Chapter 36: Classic Movie Appreciation (10)

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    In order to better identify and judge, the four of them played the four movies of the two series of "Headless Ghost Tales" and "Evil Spirit in the Mountain Village" for a while.

    In order to prevent being caught off guard and see the end (of the movie), each video can only be watched for a maximum of ten minutes, and they will quickly turned them off.

    After forty minutes, they had a general understanding of what these four movies were about.

    The content of the first ten minutes of "Evil Spirit in the Mountain Village 1" was that an old lady sits in front of a hut and cuts meat. After cutting the meat, she chops the stuffing and mixes it. There was a stack of dough and molds next to it, which seems to be making meat buns. She repeats this silently throughout the whole process.

    When jumping to "Evil Spirit in the Mountain Village 2", the beginning was still exactly the same scene and the same old lady was still chopping stuffing and making buns. It's just that if you look closely, you can find that the old lady's hair seemed to be bald at this time, replaced by scorched scars that seem to have been burned, and two fingers were missing from her hands.

    "If this old lady was a ghost, and the second movie starts the same way, and she was injured again, according to the law of horror movies, she must have become stronger."

    Guo Guo whispered firmly.

    Zheng Wanqing: "Who summed up the law?"

    Guo Guo: "...I summed it up myself."

    Zhang You also agreed: "The name of this movie is "Evil Spirit in the Mountain Village". It was not eliminated in the first part, and it is even more dangerous in the second part."

    Of course, this was just their temporary guess. After all, with lessons learned from the past, the information in the first ten minutes of the movies were likely to be just the tip of the iceberg. It may even deliberately mislead people, the reality was the opposite.

    Next was "Headless Ghost Tales Series". The beginning of the first part was the same as what Tang Xinjue and Guo Guo saw at first. It was a story about a headless corpse suddenly "resurrected" and scaring several young students while looking for a head.

    The ghost-down-the-wall part was a bit creepy, but ten minutes of no-go-on scenes quickly wear off.

    It wasn't until "Headless Ghost Tales 2" started playing that Tang Xinjue's eyes lit up.

    The scene on the screen this time was a four-person female dormitory.

    The picture moved to the desk near the door, and four girls in their 20s were sitting together, drawing on a piece of dull yellow paper.

    "Can we write our names on paper?"

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    A girl with red hair hesitated.

    "Jin Wen, don't talk nonsense, just go away if you don't want to play."

    The girl next to her pushed her impatiently, and wrote her name on it.

    On the 8-mot yellow paper, three black names soon appeared, and the handwriting dried up a little bit on the paper.

    Jin Wen, a red-haired girl, looked at the yellow paper, with a look of hesitation flashing across her face, "I don't seem to be particularly looking for a boyfriend, the marriage is almost there..."

    "This can not only improve marriage."

    After finishing her, the girl who wrote the word "Wei Xian" on the paper immediately refuted Jin Wen, "My master said, from marriage to wealth, it can also protect the health of the family and make a lot of money. It can even make people you hate unlucky.

    "Just write our names on the four corners, and then silently pray for what you want, then put the hair and red soil in the middle, wrap the paper and hang it at the door of the dormitory. After at most a month, it will have a miraculous effect."

    After hearing Wei Xian's resolute speech, the other two girls also persuaded: "Hurry up and write this, four of us must write this, so that the effect can be maximized."

    One of the girls took the initiative to adjust the atmosphere and comforted Jin Wen: "Besides, even if it is useless, we will not lose anything, it's just writing a few words. It will be fine if you take it off when the time comes. Compared to going to the temple for a lucky sachet, that will cost you money."

    After listening to the persuasion, Jin Wen's expression relaxed, and she gritted her teeth and wrote her name on the yellow paper.


    "Don't write it!"

    Outside the movie screen, Guo Guo was engrossed in watching it, and couldn't help crying out, lamenting the protagonist's death.

    Zheng Wanqing said quietly: "Guo Guo, you still sigh for others, isn't this you who used to be obsessed with supernatural powers every day?"

    Guo Guo: "..."

    Zheng Wanqing continued to attack her with words: "If it was you before entering the game, you would definitely write without saying a word, and you would also be responsible for playing the role of instigating people. See, you're like the cannon fodder inside."

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    Guo Guo changed the subject with a dry smile: "Keep watching, keep watching... Hey, what's wrong with the screen? Why is it dark?"

    They all frowned at the same time, seeing that the screen had just gone dark, a girl's scream came out from the speaker, and other people comforted in confusion: "It's okay, it must be a power outage or a trip, use your phone camera.

    A few seconds later, the power recovered and the screen brightened again. The girls were stunned: the yellow paper on which their names had just been written was crumpled up for some reason and fell under the table.

    Wei Xian immediately pushed Jin Wen hard: "Did you throw it? I told you not to play if you don't want to play. What do you mean by destroying it?"

    Jin Wen looked bewildered, unable to argue: "It's not me! And there was a sudden power outage just now, and I was busy looking for my phone before it was too late, how could I have time for this kind of thing?"

    The other two hurriedly persuaded them not to fight. They picked up the yellow paper and saw that it hadn't been damaged except for creasing.

    Wei Xian snorted triumphantly: "Of course, the paper and red clay were specially given to me by my master. They are special props for making, and I can't even buy them." The others didn't dare to say anything, seeing that Wei Xian wrapped her hair and red soil with paper according to the method, and found a rope to hang at the door.

