Playboy (8)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Even if he had a boyfriend, he still had to take the exam. Because of the previous foundation, Lu Yi easily passed the exam and obtained the relevant certificate, and then he had to consider the registration for the level certificate.

For him, music was certainly not all of his life. Although he liked it very much, he was still more inclined to be an entrepreneur than a musician in his life.

However, in order to have more common language to communicate with his boyfriend, and to realize his old dream, he still wanted to continue the exam and try to get a performance level.

Life seemed to be going very smoothly, and the relationship was going very smoothly, but obviously, some people didn’t want to see him so smoothly.

After rushing out that day, Li Tang did not let Wen Shu comfort him. He went back home and smashed a lot of things. He vented and tried to contact Rong Huan. As a result, the other party didn’t answer at all.

After playing a few times, Rong Huan blacked his little nephew, saying that he was in a fit of anger and had to calm down.

After a few days, Li Tang still couldn’t calm down, and then rushed to Rong Huan’s residence, knocked on the door, Rong Huan was not there, he stood there stubbornly for a day, did not eat lunch or dinner, and waited until Rong Huan returned from the outside.

Rong Huan was surprised to see Li Tang: “Why are you here?”

Li Tang opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but changed his words when it reached his lips. He said, “Uncle, I know I was wrong. I shouldn’t be so rude in front of your friends, but he really has a bad intention. ”

Rong Huan glanced at him and opened the door: “Come in and talk about it.”

Out of courtesy, he poured a glass of water for Li Tang and treated him as polite as an ordinary guest.

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Li Tang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart, his uncle was always his uncle, as long as he said a few good things, he would definitely forgive him.

Regardless of what Li Tang would think, Rong Huan said straightforwardly: “Li Tang, I hope you are really aware of your mistakes, and you can pay attention to the balance between us in the future. I’m just your uncle.”

Li Tang was a little aggrieved: “But you are the uncle I care about the most, don’t you have feelings at all?”

Rong Huan added: “Naturally, there are feelings, but it is only the normal care of the elders for the juniors. As a junior, I hope you can respect Lu Yi, your future aunt or uncle.”

“I…” Li Tang didn’t react at first, and when he realized what Rong Huan was saying, he abruptly stood up, “What did you just say, aren´t you just friends?

His emotions couldn’t help but become very excited: “Do you know that he is my ex-boyfriend?! Why do you do this to me?”

Rong Huan was silent for a while. He also knew that this was embarrassing, but in the final analysis, he was also a selfish person. After all, he came across someone he liked, did he still had to give up his happiness for others?

“The matter between you and him is over. Besides, the beginning between you was a mistake in itself, if it weren’t for you to deceive him.”

Speaking of Lu Yi’s past, he still felt distressed, “You are so ignorant that you caused others to commit suicide by taking medicine for you. Are you still very proud?”

Thinking of Wen Shu, he said: “Wen Shu is very good. If you don’t like him, just make it clear, why play with other people’s feelings and make him fall deeper and deeper?”

Li Tang was aggrieved to the extreme. He was trembling all over, his eyes were red, and he roared: “What do you know, you don’t know anything, who let you care about me so much? You are not my real uncle1!”

Hearing this, Rong Huan had a little pity. Although he was gentle, he was not a person without temper: “Yes, I am not your real uncle, so what? I don’t want to care about you either”

He said: “Li Tang, you have always liked me, right?”

Li Tang opened his eyes wide: “Do you know?!”

He didn’t deny it. More precisely, this sentence was clearly acknowledging, acknowledging the admiration he could not bear for years.

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Rong Huan stood up and said, “Yes, I know, I just learned about it not long ago. If you feel that you have to hide someone in your heart, and then be irresponsible to other people’s feelings, if this is the so-called true love. I’m sorry, I don’t accept it. Even being regarded as your true love feels very disgusting.”

Li Tang’s heart shattered into countless pieces. He didn’t know how he thought of his former boyfriend, crying and shouting at him for having no conscience, saying that he would be punished sooner or later. At that time, he didn’t think so, such a gentle person as his uncle, could he bear to wrong him?

But he really didn’t expect that the gentlest person turned out to be crueler than anyone else.

He really couldn’t accept this fact, and in the end, he left like last time.

When he returned to the school dormitory in despair, he developed a high fever.

Most school hospitals treat minor colds, bruises, and the like. If it was something serious, students were still asked to go to big hospitals.

In the end, the college granted him half a month’s leave and asked the parents to take the child to a doctor and get an injection in the hospital.

In the hospital, Li Tang was still good at work. He refused to take medicine and injections. His parents had no choice but to take him away. The patient did not cooperate. They couldn´t force Li Tang to take medicine, he was not a baby boy.

After much deliberation, Li Tang usually listened to his uncle, so they called Rong Huan and asked Rong Huan for help.

