Chapter 24: Four Seasons Protection Guide (11)

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    The prompt sound ended, and the exam interface of the app was finally updated.

    [Autumn is the harvest season!]

    Below the season prompt, there were two more rows of circular light spots. Counting from top to bottom, it was exactly 12.

    Tang Xinjue noticed that among the 12 light spots, 11 were flashing green, and the remaining one was gray.

    The exam rules say there are 12 "reapers" in the fall. It seems that each light point corresponds to one of them.

    When they touch the light spot, and more detailed explanations will pop up:

    [Green: The reaper is far away]

    [Yellow: The reaper is approaching]

    [Red: The reaper has come to you]

    [Gray: The reaper has left]

    Tang Xinjue heard Guo Guo's breath of relief.

    ——According to the current color of the light spot, a reaper had already come and left with the "harvest". Now that the other reapers had not arrived, they were temporarily in a safe state.

    After confirming that it was safe, Tang Xinjue immediately knocked on the wardrobe door, "Let's come out first."

    After the four came out, they all gasped. They were all choked up, not only because the space in the closet was cramped, but because they forgot to breathe when they were nervous.. Guo Guo was the worst - she almost suffocated herself.

    The rest of the people were slightly better, but their hands and feet were also weak, and they were sweating.

    The few minutes just now were like a silent walk on the line of between life and death. Although several people could not see the "reaper" outside the closet, they could clearly feel the alarm bell sounded by biological instinct: it was a danger beyond existence; they imagined it was far more terrifying than NPCs, dark creatures, ordinary ghosts, etc.!

    While the others were adjusting, Tang Xinjue took out a piece of paper and quickly drew something on it with a few strokes.

    When the drawing was done, the others were distracted and looked at it with a confused expression: "What is this?"

    They saw the strokes drawn on the white paper. It was like a piece of torn rag, and the rag seemed to be wrapped in a piece of paper or something, showing a hovering figure like a hooded cloak.

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    After drawing the things in her mind, Tang Xinjue wiped away the blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, and answered succinctly: "Reaper."

    The rest: "!!!"

    Reaper looks... so peculiar?

    But their gasps were only momentary. After all, since it was a monster, it was not surprising for it to look like a ghost.

    Putting away the pen, Tang Xinjue frowned imperceptibly.

    Because her senses of the dungeon creatures were too sensitive, she passively perceives the existence and status of the enemy almost all the time. This was also the reason why her san value dropped rapidly.

    "If I feel right, this reaper's patrol should only use this part..." She drew a circle on the cloth strip at the bottom of the rag, " simply scan all the dormitory and check it out."

    That's why it didn't find the four people hiding in the closet.

    She was glad, but a new problem also emerged. Tang Xinjue's expression was solemn: "This is only the first one."

    There were twelve reapers in total.

    Each may be different.

    They couldn't predict how will the next reaper patrol. At that time, would it be useful to hide in the wardrobe?

    Within the scope of the dormitory, there was no other better hiding place than a closed wardrobe.

    Zhang You was shocked: "So, there is no plan that can be absolutely effective..."

    Tang Xinjue confirmed: "Yes, at least with our current capabilities, we can't find a systematic countermeasure that can deal with all the reapers at the same time."

    This time, they may only be able to fight with endurance and luck.

    Two minutes after the last reaper left, Tang Xinjue quickly decided for everyone to put on thick winter clothes and masks. At the same time, she tore off the quilt on the bed and stuffed it all over the sides of the closet, leaving only the central space for them to hide.

    "The ghost possessing (Zhang You) once said that they rely on the smell of people to identify the dormitory, and they will float over when they smell people.

    "Assuming that the reapers will also identify through this when they search for humans, then what we need to do is to do our best to reduce the leakage of our breath."

    Tang Xinjue took a large basin of cold water from the tap and poured it on the glass window.

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    Since they came out of the closet again, the vegetation outside the window had disappeared without a trace. It might have been "harvested" in accordance with the season.

    Others also splashed the floor of the dorm with icy cold water, including the door of the desk and chair, to remove traces of their activities.

    In the end, one of them squeezed a frozen-three-foot talisman, which cooled the dormitory by dozens of degrees, as if they had returned to the winter dungeon. Even with everyone in the thick clothes, the cold seemed to slow down even their blood flow.

    "Wait for me, wait for me."

    Guo Guo dug out a cloth bag and stuffed it with a bunch of parts of their self-defense tools. Before they entered the closet for the first time, Guo Guo and Zhang You reluctantly disassembled the early warning props in order to prevent the alarm from attracting the monsters' attention.

    "The color has changed!"

    Zhang You whispered in a short voice; her voice anxious.

