Chapter 34

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Playboy (4)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


It was very difficult to make Li Tang feel the same pain as him, even temporarily.

Lu Yi thought that if Li Tang stepped on a few boats, it would be impossible for all of them to come only for his money. There would always be one or two stupid ones, such as the original owner.

If the boat capsized, Li Tang’s life must be difficult.

But it was not easy to find these cheating people. Besides, all those who went to college were adults, what kind of man they found, they probably knew it in their hearts.

The original owner was the same. Didn’t he heard a lot of rumors? he knew it, but in the face of believing in others and believing in a scumbag, he chose to believe in love.

And just as Lu Yi’s roommate said, the other party’s feet will step on a few boats, and there will be new ones if they some were overturned. For this kind of person, losing a few didn´t hurt him at all.

He was now being paid more attention by the other party, but it was because he almost died after drinking pesticides. It made a lot of noise and caused the other party’s pocket money to be reduced.

When things pass for a while and everything calmed down, the other party would forget him.

After thinking about it, Lu Yi resolutely abandoned the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 boats Li Tang stepped on, and went to find what he thought was Li Tang white moonlight.

Although Wang Wang said that the man was very close to Li Tang, Lu Yi, who was well versed in men’s inferiority, didn’t think Li Tang had chased him.

A well-known female writer once said that what she couldn’t get was her white moonlight and her heart cinnabar mole. If she could get it, the white moonlight becomes white rice, and the cinnabar mole becomes mosquito blood.

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In the destiny trajectory of the original owner, until his death, Li Tang still regarded the man as his white moonlight, which showed that Li Tang had not succeeded in being with his white moonlight at that time.

Since he couldn’t catch up, then Li Tang would never want to catch up. The things he couldn’t ask for were picked easily by others, and Li Tang would definitely be angered to death,

Lu Yi didn’t want to go on his own at this time, he was going to have a good relationship with that Rong Huan and see if he could pimp someone.

Even if not, a friend who speaks heavily could also subtly influence one person’s view of another.

With such thoughts in mind, he found the piano shop where Rong Huan worked. After confirming that Rong Huan was teaching piano through the lecture list, he signed up for the piano project. Of course, he used the money he got from Li Tang.

With the first-hand amount of 60,000-yuan, Lu Yi divided the money into two parts, one for long-term investment, and the other for daily expenses and short-term investment.

The stocks in this world were somewhat different from his world, but the same industry was the same. He practiced his hands more. As long as he didn’t borrow money, he would lose a capital at most.

After signing up, he didn’t go to the piano shop every day, because the schedule was written in the morning and afternoon of every weekend. Even if he was a leisurely college student, going to the piano shop when he had nothing to do, his intentions would be too obvious and too deliberate.

According to his habit of doing things, Lu Yi arrived fifteen minutes earlier.

He had studied piano, a hobby in elementary school, and hadn’t touched it much after taking a tenth certificate.

When he was studying, Ms. Lu liked to let him perform in front of his relatives, but after he went to university, after work, Ms. Lu no longer asked for this kind of request, and there were no elders who had bad brains to ask him to perform.

He hadn’t play for a long time, it wasn´t difficult to pretend to be a novice.

But embarrassingly, because he added novices to the information, he was assigned to the beginner class by the piano store. The beginners were basically the kind of kids who just started school.

After all, most piano learners were from good families at home. Children learn things fast, and most of them choose to let their children learn when they were very young.

Those who had studied for a few years knew the basics. Those who were not talented went to the intermediate class, and those who were talented went to the advanced class.

In basic elementary class, the youngest was only in kindergarten, and the oldest was in the fourth grade of elementary school.

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When Lu Yi learned the piano, he always asked a private teacher to teach him alone at home, and he didn’t know much about piano class.

He came for the teacher, he didn’t have any worries, so, a big man with long hands and feet, sitting among a group of kids looked special.

At the beginning, it was okay. When the children were all there, he was almost surrounded by a group of dwarfs. He was also sitting on a stool. He was a lot taller than others, whether it was sitting in the middle or in front or the back, he was especially conspicuous, which really embarrassed him.

However, something more embarrassing was still to come. He sat among a group of radish heads and waited patiently. As a result, he was waiting for a gentle, beautiful, amiable, young—female teacher…

Li Tang was completely gay and didn’t like women at all, so Rong Huan could never be a woman.

However, in the information provided by the piano store, it was not stated which class Rong Huan was teaching.

What he wanted to create was a complete encounter. The piano store was such a big one. If he asked directly, Rong Huan would know that he was coming to him sooner or later.

People didn’t like friends who were too purposeful, but he hadn’t figured out which class the other party teaches, and the progress of the children in the piano shop was different. The classes were set up by level. This was why he has made a mistake.

