Chapter 113

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Secret (1)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


“You really plan to send that unfamiliar white-eyed wolf1 to high school and college, so what about our big treasure2?”

Because there was something important left at home, Yu Ke took a leave of absence and came back to get it. He was about to knock on the door when he heard his aunt’s slightly sharp voice coming from the yard.

His hands froze there, standing in front of the door, he heard his uncle be silent for a while, and then scolded his aunt: “My sister had only such a son, and his grades are good, the difficulty is difficulty, but let him go to school. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, he let out a pained sound: “Why are you doing screwing with me?”

Although there was no perspective eye, Yu Ke could already outline the scene in the courtyard at this time, his aunt should have her arms crossed at the waist and staring at her husband with those slightly mean and sharp triangular eyes.

Sure enough, in the next second, his aunt’s voice sounded in the sky above the yard: “you said it nicely, our three children are my own sons, even if they are my own sons, I have worked so hard to manage this family, he and I have no relationship at all. Yes, why should he go to high school and go to university? The tuition for the first year of high school is so expensive. I heard people say that it costs one or two thousand. How much money does our family earn? And he is fifteen years old. Instead of going to high school, he should start working.”

Her voice was getting higher and higher, but his uncle’s voice was gradually lowering. The loud neighbor asked, “Yu Ke, why are you standing at the door without knocking to go in?”

Hearing Yu Ke’s name, the voices in the yard stopped abruptly.

The courtyard door was opened from the inside, and his uncle and aunt looked at him slightly embarrassedly.

Yu Ke’s uncle said, “Yu Ke, why are you back?”

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He estimated that the nephew should have heard his wife’s words. After all, his wife’s voice was quite loud, and they were talking in the yard without any obstruction.

But he couldn’t blame his wife for anything. After all, there were indeed several mouths in the family, and Yu Ke’s high school was expensive.

Yu Ke forced himself to smile, and then said, “I’m coming back to get some materials that the teacher said to be used.”

He took out his book from the small room and went out. His uncle said that he would send him off, but Yu Ke refused: “No, I can take the bus by myself.”

The latter’s expression was a little embarrassed. When he stepped out of the threshold, Yu Ke said: “The teacher said that my grades are very good. As long as I can get good enough grades in the high school entrance examination, the high school will waive tuition and miscellaneous fees, and after the senior high school entrance examination, I can go to the construction site to move bricks, and I can earn my living expenses during the summer vacation.”

“What construction site are you going to, how hard it is on the construction site!”

Yu Ke looked like his younger sister, and she was born clean. At first glance, she looked like a big girl in the city. His unfortunate brother-in-law was also a serious scholar. If not for a car accident, they would definitely have to live better than them.

Originally, for this kind of thing, the perpetrator would definitely have to compensate, but whoever made that goddamn family too poor, the family would rather go to jail than lose a penny.

Yu Ke’s family had some savings, but not much. The house was allocated by the unit and was a welfare for employees. If a person died, it couldn´t be given to a child, like Yu Ke.

In the past few years, the money used for raising Yu Ke had spent almost all the saving left by his sister. Before, he was able to use the money to stop his wife’s mouth, but now that the children in the family were older, the expenses were too high. At his age, he was useless, and he didn’t earn much money, that’s why she made such a fuss.

But he, an adult man, couldn’t stand that kind of suffering, let alone Yu Ke, who had been spoiled since he was a child and couldn’t even kill chickens.

Yu Ke´s uncle pinched his thigh: “You should read books carefully, and the family can still afford it. Besides, your mother left a sum of money at the beginning.”

His wife immediately called out from the side: “Isn’t all that money spent on Yu Ke, where is there any money, don’t say it as if we coveted something from your nephew.”

He was about to scold his wife when Yu Ke opened his legs and ran out with the book in his arms.

He was studying in a junior high school in the town. After returning this time, he had been living in the dormitory, including a few days before the high school entrance examination, he did not go back, and lived alone in the dormitory to study hard.

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In the middle school entrance examination, he took the first place in the city and the third place in the provincial capital. The school rewarded him with 5,000 yuan, and even the mayor and city leaders came to him.

Several schools came to him, and one was the best high school in the province and city, offering to reduce his tuition and miscellaneous fees, and to take care of his own living expenses.

There was a private aristocratic boarding school with only elementary and junior high schools before. In order to retain the top spot in the city, they even proposed a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan. As long as Yu Ke’s follow-up grades were good, there would be a monthly subsidy.

The former had strong teachers and was a provincial key high school. Every year, they went to various places to poach people. Small cities didn´t want to be the champions to go abroad. If it wasn’t for Yu Ke’s third-best score in the province, they wouldn’t have offered a tuition fee waiver.

The latter was a private school with a worth of tens of thousands of tuition fees per year. It relied on cramming education to teach students. The junior high school could only be regarded as average, and it was more than a few public schools that were not listed. There were many rich people studying.

