Chapter 102

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Reborn Man (12)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Lu Yi and Lu’s father put the original owner’s mother flat on the bed, and after confirming that the other party had passed out and didn´t have a heart attack, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Mom, she must be out of breath. She will wake up after a while of rest.”

He made it a little louder so that someone who had sneaked the door and opened a crack could hear it.

In the room, Lu Er said to Ji Rui, “I said you don’t lock the door, you’ll be screwed if you lock it again.”

Ji Rui finally recovered from that nervous state: “Sorry, I will compensate.”

“What is the compensation? I’ll just say it casually.” Lu Er also leaned over, “What happened just now, did my brother get beaten?”

As an insider who helped his brother hide from his parents, Lu Er was also very guilty. Although he had a lot of ghost ideas, he was still a high school student.

He was mainly afraid of seeing results he didn’t want to see.

Ji Rui’s expression became even more guilty: “Auntie passed out with anger, it’s all my fault.”

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It would be great if he could hide it better, because he was so happy that he had just established a relationship, and he was so emotional that he couldn’t help his actions. He had to get close to Lu Yi.

Lu Er was a little resentful in his heart. Seeing that he blamed himself first, he couldn’t say anything. A slap didn’t make a sound. He couldn’t put all the blame on Ji Rui for this kind of thing.

And Lu Yi always liked men, Lu Er opened his mouth: “Whatever is called is your fault. My mother is so angry with my brother, not you.”

He still didn’t dare to go out now, for fear that his parents knew that he had been aware of it all the time, and they were still messing around, and he would also be beaten.

Seeing his wife fainted, Father Lu’s already livid face became even more ugly. Lu Yi said that Mother Lu had nothing to do, and he let go a little, but his attitude was not at all calm.

He subconsciously wiped the cigarette in his pocket to smoke, but he didn’t touch it in a familiar place, and it took him a while to remember that in order to save money, he gave up smoking some time ago.

They didn’t like to lend money from others, and they didn’t like to lend money to others. There were two students in the family, one in high school and one in college, all of which cost a lot of money. The two of them earnt just that. They also wanted to save money for the eldest son to marry a wife in the future, which made them even more frugal.

Father Lu had always been taciturn. Although there were countless emotions in his heart that he wanted to express, it was impossible for a clumsy person like him to suddenly speak a lot of indignation.

He looked at his eldest son and asked him, “Can you change it?”

For people like them, homosexuality could be cured like a disease. Likening men was going astray, so he wanted his son to change.

Lu Yi shook his head: “Dad, this is not a disease, I was born like this, I can’t change it.”

According to his plan, he would come out sooner or later, but he wanted adopt a step-by-step method so that Father Lu and Mother Lu could accept it, rather than suddenly.

But since things had already happened, it was useless to deceive, he could only let nature take its course and simply talk about it.

Lu Yi knew that the original owner’s parents loved their children very much, and he didn’t want to hurt the two old people.

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“The country has passed laws. If I find a man to marry, it is also protected by law. If you worry that I will have a hard time here, I will not come back in the future. I will buy a house in a big city and pick up you two elders.”

In fact, Lu Yi had already bought the house he rented before, and he was rich now, but some things, even to his relatives, couldn’t make it too clear.

And after getting along for so many years, what skills did the original owner have, could parents not know?

If he wanted to say that he had made a lot of money in just a few months, Lu’s father and Lu’s mother would definitely not believe it.

Lu Yi glanced at Lu’s mother lying on the bed, and hid tone was very calm: “Dad, I know it is difficult for you and Mom to accept it, but I really can’t change it. This is not a disease; we are all kind people in our family. I like men, and if you ask me to marry a woman, it will only harm other people’s good girls.”

Lu Yi tried his best to keep his words down to earth.

Father Lu fell silent, his body seemed to be weighed down by a thousand pounds, and his spine, which had always been straight, was bent down. He sighed heavily: “Yes, you are right, we can’t harm a good girl.”

Father Lu and Mother Lu were both good people, simple town residents who couldn’t be simpler. Hearing what Lu Yi said, he also knew that it was hopeless to hold a grandson.

At this time, Lu Er rushed out and said, “Dad, I like girls, don’t be sad, when I grow up, I will marry a wife and give you two pensions.”

Lu Er was young, and his emotions were easily influenced by the outside world. He heard his father sigh again and again, and felt that his heart was heavy, and his heart was so sad that he couldn’t hold back and rushed out.

