang* method, her face full of hopelessness.

*五花大绑, wǔ huā dà bǎng. This is a method of tying people, uses a rope around the neck and wraps it behind the back to cut the arms, which is often used to describe a strong binding.

    Zheng Wanqing was not able to fully react yet, "Wait, why did you suddenly tie Zhang You?"

    Guo Guo shrank behind Tang Xinjue, wish iron could turn into steel at once*: "Miss, are you stupid, can't you see that Zhang You has been possessed? Even the ghost on Zhang You react faster than you!"

*wish iron could turn into steel at once, is a Chinese idiom, hèn tiě bù chéng gāng, which describes being dissatisfied with the person you expect is not up to your expectations and hopes that they can improve themselves. This saying came because people find that it's difficult for iron to turn to steel, hoping that it would, just like older generation hopes the younger generation can temper themselves to be better.

    Just like what Tang Xinjue said - Zhang You clearly has a malicious sensor in her pocket, but this morning, whether it was Guo Guo who was possessed or the ghost on Zheng Wanqing who was close at hand, she didn't respond, as if she had not received any warning at all.

    In addition, in the process of exorcising Zheng Wanqing violently, Zhang You had no intention of helping at all. She was even unwilling to approach Tang Xinjue afterwards, which was abnormal in itself.

    All kinds of anomalies add up, and there was only one reasonable explanation, that is, Zhang You has already been possessed.

    This was the answer that Tang Xinjue had already determined before she spoke out.

    Moreover, the ghost on Zhang You's body was smarter than the first two. It can not only disguise, but also judge the current situation in time, obviously stronger. If there were only Zheng Wanqing and Guo Guo in the dormitory, even if Zhang You was found strange, they might not be able to catch the possessing ghost.

    Being smart means they can communicate with it.

    "Just a few simple questions, don't be nervous."

    Tang Xinjue folded her arms and stood in front of the bound Zhang You, her voice soft and polite.

    "Zhang You": I believe in your ghost!* If you have the ability, put down the toilet plunger in your hand and talk about it!

*我信你个鬼; wo xin ni de gui=I believe you are a ghost, used to say that you do not believe what someone has told you. This slang comes from a short video.

    But under the deterrence of extermination, it still had to restrain its arrogance, and said in a loud voice: "You, what do you want to ask?"

    "First of all, when did you appear in the dorm?"

    "Zhang You" said slowly: "Spring is coming, we will wake up naturally."

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    Sure enough, the appearance of ghosts was related to the change of seasons.

    "What's your name, what kind of ghost do you belong to?"

    "We are wandering spirits, we don't have a name."

    The other party sneered, "But if we can successfully eat you, maybe we will have a name." Several people looked at each other thoughtfully.

    It seems that even the ghosts in the game, there are obvious differences in the level of strength. Some are powerful NPCs, some are evil spirits hiding in the dark, and some are swarms of little ghosts.

    Just like candidates can improve their strength, for ghosts, killing people may be the ladder to climb the level.

    Without a second delay, Tang Xinjue continued to ask, "How many ghosts like you are there in the dormitory? Where are they hiding?"

    Dude, do you still want to turn the offensive around?

    Hearing this sentence, "Zhang You" had a complicated expression, "I'm the last one... There were originally a lot of them. We wanted to possess you when you were asleep, but as soon as we got close to you, all of them disappeared."

    For some reason, from this sentence, the three of them seemed to hear a trace of grievance and melancholy.

    Tang Xinjue's expression remained the same: "Will there be new ones?"

    "Of course..." The other party slowly grinned and smiled sullenly, "Spring is here, and we have an endless stream..."

    "Speak well."

    "I'm sorry," the possessing ghost instantly retracted its smile with a dignified expression, "I just thought of something happy."

    Tang Xinjue looked down. Her slender body fell in the eyes of the ghost, with a sense of danger and oppression comes from instinct.

    Her voice was soft and clear:

    "When, how often, and how many, weak points, triggers, and end mechanisms of your appearance.

    "Tell it all."

    Possessing ghost: that what you mean by [simple question]?

    Why, it has become a ghost, it still can't escape the thesis defense? 

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