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Marriage contract (3)

Yu Ke froze for a moment, thought for a few seconds, and then replied: “I disagree, director Lu might think I am too cheap.”

What a joke, ten million can make him sell Fang Chuan again, yes, but ten million is not enough to buy his body.

The underlying meaning of this was that he was bargaining with himself. Lu Yi did not follow Yu Ke’s topic, only said: “A few days ago, there was a piece of news in the Evening News of City B. Someone wanted to kill the proprietress of a hotel just because she was wearing a thick gold necklace. Although ten million is not a big deal to Mr. Yu, I think for most people, it’s a big reward.”

Yu Ke’s face turned white. “What does director Lu mean?”

Lu Yi sat down and smiled at him: “Does Mr. Yu think that your legs and that beautiful pair of hands are worth ten million?”

He is a businessman. Sometimes, in order to achieve the goal he wants, he´s willing to pay some money, but if the other party is too greedy and exceeds his budget, then it is necessary to adopt other methods, such as intimidation.

A little cold sweat appeared on Yu Ke’s forehead. He immediately changed his attitude and forced a smile: “Director Lu, you really love to tell jokes, now the society is ruled by law.”

Having said that, his mental pressure is also great. After all, he doesn’t know this President Lu very well, and he doesn’t know whether the other party is bluffing him or if he is really capable of doing this kind of thing.    

In the TV series, the handsome and talented doctor is a perverted murderer. Although the opponent looks gentle and serious, when you look closely, it seems to be a little bit vicious, like an evil god.  He didn’t dare to bet on this kind of thing that was related to his own worth and life.    

Lu Yi also laughed. His tone sounded very gentle: “”Yes, it is a society under the rule of law, but if someone does something irrational because of jealousy, and then goes to jail, his relatives see him pitifully and give him some support. This is also a normal thing.”

Everyone is smart, and he doesn’t need to be too straightforward.

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Yu Ke’s already pale face turned white again, and even the blood was gone. Ten million to buy the hands and legs of a small citizen without background is normal, very normal! Not to mention ten million, for those fierce low-level people, not to mention ten million, one million, or even two hundred thousand, they can certainly do this kind of thing.

Moreover, it is only interrupting the hands and legs of others, not even a murder case, it would be going to jail for a few years at most. And, if he could have money and power like Lu Yi, he might have done more than the other party did. 

Yu Ke stood up suddenly, then walked to Lu Yi, sat on the other’s lap, wrapped his arms around the man’s neck, and smiled brighter than a morning glory: “Husband, so, shall we get the certificate today?”

The faint smell of perfume on the man floated over, a light and good smell, Lu Yi was a little dazed looking at this beautiful smiling face close at hand.   

He was silent for a moment, and for the first time he questioned his decision. Although choosing Yu Ke could avenge Fang Chuan and humiliate the other party severely, the consequences of choosing such a person as his wife seems a bit more serious.

After a long while, he squeezed out a sentence: “Mr. Yu is really big-hearted.”  

Yu Ke also saw that Lu Yi had never been called so affectionately, and was very uncomfortable with such actions. 

He thought about the fright he had received before, and the sweeter the smile on his face, he deliberately used a kind of delicate voice: “Husband, you compliment me like this, making me feel embarrassed. Besides, we are people who are going to get married. Why is it that Mr. Lu is so indifferent? like calling someone else’s wife, not good, it’s also okay to call me Xiao Keke1.” 

Dare to intimidate him and see if Yu Ke won´t disgust him.    

The next second he was overturned to the ground, and Lu Yi looked at him condescendingly: “Okay, with what attitude did Mr. Yu treat me earlier? What kind of attitude will you take next? You have such a strong desire to perform. Wait until tomorrow’s wedding. It’s up to you when you’re ready.”

Knowing that Lu Yi saw that he did it on purpose, Yu Ke got up from the ground and patted the dust on his butt: “What director Lu said is really bad. Do you usually do the same with Fang Chuan? No wonder he will run away, after all, Fang Chuan is also a young master. It’s not a small citizen like me, who can only kneel and hold you.”

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Yu Ke likes men as well as rich men. Lu Yi is his type, in other situations he is also quite willing to hang himself, and looking at his face, he can put money on it.  

The problem is that now the other party is obviously only using him as a tool, rather than being impressed by his charm. What’s wrong with the small citizen, the citizen also has dignity!   

 Lu Yi frowned: “My partner Chuan has never been like this.” The partner and the lover are completely different in nature to him.    

“Then how are you, gentle like water, caring for him?” Yu Ke thought of Fang Chuan’s young and handsome face. When he was with each other back then, he made a small work for three days and a big work for five days2. Of course, he made a lot of work, he definitely did not have any ambiguity when he should be thoughtful, and he was able to make Fang Chuan live and die for him.