Rong Huan’s first reaction when receiving the call was surprise and then anger. He felt that Li Tang was a child spoiled by his family. If he couldn’t get something, he would splatter and roll and ask for sweets. Relying on others to feel sorry for him and like him.

The same was true for feelings, irresponsible, relying on others to love him, like him, hurt others at will, and others were reluctant to hurt him.

If he really indulged Li Tang again, then the child would be abandoned.

To his stepbrother, Rong Huan said, “You give him the phone.”

Father Li handed the phone to Li Tang: “Your uncle’s call”

Li Tang answered, and Rong Huan’s voice rang on the phone: “If you want to use this method to abuse yourself, just be happy. If you die, I will only be happier.”

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Li Tang suddenly threw the phone out. The father Li on the side was very angry. It was Li Tang’s mother who held her husband: “He is sick.”

She was also muttering in her heart, maybe it was the uncle who said something nasty, hey, this uncle really made her worry. She thought that her son should be quite normal, but was ruined buy Rong Huan sexuality.

Li Tang said angrily: “Call the doctor. I want to get an injection and take medicine.”

Rong Huan was able to say such unfeeling words, and he was still violating what he was doing. Was it really worthwhile to die of illness? He definitely wouldn’t let those two people feel better!

After hearing this, Mother Li showed a slightly relieved expression, thinking in her heart, at least at this time, this uncle Rong Huan was still somewhat useful.

After he recovered from his illness, Li Tang was still aggrieved. After all, he liked Rong Huan for so many years. He had been possessive since he was a child, from the beginning of his high school love to the present, so many years of things couldn´t be put down in one sentence.

His words didn’t have much strength, but some people did.

The man his grandmother married later, Rong Huan’s biological father, also came from a big family. The old man was tyrannical. When Rong Huan came out, he almost  kill the son of his ex-wife.

But Rong Huan was really like his dead ex-wife, looking gentle, but in his bones, he was incredibly stubborn.

In the end, there was no way, Father Rong surrendered to his son. Anyway, there was a brother on Rong Huan’s head. He already had children and daughters.

Li Tang’s father was a stepson, but he didn’t change his surname.

In the first meeting, Rong Huan didn’t have a man he liked. If there were, Mr. Rong must have separated the people.

But as the children grow up day by day, grandsons were also there, and Father Rong’s heart was softened. He watched the eldest son and eldest daughter have children. He began to worry about his lonely little son.

If he liked men, he liked men. Just find someone who was clean and innocent and could live peacefully.

He didn’t expect to find any high-ranking ones, and he was not selling his son. He was from a low family background so that he could be pinched by this gentle son. With him on top, the other party didn’t dare to go against the sky.

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The matter of interacting with Lu Yi had just been decided not long ago, and Lu Yi had not yet graduated, and Rong Huan did not even think about telling his family so early. His stepmother was fine, because he was not related by blood, and she would not care about him. The eldest sisters and eldest brothers were all married, and it was not easy to intervene in his brother’s affairs. The only concern was his old man.

He thought, when Lu Yi graduated, the two of them would have a stronger relationship, and then tell the old man.

As a result, Li Tang made a call to the old man.

He was beaten while he was sick, and the complaint was very clever: “Grandpa, I was irritated by my uncle when I was sick this time.”

Although the old man liked Li Tang quite a lot, he was not his own grandson after all. He was not very happy to hear his son’s bad things from his bloodless grandson. Besides, Li Tang also liked men.

“Your uncle is your elder, how do you speak, he is not big or young.”

Li Tang held the phone tightly in his hand, and then said, “That’s because my uncle is with my ex-boyfriend. I persuaded him and didn’t listen.”

“Your ex-boyfriend, what’s going on?”

Li Tang immediately talked about Lu Yi’s situation. He put it vividly and tried his best to let the talk about one’s shortcomings. For example, his family was poor and he worshipped money. He also said that Lu Yi committed suicide because of breaking up with him and drinking pesticides.

Of course, he didn’t say that Lu Yi was deceived and couldn’t stand the stimulus, but that Lu Yi was desperate and mentally fragile.

When the old man heard it, it was worth it. A man with a poor family, who worships money, was gloomy, and commits suicide, the key was to be so many years younger by his own son, how could he be reliable.

He wanted someone to take care of Rong Huan, not Rong Huan to tolerate and accommodate others, and although Li Tang didn’t make it clear, he knew how sinister Lu Yi was when he thought about it carefully.

He was not so impulsive, and first went to find someone to investigate, and found out that what Li Tang said was true in all likelihood.

After reading these materials, the old man was so angry that he called his son directly: “Are you dating a person named Lu Yi recently?”

Rong Huan was surprised: “Dad, how did you know?”

The old man on the other end of the phone was very irritable: “Why are you so stupid, so old and still making this old man worry about you, anyone can do it, he can’t, you must break up with him, or you won´t have a father in the future! “

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