    On the app exam interface, at the bottom of the 12 light spots, one light spot turned yellow.

    This means that a reaper is approaching them!

    Without hesitation, the four of them hurriedly grabbed all their belongings and quickly got into the closet.

    The closet door was closed, darkness poured in, and the sense of security increased.

    Guo Guo put her hands together and kept praying silently: Don't come, don't come, don't come...

    The light spot symbolizing the reaper changed from yellow to red.

    "Bang!" The balcony window seemed to be hit by a heavy object, and the sound of glass shattering was clear and harsh!

    Guo Guo was so frightened that she almost made a sound, she desperately covered her mouth, and changed to silently saying:

    Don't find us, don't find us, don't find us...

    It seems that something was crawling on the ground, from the balcony to the dormitory door, making a rustling sound that was also getting closer to the wardrobe.

    The reaper this time was obviously much more meticulous than the previous one.

    Guo Guo desperately grabbed Tang Xinjue's hand.

    Tang Xinjue was also not feeling well.

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    She could feel that the monster didn't really enter the dormitory, but only used a part of her body, or a clone, but even so, she inevitably felt more.

    Icy... dark yellow... spitting letters... huge pupils...

    [Untouchables (Level 3): Your san value is severely damaged, health value -55]

    [Your sanity is overwhelmed]

    [Stop, or you'll go crazy with just a thought.]

    Tang Xinjue closed her eyes and bit her lower lip; her nails sank into her palms, trying to use pain to relieve the sensation, but to no avail.

    No, she couldn't sit still.

    Next, there will be a second and third monster of the same level. Does she have to suffer a mental blow every time? If it goes on like this, even when it was not yet halfway, even if her health bar is not drained, she will go crazy because her maximum san value.

    Tang Xinjue ran her thoughts frantically.

    There must be a solution, and she must be able to find a solution... Just like surviving countless nightmares, she could control her own thinking, consciousness, and reactions, and she could also control her perception.

    What did she do in the nightmare?

    In Tang Xinjue's heart, a trace of enlightenment rose.

    To some extent, reality blocked her control over her brain, reduced her strength, and magnified her weakness.

    But if this was a nightmare, she could do that.

    ——Then treat it as if she was dreaming.

    Making a decisive decision, Tang Xinjue gathered her attention, returned her thoughts, endured the attack on her spirit, sank in the vast sea of ​​consciousness, and then kept sinking—

    Found it.

    In the darkness, Tang Xinjue opened her eyes, but if there was light at this time, someone would see that her eyes lost focus for a moment, and then became empty and indifferent.

    Only Tang Xinjue knew that she could not feel any danger now.

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    The sharply decreasing san value suddenly stagnated, and the negative states began to disappear one by one.

    [Perceptual Closure: This is a buff created by the mind, the specific effect is not yet clear. Of course, no one knows better than you, right?]


    After an unknown period of time, Guo Guo trembled and poked her—there was no sound outside.

    In the exam interface, the second light spot lost its brightness and turned gray.

    The second reaper also left!

    Seeing this prompt, Guo Guo was almost moved to cry on the spot. She sniffed, and just wanted to say something to Tang Xinjue next to her, but the girl next to her suddenly fell down, knocked open the closet door and fell to the ground.


    Following Guo Guo's scream, the other two quickly pushed open the closet door and came out. They were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them --

    Tang Xinjue's face was pale and her eyes were tightly closed; her facial features wrinkled in pain. Together, her hands clenched into fists and pressed against the temples, and her whole body curled up into a small ball, looking extremely painful.

    "Xinjue! What's the matter with you?"

    Without thinking about other things, several people quickly helped her up, not daring to move easily because they didn't know the situation. They could only lightly press her shoulders and temples, trying to make Tang Xinjue feel better.

    Fortunately, within a few minutes, the girl's body stretched into a bowstring stretched out, opened her eyes, and there was nothing abnormal except looking a bit bloodshots.

    "I'm fine." Tang Xinjue said hoarsely.

    She drank the water that Zhang You handed over, her face recovered a little, and she smiled apologetically: "I just tried a new technique, but I couldn't control it when I retracted it. I didn't expect the after-effects brought by the first breakthrough to be so strong.”

    But at the same time, it was not without gains.

    "Xinjue, your health points?!!" Guo Guo suddenly blurted out with wide eyes.

    Judging from her eyes, the health bar after Tang Xinjue's name in [Dorm Member Status] had been on the verge of red line ten minutes ago, but it had returned to a green state in the blink of an eye.

    There was a teardrop that was about to form hung in the corner of Guo Guo's eye. At this time, she didn't know whether it should fall or not. She was dumbfounded.

    F*ck, the total health points is only 100. Tang Xinjue recovered dozens of points in one breath??

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