Chapter 41: Classic Movie Appreciation (15)

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    After saying this refreshing "good news", the person on the other side obviously didn't want to let his apprentice continue to question him, so he hurriedly said a few words commanding her to hurry up to complete the task, then he went offline and his avatar grayed out.

    Before leaving, the other party ordered "Wei Xian" to swear that she would immediately use some kind of magic to cover up the traces of their conversation, and stop contacting him before everything ended, so that the power of blessings would never be aware of his existence.

    Tang Xinjue obediently agreed, and then deleted the chat history easily.

    Physical cover-up, reasonable.

    As for the power of blessings... his apprentice won the lottery, of course the master should also share the same joy. After all, they came from the same sect, they should be orderly together.

    It had been a few minutes since Wei Xian left. In order to prevent her from discovering that her mobile phone was lost, several people took pictures of the general content of her previous chat records with "Master", and then pretended that they had never opened the mobile phone before putting it outside the door.

    Then, they began to study the chat records of the two.

    This record started about three months ago. At first, Wei Xian just asked the other party for fortune-telling. After chatting for some time, Wei Xian already admired the other party very much. At this moment, the other party suddenly stated that Wei Xian was fated to commit six disasters, but she had a family's celestial protection since she was a child, which was a very suitable fate for engaging in metaphysics.

    Hearing all the mysteries and benefits of metaphysics divination, Wei Xian was persuaded and recognized him as a teacher without hesitation.

    Judging from the chat records, Wei Xian has met this person several times in real life. The props, such as yellow paper, were given to her by the master when they met for the last time.

    From the beginning to the end, Wei Xian firmly believed in the words of "Master", and she did not hesitate to perform the transfer technique, and even took pride in it.

    Except for today, the last chat record of the dialog box was that the master ordered Wei Xian to promote the luck transfer technique to people around her, and strive to let more people get blessings.

    Apparently, Wei Xian's first "promote target" was dormitory 606, where Tang Xinjue and the others lived, directly opposite the next door.

    After watching the whole process, Guo Guo said with emotion: "What is more terrifying than a completely false liar is a liar with real skills."

    This so-called "master" did have a background in metaphysics, and the introductory skills first passed on to Wei Xian were also quite effective. It was just that the final construction of all these was a carefully set trap.

    He wanted to trick Wei Xian into dying!

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    This was not enough—every time the "Yellow Paper Transfer Technique" was performed, at least four people would be harmed. What's more, this is a dormitory area with a dense flow of students. With the radiation range of the transfer technique, if the influence was really spread, there would be countless students who die because of it.

    The viciousness of the mind was heinous.

    After finishing the process, a shadow was casted over their hearts. Since they were the background characters in the movie, these were probably a foregone conclusion. All they can do was to protect themselves and get out of the movie safely while deciphering the answer.

    "If what he said is true, then Wei Xian is the first person who will die from the transfer technique."

    Zhang You wrote down the name dignifiedly, but there was no relief on her face: "It's just that I was wondering if we got the answer a little too fast this time?"

    As long as they find the answer to the movie quiz, then they only need to wait for the plot to come to an end, and then they can leave after finishing their impressions.

    But as a "replay" of the movie, and the second in a series, will they really be able to pass the level so easily?

    Tang Xinjue didn't answer immediately. She printed the last part of the existing information and clues into her mind, and then looked up out of the window: "I know what you are suspecting... Don't worry, from this point of view, our suspicion is most likely correct."

    Everyone: ...This was even more worrying!

    "The difficulty of a dungeon must be the result of comprehensive balancing in many aspects. If it is a little easier to solve the mystery, then the difficulty of a certain aspect will definitely increase accordingly."

    Tang Xinjue lowered her eyes, and all the items and abilities that had been exchanged appeared in her hands.

    In an instant, everyone understood what she meant.

    ... Once the mystery was solved, the only thing that could prevent them from successfully passing the level was the danger inherent in the plot itself.


    Pain and confusion surged into her brain, and Jin Wen opened her eyes in a daze. The surroundings were dark and the lights were not turned on. Her body felt hard and cold, and her nasal cavity was filled with damp breath.

    She struggled to reach out and touched the surrounding walls, only to realize that this was the bathroom.

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    How did she fall in the bathroom?

    After being dazed for a few seconds, memories flooded into her brain, and Jin Wen immediately shivered.

    She remembered that when she had just returned to the dormitory, her roommates called her over from behind. When she turned her head, she found that the three roommates were standing at the door, praying with their eyes closed facing the dorm door, with weird smiles on their faces.

    Wei Xian even turned her head to invite her to join them, the corners of her mouth raised uncontrollably: "Come and absorb the aura of the transfer technique with us."

    Absorb... aura?