At this point, Lu Yi still made mistakes and listened very carefully among a group of children. During the period, he corrected several mistakes made by the female teacher in a questioning tone.

Originally, Lu Yi, a big man, was very conspicuous, so he attracted the other party’s attention even more.

After a class, the female teacher asked him a few questions, and said to him: “You should not come to the elementary class at your level.”

The elementary class mainly teaches the basics, but the foundation of this student was already very solid.

Lu Yi waited for her to say: “Actually, I have learned some piano before, and I have read basic books, but I have not tested it. I came to register this time just to know my level and pass the certificate. After all, it will be much more convenient if you have a certificate.”

Indeed, it was better to have a certificate to find a related job, and the other party also breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s it.”

Although this adult student wasn´t ugly and had a comfortable temperament, sitting in a group of children was still full of disharmony, which made her class a little bad.

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“Well, if you feel uncomfortable, you can skip the next class. Come back here before the end of class. After the class is over, I will take you to Teacher Rong. He should know what class you are suitable for.”

Rong’s surname was not very common. Lu Yi’s heart fell to the ground, but it didn’t show up on his face: “Then I will trouble you.”

Lu Yi did not attend the next class. Instead, he went to the front desk of the piano store and relayed the words of the female teacher to explain his situation, and then came to listen to the situation of the teacher Rong in an open manner: “Hello, because of filling in the information, I was assigned to the elementary class, and teacher Xu who took me said that my situation should be to enter the intermediate class or the advanced class. She asked me to come to Teacher Rong. Please ask me, where is Teacher Rong?”

“Are you looking for me?” A pleasant male voice rang behind Lu Yi.

Lu Yi turned his head, and the first sentence that came out of his mind was: Sure enough, there was a reason why the other party could become Li Tang’s white moonlight.

After being astounded for a few seconds, Lu Yi repeated his situation again. He carefully used words to clearly reveal all the information he wanted to express.

“Okay, I know your situation. That’s it. The advanced class and the elementary class have different classes. I will teach in the advanced class in five minutes. You can see if you can listen to the progress. After class, Let’s make a decision together, can we?”

Rong Huan looks good and has a good temperament. His beauty was the kind of gentle and non-aggressive beauty, and his voice was like a clear spring flowing in the mountains, clear and clean.

Lu Yi agreed, “Yes.”

After entering the advanced class, Lu Yi found that he was not the only adult. The students were generally over 15 years old. Some were quite tall and looked like old men. They looked older than him.

The sense of embarrassment was reduced, but correspondingly, in the eyes of Teacher Rong, the sense of existence was also reduced. Lu Yi didn’t know whether this change was good or bad.

He listened to the other party’s lecture, but his mind was a little absent-minded. It would be nice if this teacher Rong was teaching the elementary class, so that he could easily attract the other party’s attention without any effort from him.

One lesson passed quickly in Lu Yi’s one-hearted two-use. After the get out of class, it was almost noon. When the other students were gone, Rong Huan waved to the new student: “Come on, sit by my side. Come.”

After adulthood, Lu Yi hadn’t gotten along with a teacher for a long time. This kind of teaching children’s tone had been long gone, but it didn’t feel so bad.

Lu Yi stepped away and sat down beside Teacher Rong.

Rong Huan asked him patiently: “How did you feel before? Is there anything you didn’t understand?”

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“Basically understand.”

“Then I will test your knowledge points, okey?”

“No problem.” Lu Yi made a suggestion, “Teacher Rong, kindness and friendliness are the virtues of the teacher, but I am already an adult. If possible, I hope you can give it a try and put me on the same age as you, or the equal status of colleagues.”

Lu Yi’s goal is not to be a good student of Teacher Rong.

Rong Huan was taken aback for a moment: “Sorry, professional habit.”

“Then you try, I will see where you are.”

Lu Yi moved his fingers a few times. He hadn’t played the piano for a long time. The technique was a bit rusty. He pressed a few keys on the piano, tuned according to his own habits, and then played the first piece he learned that year, which was also an introduction to the piano.

After listening to his performance, Rong Huan asked him, “Have you ever studied stave?”


“Then try a more difficult piece, just the one in front of you.” He swallowed the last habitually ‘okay?’.

Lu Yi glanced, and began to play according to the score.

After talking, he looked at Rong Huan.

He didn’t know if it was his illusion, the face of Rong Huan was a bit ugly: “I can’t teach you at your level. I will let the front desk refund your tuition later.”

In order to express his jerkiness, Lu Yi made a few mistakes before, and he asked Rong Huan: “Why?”

Rong Huan looked at the young man in front of him, with a cold tone: “At your level, you are enough to be a teacher. It is meaningless to hide. Let’s talk, what on earth are you here for?”


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