But the high school was the first time to do it, and the people who were hired were basically retired teachers who were not particularly famous or graduate students who had just graduated.

Their city had never had a city champion who could enter the top three in the province. If Yu Ke could study, it will undoubtedly make him famous.

They were definitely better than other middle schools in other aspects, and naturally they had to spend a lot of money.

Of course, what Yu Ke wanted to enter was the best high school in the provincial capital, but in the end, he went to the private school that had been established for less than a year, because his aunt took the 50,000 yuan from the latter.

You know, in their age, 50,000 yuan could buy a very nice new house in their undeveloped town.

When he questioned his uncle with red eyes, the silent and honest man persuaded him: “That private high school is also very good, and the teacher said that he will take care of you.”

Everyone has selfishness, especially for people like them who didn’t have much money.

At that time, Yu Ke was completely disappointed with his uncle. Originally, he should not have had much hope for his relatives. Except for his parents, no one in the world would treat him well.

But at that time, he was fifteen years old, the legal age for an adult was 18. With a guardian, he had no way to transfer his hukou3.

Later, he went to high school in that school, with many children from wealthy families, and not everyone took grades so seriously.

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As a poor man who lost his parents and was fostered at his uncle’s house, he was just like the unlucky heroine in a TV series, and was vaguely rejected by certain groups.

Yu Ke was a person who was very sensitive to emotions, so he naturally felt the malice of those people towards him. Fortunately, although these people disliked him, it was not too much. Normally, the most was to release the door core, block him in the toilet and threaten to hand over pocket money or something.

Yu Ke had no money. If someone blackmailed him, he would sue with the teacher directly. After all, he was a living sign that the school had spent 50,000 yuan. Unless there were special circumstances, the school would definitely favor him.

For various reasons, Yu Ke didn’t really want to pay attention to these people. In his plan, he would just study hard, then leave the city early and go to those big cities to work hard.

But there was one person who changed his life plan, that was Fang Chuan.

Unlike him, who couldn’t wait to break a penny into two flowers, Fang Chuan, who came from a wealthy background, had never worried about money.

Because he was raised by wealth, Fang Chuan had the youthful vigor that Yu Ke yearned for. The sincerity of young people was very precious, not to mention Fang Chuan was born handsome, and had a pair of eyes that looked very affectionate.

For a person like him, Fang Chuan was undoubtedly attractive, because of his self-confidence in his self-control, and the sense of vanity of being admired by Fang Chuan, who was good in all aspects, and perhaps because of learning about the bully’s crush on the scumbags, etc., he never thought about falling in love, but he still fell into this relationship.

Although this relationship was not so pure, he really liked Fang Chuan, and he had never thought of plotting anything for the other party.

If there really was plot, he was plotting the warmth that the other party brought him. Although the other party looked bit silly, but his heart was very sincere. Besides his parents, he was the first person to treat him with sincerity.

At this age, what Yu Ke craved most was this warm feeling like the sun.

He prided himself on being smart and having good self-control, yet he was still hopelessly sunk. Unlike him who liked to be low-key, Fang Chuan’s relationship with the person he liked was deepening, which would make him eager to tell the world.

But he was just a student now, and he knew more or less what would happen to him. He couldn’t tell his teachers and parents, so he chose to tell his friends and share his joy.

Looking at Fang Chuan’s affectionate emotions every day, his friend verbally said that he would definitely keep the secret for him, but turned his head to tell Fang Chuan’s mother.

Fang’s family was one of the shareholders of this noble school, and Fang Chuan’s mother was a person who paid great attention to the concept of family status. She couldn’t accept that her son was gay. After confirming it, she reacted very differently to this matter.

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Under the “effort” of Fang Chuan’s mother, the private aristocratic school chose to abandon him as a poor student. Even if his grades might bring glory to the school, they must also make some sacrifices.

There would be many champions, but if the major shareholder withdrew funds, the entire school would be hurt.

Yu Ke couldn’t even remember how lived in those days. He only remembered that in those days, the sky was always gray, there were only noisy and harsh voices, the distorted faces of women with delicate makeup, the faces that adults hated, and Fang Chuan was full of guilt but with powerless tears.

He came close to not being able to get out, until the wonderful afternoon he entered in those gloomy days.

Read only at Travis Translations


Jev Kaez's notes:


1 'white-eyed wolf' is a term often used to describe people who are ungrateful, who cross rivers and demolish bridges, and who repay their kindness with vengeance.


2 'Big treasure' a term used for young sons.


3. Hukou refers to a legal document produced by the administrative organ in charge of household administration of the state to record and retain the basic information of the household population. It is also the identification of each citizen.


Household registration is a public certificate book that registers natural persons by household and issues certificates. The items recorded include the natural person's name, date of birth, relatives, and marital status. It is the basic legal document to determine the legal status of a natural person as a civil subject.

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