 Lu Yi pressed his temple: “Almost, let’s not talk about him.” He was weighing the pros and cons of giving up Yu Ke. For him, it is not difficult to find a temporary bridegroom. The reason why Yu Ke was chosen was because the other party was the culprit for his groom’s escape.

Yu Ke looked at Lu Yi up and down for a while, not knowing why, and said in a sour tone: “That Fang Chuan has a good life.”   

Lu Yi finally said, “I think, maybe is better to change the person for this wedding, Mr. Yu is frightened today.”    

“Don’t!” Yu Ke returned to his previous dignified appearance when he came in. He pulled out his chair and sat down with a serious negotiating attitude, “Director Lu, I promise, if you miss me, you will never find such a suitable marriage partner.”    

Lu Yi looked at him: “Don’t you think the price is inappropriate?”

“It’s appropriate, director Lu, you are also a businessman. In business, how can you say something all at once, right? I´m also fighting for my own rights. After all, 10 million, for a person like you, that´s the money for buying a car, for me, I may make that amount of money in ten years.”

In front of money, what is dignity?

He pursed his lips, his eyes flowed, revealing a subtle but attractive smile: “I have no shortcomings, I am not easy to scare, it is really what director Lu said earlier that frightened me. Director Lu is so handsome and cool, with a broad mind, you will definitely forgive me for such a small problem.”

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Lu Yi could somewhat understand why Fang Chuan was obsessed with the man in front of him back then. The boyhood was first opened and was forcibly separated by his family. Although it was indeed Yu Ke who took the money and left quickly, in Fang Chuan’s heart, Yu Ke must have been persecuted by his own family.3

He thought about it, and he really felt that Yu Ke was the most suitable. Also, he looked at his watch and only 23 hours and 17 minutes were left.

“Mr. Yu, since you have decided, then I have a few conditions that you need to pay attention to, I will pay one million to you in advance as a deposit, we need to sign a contract, after we are married for a year, the other nine million will be put in your account.”

“What about the property, don’t you worry that I will divide your property? What if I don’t want to divorce?”

Lu Yi glanced at Yu Ke. His expression a little weird: “Don’t worry about this, we´ll do property notarization before marriage, so this ten million is your remuneration within a year. As for not wanting to divorce, I trust my lawyer more than your character.”

That’s right, Yu Ke showed an embarrassed smile:  “go on.” He thought to himself, everyone said that the president is stupid and rich, but the one in front of him is very smart.    

Lu Yi went on to say: “The next thing is very simple. You only need to play the role of my wife during this year, be a junior who pleases the elders, and attend all major occasions with me.”    

Yu Ke was a little unbelievable. :”It’s that simple?”

“It’s that simple.” The price is not high, but it is definitely not low.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?” It made him lose such a big face4, he was really scared.


Yu Ke tucked his hair and smiled with a charming look: “I mean, one year, will the time be too short? I don’t want to ask for more money. We can get a marriage certificate first, but I can continue to cooperate, no money, or I can pay you back.”

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Marrying someone like Lu Yi is equivalent to a class leap. As long as he obtains the certificate, the other party’s contacts, circles, investment methods, and broad horizons will become something that he can easily get, which is worth more than ten million.

Lu Yi glanced at his watch again: “There is not much time left. The renewal of the contract will be discussed after a year. Next, we need to carry out pre-marital property notarization and marriage registration. I will give you some information. You will memorize it before the wedding tomorrow.”

Yu Ke stretched out a hand: “I will do better than you expect, then, Mr. Lu, happy cooperation.”

Lu Yi hesitated and shook it up: “Happy cooperation.”

 He felt the other’s little finger scratched his palm, and put his hand back blankly.

Lu Yi thought in his heart: Sure enough, I still have to investigate. There is no way, because there is not enough time, let’s use it first.


1 Xiao means small or little, putting it before someone´s name to be more intimate.

2 三天一小作,五天一大作, probably some kind of saying, looked for its meaning but couldn´t find it, if someone knows please tell it in the comments.

3 So, this is not well explained at the beginning, but in the past Fang Chuan fell for Yu Ke, because Yu Ke had no background, the Fang family didn´t approve of it, so they offered money to Yu Ke to leave the son and travel abroad, Yu Ke accepted the offer and left. Everyone thinks that Yu Ke was a scum and that he did it on purpose, the truth is different and it´s revealed later. Yu Ke is actually super cute.

4 Face is like respect, reputation or prestige in a social context, so, losing face is like he did something embarrassing that make him look bad and lose the respect of others.

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