Chapter 9: Dormitory Civilization Code

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    The object was swept off, the metal hit the ground, and the harsh rubbing sound of the wooden table being dragged rang out at the same time, announcing the anger of the shadow.

    Tang Xinjue calmly grabbed the toilet plunger and focused on the shadow.

    After the hysterical screaming, "Xiaohong" asked awe-inspiringly: "Did you lie to me on purpose, so that I can't find anything, make a fool of myself on a date, and laugh at me?"

    Tang Xinjue read the same lines as in the diary. The following words even surfaced in her mind in advance.

    Sure enough, Xiaohong said, "You bastards, I want you to be punished!!!"

    She didn't know if it was an illusion, but as Xiaohong screamed, the ghost seemed to grow longer and longer, the hair hanging down to the feet, covering the slender arm. The body was quickly hunched because of its length, and the head turned stiffly.

    "I want you to..."

    It seemed that she couldn't bear it anymore. The bed opposite her suddenly shook heavily, and Zheng Wanqing's anxious voice sounded: "We didn't lie to you!"


    Tang Xinjue's heart sank suddenly, but it was too late to stop her. In the dimness, Zheng Wanqing could even be seen half-sitting up from the bed, her body stunned in the direction of Xiaohong: "We put everything we found on the table!"

    Xiaohong paused, her hoarse voice heard. Elongating, the rage just now was replaced by a strange tone: "Oh, is it..." The slender ghost turned around and approached bed number 2 step by step, its neck stretched forward impatiently, its hair hanging in the air, "Dear roommate, are you talking?"

    The shadow was clearly two meters away, but the voice appeared in her ear. Tang Xinjue's throat was sore, and the fishy sweet taste came up.

    "Dear roommate, did you hear my voice?"

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    As soon as she swallowed the fishy smell, a sharp, tingling pain spread from the inner ear ring, and there was a buzzing sound in her ears. Tang Xinjue frowned, knowing that the ghost's attack was triggered by her roommate.

    At this moment, the shadow had moved to bed number 2, and half of its body was against the curtain. She didn't even have to think about it, she knew that at the moment, that pale and ferocious face was staring at Zheng Wanqing without blinking.

    "Dear roommate, did you see my face?"

    Before the pain in the eyeball erupted, Tang Xinjue suddenly raised the toilet plunger and slammed it at the railing of the bed.

    The sound of "Boom!" successfully interrupted Xiaohong's voice and attracted its attention.

    As soon as the footsteps turned, they began to move towards Tang Xinjue, the giggling became clearer, and soon it was close at hand.

    Tang Xinjue said faintly: "You really want to find something to go to your date? I think you are quite happy that you can't find it."

    Xiaohong: "..." The ghost's movements and laughter paused at the same time, and after a few moments before it said coldly, "Of course I'm going on a date, but I can't go there without finding something. It's all your fault!" 

    Tang Xinjue: "What do you want to do to us?"

    It didn't even conceal its greed: "Either give me the things, or be punished like your roommates who disappeared..."

    Tang Xinjue: "Zhang You? What have you done to her?"

    "She will never be seen again, just like your ending." Xiaohong tilted her head, and when it spoke, what seemed to be a tongue-like thing stretched out and dragged it on the bed net, making a sticky and disgusting sound. "Dear roommate, why don't you open your eyes and look at me?"

    From the moment it approached, Tang Xinjue closed her eyes and used only her ears to identify the movements and positions of the other person, "I keep my eyes open."

     Xiaohong: " that so?"

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    "You lied! You didn't open your eyes at all!"

    "It's really open, is it too dark outside the bed tent, so you can't see clearly?"

    Tang Xinjue said firmly.

    Her voice was the same as her appearance, thin and soft. No matter how it heard it, it was soft and harmless, very sincere.

    Xiaohong really laid on the bed tent and looked at it carefully. After a while, she burst into anger: "Liar!!!"

    Tang Xinjue was numb to its deafening scream, and the more furious the other party became, the calmer she was.

    She had already confirmed that Xiaohong couldn't get in through the bed net.

    For two nights in a row, it just laid on the outside, looking like it was slaughtering its face, but it was actually separated by layers of gauze, and it never actually touched anyone.

    - The bedroom door was a layer of protection, as was the bed net.

    Even ghosts, in all likelihood, were subject to conditions. As long as they were not bewitched to go out, the attacks they received inside were limited, and more of them were mental attacks that pollute their spirits.

    Tang Xinjue was at peace with the common horror sight in her nightmares, and did not feel that her spirit was polluted in any way.

    She didn't move and pretended to be dead, and the more Xiaohong felt being teased, the angrier she was. So much so that half of her body was covered on the bed net, her fingernails scraping on it, as if she would tear the gauze at any time. After half a day, realizing that it was unable to do anything, it calmed down and tried to induce Tang Xinjue to speak.

    Tang Xinjue remained motionless, as if falling asleep.

    Xiaohong: "...Ah!! Go to hell!!!"

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    In another round of screaming, Tang Xinjue suddenly took out her phone from the bed and looked down.

    Xiaohong: "...You still have the mind to play with your phone!??"

    Putting down the phone, Tang Xinjue said coldly, "There is one more minute."

    Xiaohong subconsciously asked: "What?"

    Tang Xinjue: "There is one more minute, just on 8:00 in the morning, it's dawn time."

    The time displayed on the mobile phone is 7:35. According to the senses and time at night, the time flow rate at night should be 24 times. And Xiaohong could only come and go at night, and would leave after dawn.

    "This is the test of the Dormitory Civilization Code. You are also a member of the dormitory, and you will be restricted just like us." Tang Xinjue's voice was soft, "By the way, your date tonight has been blown again."

    Xiaohong: "..."

    Is she killing ghosts???

    It finally straightened its noodle-like body and looked directly at this human for the first time, with a cold and hoarse voice.

    "Tomorrow is the deadline. If you can't come up with what I want tomorrow, you will all stay in the test and become the same thing as me. Hee hee, I'm waiting for you..."

    The voice disappeared and the lights came on. Tang Xinjue opened her eyes and immediately checked the situation of Zheng Wanqing and Guo Guo.

    Guo Guo stretched out a finger from the quilt to prove that she was still alive, but Zheng Wanqing did not move. A large bag bulged on the bed. She lifted the quilt and saw that the girl was curled up inside, her face was ashen, her ears and mouth were leaking. Bleeding.

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    Tang Xinjue immediately turned on the other party's phone and saw the negative state:

    [Unbearable exchange, health value -30]

    In the negative state screen, another pop-up:

    [Achievement: Deceived Prey. Neutral Buff (short-term): Reaction -5, Stamina +2, Endurance limit +1]

    [buff effect: temporary coma]

    Tang Xinjue's hanging heartstrings relaxed slightly. If Wanqing's coma was because of the buff, then the situation had not gotten to the worst.

    She opened her [Body Information] and saw a new reminder:

    [Exchange beyond the limit, health value -2]

    [Achievement: Angry NPC. Positive Buff (short-term): Reaction +5, Reaction upper limit +2]

    Click on the achievement again, and an explanation pops up on the screen:

    [Can't think of it! If the NPC knows in advance that being yelled at by you will give you an achievement, it will never come to you. ]

    Tang Xinjue: "..."

    At this moment, Guo Guo screamed in horror: "My face! Help, my face!"

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