Ji Rui saw him go out and followed suit, but seeing the hint in Lu Yi’s eyes, he shrank back again.

Now it was a matter of Lu Yi and Lu Yi’s father and son. After all, he was an outsider. If he rushed out hastily, he would only screw things up.

And… and he was only a freshman now, he didn’t have anything, he couldn’t promise Lu Yi anything, so he won’t go out and cause trouble.

Mother Lu rested for a while, and when the moon was on the willow tree, she woke up. Seeing Lu Yi, she felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. In fact, mother Lu was in the lead inside and outside the family. She felt that she couldn’t accept the fact that her son liked men.

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Originally, when she looked at Ji Rui, she liked what she saw it, but now, knowing that her son liked him, she hated what she saw.

Of course, in Lu Yi’s diary, it was written that he liked Zhao Wuchen, the child next door.

Although Lu Yi and Zhao Wuchen broke up, she still hated Zhao Wuchen together. Most of the mothers in the world had this kind of thinking. Their children were innocent, if they made any mistakes, they must be seduced by outsiders.

If it wasn’t for Zhao Wuchen, how could Lu Yi had gone astray.

In order to allow Mother Lu to breathe, they opened the windows and let the cold wind of early spring blow into the house in the cold weather. On the night of the fourth day after new year, the crescent moon was curved and there were a few stars.

Mother Lu’s face was like the dark sky outside the window: “In short, you are still young, ignorant, and don’t know what love is. When you grow up, you will know the benefits of a girl. It’s not that mom wants to be a villain, anyway it’s not good to like a man, you have to separate from that Ji Rui.”

Lu Yi said, “Mom, I’m nineteen years old, and I know what I’m doing. Since you read my diary, you know that I like men and not women.”

Although he didn’t like Zhao Wuchen at all, but in this matter, he didn’t want to be a coward who shirks his responsibilities: “It used to be Zhao Wuchen, now it’s Ji Rui, only men can tempt me. Sexuality is innate, forced breaking straight and bending is only to hurt.”

Mother Lu became emotional: “Hurt, what harm?! Do you care about hurting my mother’s heart?”

She didn’t care about other people’s children, she didn’t care if they liked men or women, but she couldn’t accept it for her own children.

Although they hadn’t studied much, Lu’s father and Lu’s mother seldom use beatings to educate their children. Unless they were really disobedient and made a big mistake, they would normally use tools such as feather dusters to teach their children a lesson.

As Lu Yi was so old, they couldn’t do anything to Lu Yi anymore, and Lu’s mother couldn’t beat the child. What was the only way to make the child obedient? That was to cut off the economy.

Mother Lu said coldly: “If you want to continue, you will study, and your father and I will not give you another penny. All the things at home will be left to Lu Er.”

Lu Yi sighed softly: “I know, it makes you two elders sad, but I still say that, this can’t be changed.”

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“Then get out of here!”

Mother Lu was determined to get her son back on the right track. As a result of the stalemate, Lu Yi and his guest Ji Rui were kicked out of the house in the middle of the night.

Originally, when he came back this time, Lu’s mother had already prepared living expenses for her son, but now she didn’t give anything, and just drove him away. Lu Yi would know how to change only when he suffers.

Lu Yi sighed and took Ji Rui seriously.

There was no high-speed rail at night, and the town had to transfer trains to get on the plane. The two of them refunded their previous tickets, changed their tickets for the midnight train, and took the bus to X city.

In the middle of the night, and because it was around Chinese New Year, the bus in the town stopped long ago. Lu Yi spent 150 yuan, and the two of them sat in the back of truck. The train station was an hour’s drive away.

Ji Rui and Lu Yi stayed together, shivering in the cold wind, and whispered, “How about you apologize to auntie?”

Lu Yi looked at him: “Do you want me to break up with you?”

Ji Rui shook his head: “I’m very selfish. Although I know aunt is sad, I still hope you can persevere.”

He went on to add: “If my mother knew and asked me to separate from you, I would insist.”

Although he was weak in some things, in some respects, he was extraordinarily persistent.

“I can only wait for my mother to calm down and accept the facts.” This kind of thing could only be discussed in the long run.

Ji Rui sneezed. When he was driven out, his clothes were not warm enough, and the temperature was low at night.

Lu Yi glanced at him, unbuttoned his coat, put the child in his arms, and zipped it up: “Okay, don’t talk, I’ll call you when we get there.”


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