This situation didn’t seem to appear in the script set by Li Tang. Lu’s father felt guilty at first, but he quickly became confident. A son should listen to his father!

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When Lu Yi received the call, he was talking about business with people.

He asked Rong Huan to wait for a minute, and then said to the person sitting across from him, “Sorry, something urgent happened at home. My assistant will entertain you first.”

In fact, the two people already talked about the important matters, and the other party said in a considerate manner: “President Lu, you can be busy first, I will check it out for myself, and I will give a reply after consideration.”

Lu Yi called the assistant who had returned to China with him to come in to entertain him, and hurriedly walked out of the office: “You wait at the piano shop first. Don’t let him go if he wants to go. I’ll rush over at 15 minutes at most.”

Hearing Lu Yi’s voice, Rong Huan’s heart settled down, he reminded Lu Yi: “It doesn’t matter, I have asked Teacher Xiao Cheng to take the class for me. Don’t worry, safety is the most important thing.”

Anyway, he now had time to spend with Father Lu.

Rong Huan’s heart had always been very soft. When he sees beggars on the street, he will give money as long as the other party is an old man. But looking at the poor man who was somewhat similar to Lu Yi in front of him, there was no sympathy in his heart, instead he felt a little disgusted.

If parents needed to be verified in order to have children, then people like Father Lu were not worthy of being a father. Lu Yi was also his child, but he didn’t care about it at all. Now that the child became better, he climbs up and sucks blood.

Parents and children were always mutual, parents didn’t give up any feelings, just thinking about gains, where can there be such good things in the world.

What went smoothly was that there were no traffic jams on the road. Lu Yi parked a car in front of the piano shop and saw the original owner’s biological father and his lover at a glance.

He got out of the car, took three steps forward, then squeezed Father Lu’s hand, and immediately blocked Rong Huan behind him.

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“Come on, what are you looking for me for?”

This was the first time Lu’s father saw Lu Yi in recent years. It was obviously a similar face, but he suddenly realized that his eldest son had changed a lot, and he was very different from the cowardly and submissive son in his memory.

Although surprised, he immediately fell to the ground and yelled: “A son who beats Laozi! I´ve been raising him for 20 years with hard work, I´ve greedy, earning money every day, so that he can go to university smoothly. The family raised two children, only earning tens of thousands of yuan a year, for food, drink and clothing for school. As a result, the son went abroad to study, and immediately refused to recognize Laozi. He also got together with a man. I’m sorry!”

The more he talked, the more and more vigorous Father Lu got. He thought to himself that this was the case. He was excellent in singing and writing, and his acting skills were comparable to that of a national first-class actor.

The crowd’s onlookers pointed and pointed, and even a kind aunt criticized: “Seeing that you mix well, why do you treat your dad like this.”

Everyone knew that it takes a lot of money to provide for a college student to go abroad. Looking at the young man, who was dressed in glamorous clothes, and then looking at the father, who was in tattered clothes, had a pair of old cloth shoes on his feet, and had a few toes, pitiful.

People were naturally sympathetic to the weak, and naturally they would pity Father Lu.

Lu Yi was not moved by the rumors of passers-by. If he was so easily swayed by the outside world, he would not be able to succeed.

After Father Lu was howling for a while, he shut up, and he asked Father Lu, “Have you finished howling?”

Father Lu’s voice became a little dumb, and he didn’t have much energy to howl.

Lu Yi said, “When the howl is over, just go back. Don’t worry, your alimony costs will be a lot for you. I will give you twice as much as the law stipulates.”

The alimony stipulated by the law was 500 yuan a month. Double that was 1,000 yuan. Father Lu was so strong, with more than 10,000 a year, he would soon be able to give the other party the money he spent on the original owner.

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After all, the original owner spent the most money-burning years almost on his own, and he had never studied hobby classes or the like.

He raised his voice slightly: “As for the younger brother, it was not my mother’s birth. If he was my mother´s, I would definitely take care of him. But when my mother died, she only had me, as a son. If I´m good to other woman´s son, she would definitely be sad in the other world.”

The ears of the people who were eating melon1 stood up, mother, other women. This man on the ground was doing cheating or something, it sounded like a lot of information.

Father Lu said: “Your mother was a kind woman; how could she be sad? If she is still here, she would definitely ask you to treat this brother well.”

Lu Yi looked at him with a look of mental retardation: “If she is still here, why would I have a younger brother? I know, auntie and dad, you treat me very well, so that my younger brother can go to an aristocratic elementary school, I save money by myself. I rely on two jobs to maintain tuition. My younger brother wears two hundred-thousand-yuan NKs. I am an adult and I don’t need to be so particular about it. So, I just want to use the goods for 10 yuan!”

