Chapter 100

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Reborn Man (10)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Ji Rui’s heart was lifted, and the fluffy dumplings in the paper bag were pinched down by his unconsciously increased strength. He really wanted to tell this ex-boyfriend to get out of the way, but he was not Lu Yi’s boyfriend, so he didn´t have this qualification.

He regretted it. He wished he had confessed earlier. Such thoughts rose in his heart, but his eyes stared at Lu Yi without blinking. Faced with the request of the ex-boyfriend he liked very much to get back together, what would Lu Yi choose?

Would he agree ecstatically, or refused after repeated struggles?

Facing Zhao Wuchen’s proposal of reconciliation, Lu Yi was stunned for two seconds, and then chose to refuse without hesitation: “Sorry, I have no plans for that. Half a year ago, I thought I had already made it clear.”

Falling in love is different from marriage. As long as one party proposes to suspend it, the other party can only be an ex-boyfriend even if he disagrees, not to mention that Lu Yi had already made it very clear.

And in the past six months, he had specially changed his number and blocked all Zhao Wuchen’s contact information. As long as Zhao Wuchen was not a fool, he should know what his attitude was.

Zhao Wuchen looked at Lu Yi, and then at Ji Rui, who looked surprised, with a sharp voice: “You rejected me because you have a new love.”

Ji Rui thought silently in his heart that he wanted to be Lu Yi’s new love.

Lu Yi’s face was not very good-looking, he had never liked such unreasonable people: “When I broke up with you, I didn’t know him.”

Zhao Wuchen didn’t care about that much. In his last life, Lu Yi was so committed to him. Although he didn’t like Lu Yi that much, to him, Lu Yi was like something in his pocket.

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Even if he didn’t like it, he couldn’t be dug into the corner by others.

He was unhappy, and others couldn’t be better. He looked at Lu Yi steadily: “Are you sure you really want to reject me?”

Lu Yi was not the original owner, and he didn´t know Zhao Wuchen as well as the original owner, but from the memory fragments of the original owner, he could somewhat infer the hidden subtext of Zhao Wuchen’s words.

If he didn’t agree to get back together, Zhao Wuchen may shake out the fact that he liked men. The place where they live was a very simple town. The neighbors and would know clearly about whoever had troubles.

Ji Rui on the side was confused, but he knew that Zhao Wuchen was definitely not a good person.

In the eyes of a lover, everything is beautiful, but in the eyes of a rival, everything is shit. He originally thought that Zhao Wuchen was not pleasing to the eye, but hearing his provoking words, he couldn’t help but say.

“I say, what’s the matter with you, since you’ve all become ex-boyfriends, you’re a little worried about whether you can count on it? Do you think it’s a child playing a house?”

Zhao Wuchen looked at Ji Rui’s young face and felt that he could not recognize the person in front of him. Could it really be that something went wrong in his memory, in fact, Senior Ji Rui was not such a character at all?

When Ji Rui was young, it was too far from what he remembered.

Originally, because of his good impression of Ji Rui, Zhao Wuchen didn’t want to fight him, but now he felt that his memory was wrong, and he didn’t even have a good attitude towards Ji Rui.

“I’m talking to Lu Yi, why are you interrupting?” He had been observing furtively these past few days, and he was quite sure that Ji Rui and Lu Yi were not a couple.

Young couples who were really in love, even under the eyes of their parents, couldn’t help being sticky.

For Ji Rui, it was highly possible that it was unrequited love. Thinking of this, Zhao Wuchen couldn’t help but feel a little smug in his heart.

He said sharply: “You are not Lu Yi’s anything, just an ordinary friend. It’s not your turn to talk about things between us.”

Lu Yi, who hadn’t said much, opened his mouth: “Who said he wasn’t qualified to say it?”

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He didn’t want to talk very much at first, because the two were arguing, a bit like elementary school students, and always felt that mixing in would bring down his face.

Forget about Ji Rui, who was really young, he was only eighteen years old, so tender that he could squeeze water, Zhao Wuchen was a high school student on the surface, but in fact, like him, he was an adult in his thirties.

Still bickering like this, he wanted to walk away and say he didn’t know these two people.

But seeing Ji Rui’s darkened eyes, he still thought it might be better to say something.

To him, Zhao Wuchen was like a brown candy, he unilaterally broke up and blocked it before, and it was estimated that it was not enough to be unfeeling. Maybe he should have said it more clearly.

“There is one thing you should remember. Half a year ago, it was me who proposed to break up.”

Lu Yi paused for a while: “I said it so ugly, you still come to ask for reconciliation, Zhao Wuchen, are you stupid?”