    "That's enough." She called others over with satisfaction, "Don't forget to invite me to dinner after you get what you want."

    Three of them gathered around the door, looking up at the yellow paper package. Jin Wen stood in the dormitory watching this scene. For some reason, she shuddered and couldn't stop shivering.

    She didn't dare to think about it any more, and quickly packed up: "Then I'm going to take a shower first!"

    "Jin Wen, why don't you come and see?"

    When the camera cut to Jin Wen's face, Wei Xian's voice suddenly came from behind her coldly. The sound made her froze in place in fright.

    "I, I won't see it, I believe you." She prevaricated a few words, picked up the bath bag and was about to leave, but her shoulders were suddenly grabbed from behind.

    "What are you waiting for, come and have a look."

    Another roommate's voice followed.

    "Come here, you are the only one missing."

    The third roommate followed closely.

    Jin Wen was inexplicably sweating cold, and she couldn't find a reason to refuse. Under the continuous urging, she could only bite the bullet and turn around. She just smiled stiffly: "Okay..."

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    Before she finished speaking, she saw with her own eyes the strange eyes of her roommates. Their heads were like cut fruits, sliding down one by one in front of her.

    When they fell, these heads still kept opening their mouths to urge her, and even after they fell to the ground, they were still asking Jin Wen one by one: "How is it? Is the paper bag hanging well?"

    "Have I become more beautiful? "

    "You say... Jin Wen... you say..."

    With her face completely occupied by fear, Jin Wen screamed: "Ah----!!!"

    "Crack", the screen turned into a line and disappeared, Tang Xinjue closed the movie just in time.

    Her roommates were still a little overwhelmed, especially Guo Guo, who had goosebumps all over her body: "This movie really feels like a horror movie, and my health has dropped." Especially the content of this movie, whether it is the scene or the personnel configuration, were almost exactly the same as their dormitory. Substituting into it, they felt a chill in their necks for a while.

    After the preliminary understanding of the four movies, the next step was to choose the movie.

    Different from the previous unanimous conclusions of all members, the results of this discussion unexpectedly diverged.

    Guo Guo and Zhang You chose the Evil Spirit of the Mountain Village, and Zheng Wanqing chose the Headless Ghost Tales.

    After thinking for a few seconds, Tang Xinjue also chose Headless Ghost Tales.

    Guo Guo shook her head crazily, ""Headless Ghost Tales" was too bloody and terrifying, I don't want to die at the beginning!"

    Zhang You also hesitated: "The content of this movie is indeed very unfriendly to our dormitory. Of course, the difficulty of "Evil Spirit in the Mountain Village" is also uncertain."

    Their last loss that seemed simple but actually complicated, they had already suffered in "Death Record of Class 3-1".

    Zheng Wanqing shook her head, and said bluntly: "I didn't think too much about it, I just thought that "Evil Spirit in the Mountain Village" made me feel sick, and the latter was a little better."

    After listening to everyone's opinions, Tang Xinjue pressed the spot between her eyebrows: "The reason why I didn't choose "Evil Spirit in the Mountain Village" is that the story of this movie takes place in a deserted village in the mountains.

    "Once the choice is wrong and we enter the movie, then we need to survive to the end in this environment and face ghosts."

    Tang Xinjue pointed to herself, and then to everyone: "But Zhang You, Guo Guo, Wanqing, including me, none of us have experience living in a mountain village."

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    If the movie time was prolonged, how should they find food to survive in it, and how to adapt to a completely unfamiliar geographical environment? This was a huge natural disadvantage for them.

    Realizing this, Zhang You's face became serious: "Indeed, I didn't think about it. Compared with the completely unfamiliar mountain village, we must be more familiar with the structure of the girls' dormitory."

    They have also done many battles in their dormitory. After many battles, in a familiar environment, the sense of panic facing terrifying enemies will also be reduced.

    Guo Guo said weakly: "I lived at my grandma's house before I was three years old... Forget it. If I didn't say it, then I will vote for the Headless Ghost Tales."

    After calming down, none of them wanted to run into the remote mountains and barren villages to fight ghosts. The votes were reversed, and "Headless Ghost Tales" won.   

    So, "Headless Ghost Tales 1" in the computer folder was played again, and this time they watched the whole thing in one go.

    In the abandoned factory building, four young and adventurous girls accidentally triggered the dangerous seal. The headless ghost appeared. The four screamed and escaped. After tens of minutes of circling, none of them was injured, and they returned home intact.

    As the years passed, they gradually forgot about it. It wasn't until after they were working that these four old friends reunited and mentioned the adventures of the year.

    One of them said that she often had nightmares for a period of time. In the dream, mirror would suddenly fell off, and a red mark would appear on her neck for no reason. After she said that, she showed that mark to the others.

    Everyone laughed and pushed back her hair, only to find that there was really this red mark. Then they touched their heads, only to realize that this red mark appeared on everyone's neck.

    In the silent room, familiar blood oozed from the walls, and above the heads of the four stunned people, the laughter of the headless ghost resounded again after many years...

    [Ding! The movie has been watched, and the movie viewing quiz has now started!]

    [The question, what is the theme of this movie?]

    [A, comedy]

    [B, family affection]

    [C, patriotism]

    [D, anti-war]

    [Please make a choice before the countdown ends!]

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