His voice was getting louder and louder, but he still spoke clearly: “Although I said hello in advance, my aunt has to take care of my younger brother. Anyway, I am an adult, so I can just sleep on a moldy bed. Even if I do something stupid and enter the hospital, I did it myself, so I can be driven out of the hospital after a few days of stay. Dad, you and Auntie are really kind to me!”

It was normal for a stepmother to favor her own children, because it was natural to have a new wife and children and to ignore the children of the ex-wife who will not appeal to a dull personality.

But after all, he should have a little bit of resentment in his heart. He seemed to vent his energy, and asked Father Lu in a particularly tired tone: “Dad, I worked hard, I had a high fever in school, and I still insisted on taking the exam. I got the quota for studying abroad on my own. After the freshman year, I didn’t spend a penny from you. Now I have finally improved. I know that you and aunt don’t like me, so you went to my unit two days ago and disturbed my job. I also admit it, and count me as unfilial. What do you want, do you want to force me to die with you?”

The aunt who talked about Lu Yi said again: “Don’t say that, a good guy at a young age, wouldn’t it be a big loss to accompany him to death?”

Father Lu was a man, and people were naturally sympathetic to the weak. If it was Lu Yi’s biological mother who came to accuse him, many people may feel the same way. After all, the biological mother has the grace of giving birth.

But when it came to a stepmother, it’s unfair. Such words will be sprayed even as a father.

And even though Father Lu looked worn out, he didn’t suffer too much, his hair was still jet-black, a middle-aged man, he had hands and feet, and his limbs were sound.

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The key was that when Lu Yi accused him, he was stunned for a while, and he didn’t remember to refute for a long time, so he fell into a bad position.

The people who ate melons didn’t know the inside story. They just look at the excitement. They sympathize with whoever looks pitiful, and whoever is the scumbag.

When Father Lu reacted, the people who ate melons had already started accusing him. He was originally the kind of soft-eared man, stupid and poisonous. Gao Xue blew in his ear, he thought so. Now he was being accused like this, and he felt that it was the same again.

When everyone accused him, he confided, stopped making a fuss, and ran away dingy.

There were no melons to eat, and the crowd dispersed. Lu Yi and Rong Huan went back, and when they entered the piano store, they put away the pitiful, helpless and sympathetic expression on their faces, and said, “The one pushing behind, it has been found out that it is your good nephew, Li Tang.”

Rong Huan said: “What a good nephew, I don’t have such a nephew.”

“Good, I was wrong.”

Lu Yi went on to say: “My dad, he is my biological father, and I still said that. He raised me and the alimony will be paid. If someday he is seriously ill, and he can’t afford it, If I can help, I will help. But I don’t care about his wife and son.”

“I can understand.” In the end, he was the biological father, they had spent several years together. Even if he was sad, he may still have a little hope. Moreover, Father Lu was very excessive, but he had never abused his son. At most, he was relatively indifferent and ruthless. Lu Yi would just help with minimum standard, and there was nothing wrong with it.

“I just wrote a long Weibo about public opinion on the Internet, and I will post it later.”

When it came to family issues, there will basically be disputes, and even if one party was completely innocent, there would be leverage underneath. He was not money, and it was certainly impossible for everyone to like him.

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Just reverse the wind and win most of the support: “If you are uncomfortable, don’t look at those things.”

Rong Huan nodded: “I know, I will try to ignore them.”

Lu Yi said: “There is one more thing about Li Tang. Although your stepbrother is a bit innocent, if it were not for their indulgence, Li Tang would not be like this. Next, I might target your stepbrother’s company…Well, use some means, a little bit.”

It was hard to start a company, but it couldn’t be easier to break a company. Li Tang’s father was not a genius who was particularly good at business, he was successful only because of his father’s shelter.

Rong Huan said, “You don’t have to worry about me.”

He didn’t believe that his son did so much, and his stepbrother would not know it at all. This stepbrother didn´t stop Li Tang for his sake, so, why would he still care about them. He didn’t want to hurt the heart of the person who really loved him.

Moreover, even if the other party was really unaware, there were also responsibilities for the son’s failure to teach him well, and the father couldn’t be excused if his son had caused trouble.

Lu Yi then eased his face: “I’m afraid you will be embarrassed.”

“No, as long as your methods are proper, I have nothing to be embarrassed about”

“It must be upright and fair.” He competed openly, buying each other’s company openly.

“On my father’s side, if my step-brother asks for help, I will ask him not to interfere.” Rong Huan looked at Lu Yi without blinking, “You must remember that to me, you are the most important in this world”

Lu Yi laughed, “Well, I remember.”

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