The young man’s expression was indifferent, and the words he said were like the cold wind in winter, but the latter’s cuts people’s faces, while the former’s cuts people’s hearts.

Zhao Wuchen looked a little dazed, and images of his previous life appeared in his mind. Lu Yi hugged his thigh tightly, a tough big man, crying and begging him not to break up.

What did he say at that time, as if he asked sarcastically, “Lu Yi, are you being stupid?”

Perhaps it was because his expression and tone were too hurtful at the time, and Lu Yi let go of his hand at that time and did not stop him from leaving.

He didn’t care at the time, but now the feng shui turns around.

Zhao Wuchen denied it many times, but this time, he finally couldn’t help but ask: “Lu Yi, are you too?”

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that Zhao Wuchen must have misunderstood, but it was a good thing to let the other party misunderstand like this.

He sighed and said meaningfully, “I’m very grateful to God for giving me another chance to start over. Zhao Wuchen, you don’t like me at all, do you?”

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Zhao Wuchen’s pupils instantly shrunk to the size of a pinhead, sure enough! He knew it, but he didn’t expect that he was not the only lucky one who was favored by God.

No wonder, no wonder he said that Lu Yi suddenly broke up with him. If it was because he was heartbroken and saw through everything, Lu Yi, who came back again, would really be so ruthless.

From arrogance, he suddenly became lost: “I know…”

Lu Yi’s ex-boyfriend came aggressively, but like a defeated rooster, he fled in embarrassment.

Of course, Ji Rui didn’t think it was his own credit, but he didn’t have the heart to pay attention to Zhao Wuchen at this time. What he was thinking about was Lu Yi’s previous words.

When Lu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go back, he grabbed the sleeve of Lu Yi’s down jacket: “Well, is what you just said true?”

Lu Yi looked at him suspiciously: “Which sentence?”

Maybe the wind was too strong, Ji Rui’s face looked flushed from the cold, he was a little shy, and he couldn’t bear to look away from Lu Yi’s face: “That I’m qualified to say.”

Ordinary friends were definitely not qualified to manage Lu Yi’s emotional affairs. He was not Lu Er, he was not a relative of Lu Yi, and he had no blood relationship. Those who were qualified were partners or real boyfriends.

He mentioned it, and Lu Yi remembered: “Oh, I just said that casually, you don’t have to take it too seriously.”

“Why don’t I worry about it? Anyway, I’m taking it seriously.” Ji Rui grabbed Lu Yi’s sleeve and didn’t let go, “Anyway, please give me the right words, it’s so hard to hang up and down, I feel uncomfortable.”

Today, an unforgettable ex-boyfriend emerged, and tomorrow a stalking suitor emerged. He couldn’t wait any longer. Lu Er was right. All opportunities were created for him. If he couldn’t take it, he would be really useless.

Ji Rui went on to say, “You accepted the talisman that I prayed for you. You invited me to your hometown as a guest, and I came too. Now that I have met the parents, I am missing a place, you can’t be so bad, playing with me, and not be nice to me. In short, if you want to live or die, give me a word, and a word is enough.”

Lu Yi looked at him with a complicated expression: “What do you want to hear?”

Ji Rui said, “It doesn’t need to be very long, just three words.”

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Whatever, ‘I want’, ‘I love you’, ‘I like you’, ‘you can’. The only thing he didn’t want to hear was ‘no’.

Child Ji Rui wrote all the words on his face, with a naked mind, and spread it out for him to see.

The minds of young people were the most ardent, the sincerest, and the most precious.

Lu Yi looked at him for a long time, and then said three words: “Go back.”

There was no affirmative answer, but no refusal either. Ji Rui felt very aggrieved. He spoke so bluntly. Lu Yi was still like this. He was obviously his age, but he seemed to be playing around with him.

No wonder people say that first love was the hardest thing. Now he felt like a big hole had been broken in his heart. The cold wind was blowing in, and even the soft dumplings couldn’t plug the hole.

Sad was sad, but he still walked back with Lu Yi. After all, it was a New Year’s Eve, and he was unfamiliar with the place, he would never let that ragged ex-boyfriend see a joke.

After walking for a while aggrievedly, Lu Yi’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

“Look, there’s a movie at two o’clock in the afternoon. After lunch, we can come and watch it.”

Ji Rui was in no mood to watch a movie, he stood there, reciting the name of the movie feebly.

He read the last scene, it was a romantic comedy, the title was simple and rude “I Like You”

After he finished reading, he heard Lu Yi say something.

At first, Ji Rui, whose brain was down, hadn’t reacted yet, but when Lu Yi was about to walk away, his whole spirit returned.

What Lu Yi said just now was: “Well, I like you too.”


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