    Jin Wen was sure that she didn't want to do such a weird thing at all. But just after she refused, her roommates suddenly turned their heads at the same time, and approached step by step with a ferocious face, trying to forcefully pull her over to "pray".

    Jin Wen was so frightened that she backed away step by step, and hid in the bathroom in desperation. Just as she locked the door, there was a violent and hasty knock on the door by her roommates, which frightened her so much that she slipped her foot and hit the wall, and then fainted.

    Now that she was awake, Jin Wen stood up while leaning on the wall, feeling panic and hesitation in her heart.

    Did she want to go out?

    The bathroom was cold and cramped, and hiding here for the whole night must have been painful. And now it's dark, and there's no light coming from the dormitory. She didn't know if her roommates were asleep...

    In the end, under the reminder of the continuous pain in her body, Jin Wen cautiously opened the door and walked out after taking chances to cheer herself up.

    As she had hoped, the lights in the dormitory had been turned off, the sound of her roommates' even breathing were heard on the bed, and the surrounding was extremely quiet.

    At least compared to the daytime, the dormitory at this moment seemed a little normal.

    This also made her feel a little relieved, but the continuous strange events and weird roommates made her dare not stay for another minute, let alone continue to sleep. So she quickly took her cell phone and bag, groped around to open the dorm door, and quickly got out.

    In the dark corridor, she couldn't see her fingers. Only the yellow paper bag hanging on the door emits a glimmer of light. It flickered past, and Jin Wen almost screamed in fright.

    Afraid of waking up her roommates, she covered her mouth and left in a hurry. She wanted to go directly to the dormitory's staff auntie to open the dormitory gate, but just as she reached the stairs, she suddenly heard footsteps coming up from below.

    In the darkness, the sound of footsteps was very slow, each step was heavy on the stairs, as if supporting a precarious body.

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    Not only did this voice not seem to come from a normal person, it even...

    Jin Wen was terrified when she heard this. She didn't dare to go down as planned, and hurried back to the corridor, only to find that there was nowhere to hide.

    The footsteps were getting closer and higher, and the girl was so anxious that she was sweating coldly and could hardly think, so she could only panic and go back to the door of her dormitory.

    No, you can't open the door, you can't go back!

    The instinctive warning sounded frantically in her mind, finally prompting the girl to grit her teeth, turn around and knock on the door of the next dorm.

    Please open the door, please open the door, save me...

    Again and again.

    Jin Wen tightly covered her mouth, tears of fear poured out of her eyes and flooded her cheeks.


    Tang Xinjue was awakened by a knock on the door.

    "Bang, bang, bang!"

    The knock on the door was very rapid, especially clear in the silent night. Getting out of bed following the sound and walking to the door, Tang Xinjue stood still for two seconds, but withdrew her hand to open the door.

    Was there something wrong with the knock on the door? No, it was all wrong.

    On the first night of entering the dungeon, when she didn't figure out the dangerous pattern, how could she sleep alone on the bed without warning, and didn't wake up until there was a knock on the door?

    The moment a logical flaw appeared in her mind, real memories came flooding back, and Tang Xinjue's eyes immediately became sober.

    Sure enough... In memory, they didn't sleep at all in their dormitory tonight, but chose to sit around and did night watch together. The lights in the dormitory were also on from beginning to end.

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    But now, her roommates were nowhere to be found, the lights were off, and only the knock on the door is repeatedly hitting her eardrum.

    Perception spread along her palm. The outside of the dormitory door was icy cold, without the slightest breath of life.

    Without asking who was outside, Tang Xinjue withdrew her hand and closed her eyes.

    [Mind Control (Level 1): The first step in control is self-control.]

    [Isolating most of the illusions from interfering with oneself is also the basis of mind control]

    "Bang, bang, bang!"

    Tang Xinjue suddenly opened her eyes.

    The lights in the dormitory were bright, and the other three people who were leaning on the chairs had already fallen asleep at some point, and did not notice any changes in the outside world.

    The only thing that was the same as in the dream just now was the hasty knock on the door.

    This time Tang Xinjue didn't hesitate, opened the door directly, and pulled Jin Wen in while her eyes opened in disbelief.

    Stimulated by the bright lights in the house, Jin Wen leaned against the door with weakened legs. Before she recovered from the fact that she was saved, she saw that the weak girl who had just opened the door for her had turned around quickly and began to wake her sleeping roommates up one by one.

    This was quite normal, but the way the other party wakes up people seems a bit unusual?

    Jin Wen widened her eyes in shock: Was that... a toilet plunger??

    Under her shocked gaze, the weak girl raised the stick-like object that she had pulled out of nowhere, and pointed it at the three who couldn't wake up no matter how they were shaken.

    In the next moment, the rubber head of the toilet plunger retracted, and as if ten stereo surround speakers were turned on, a horrific howl of horror gushed out from it!


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