Playboy (16)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


How could Lu Yi appear in this place? This thought just came to Li Tang’s mind when the current executive director of the company came out of the office and almost collided with Lu Yi.

As soon as he was about to gloat for misfortune, he frowned when he saw that as soon as the director saw Lu Yi, he showed a very surprised expression: “Why are you suddenly here?”

The other party quickly invited Lu Yi into the office politely, and then closed the door.

Before Li Tang could react, the cell phone in his clothes rang: “Li Tang, where are you? Mr. Ren is waiting for you to get the information.”

“Okay, I’ll come right away.” Li Tang responded quickly, putting Lu Yi’s affairs aside and finishing his work.

After training in the company for a while, he also knew that his father was not alone in the big company.

When he was in school before, his generation was still young. Now he was in graduate school, and those cousins ​​were grown up. Seeing that the old man was getting older, everyone started fighting for power.

Originally, Li Tang didn’t care about this, but after suffering a loss of no having money, he began to earnestly work hard to make progress, and he also won back a little bit of goodwill in the hearts of his parents.

If it was the him form before, he might have moved forward impulsively, but thinking that he was still a small supervisor now, his steps had been taken back, and he now chose to do his job first.

After delivering the things, he glanced at the chairman’s office. There were still two people inside. The company’s office was made of transparent glass. Although he couldn’t hear what the people inside were saying, he could see clearly from the outside. Lu Yi was inside talking and laughing with the chairman, they looked like they were having a great time.

He immediately wrote to his good colleague to ask: [I was in the chairman’s office just now and saw a person talking and laughing with the chairman. Do you know who that is?]

This colleague work desk was facing the chairman’s office. As soon as he raised his head, he could see the people inside. He raised his head and glanced, and then asked Li Tang in surprise: [He is the new boss of our company. You don´t know?]

Li Tang really didn’t know, his keyboard hand was stiff in the air, and it took a long time to send a reply.

Li Tang, Marketing Department: New boss?

Because it was a large company, the chairman of the board of directors usually had the final say on small decisions.

Nowadays, many large companies would hire someone to be the CEO of the company. According to his understanding, the chairman of the company was such a senior employee.

He took a deep breath and asked: Isn’t the largest shareholder of this company surnamed Li? The new boss seems to be a classmate of mine with the surname Lu.

Commercial office Jiang Hong: Surname Li? What you are talking about is the one before. Now the company has gone through asset integration, so now the boss´ surname is Lu, not Li. The new boss holds 45% shares of the company. Director Li who you mentioned earlier, now accounts for about 20%. Our current chairman holds 6 percent of the company’s shares and is the fourth largest shareholder of the company.

-However, this Director Lu basically doesn’t come to the company. He just comes to see it occasionally. Everything is left to our new chairman, but the two of them add up to more than half of the shares, and they have the absolute right to speak. Do you think he is the big boss behind the scenes?

Li Tang couldn’t believe his eyes. He didn’t reply to his colleague again. Instead, he directly contacted his biological father. How come there were so many things happening in the company but his father never said anything to him?

Originally, Father Li had always been angry about this incident, and his son was willing to change his mind and re-behave, so he didn’t mention this matter.

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After all, he had only given birth to a second child now. The second child was so much different from the first child. In the future, he must still be taken care of by his brother Li Tang. Li Tang liked men, would have no offspring, if he didn´t support his brother, could he still count on those cousins?

Because of this, Father Li didn’t quarrel with his eldest son anymore, but now Li Tang mentioned it, and his attitude still showed a sense of being offended, he felt uncomfortable.

A long passage of words emerged in font of Li Tang.

Dad: Are you not embarrassed mentioning this? I told you at the beginning that you should apologize to others and restore your feelings. Then thing wouldn´t be as it is now. My shares were originally 40%. Now it is 20% after being diluted.

When did he ask himself to apologize? Li Tang wanted to refute, and the scene of him rushing out that day suddenly appeared in his mind.

His fingers were shaking violently. What a joke, Lu Yi was a poor boy with ordinary family background, deceiving people: “Are the company shares worthless? How could he have this money?”

“Poor boy… the richest man in our country was also a poor boy back then. It was a group of college students who came up with the X-car sharing. You and others fight for your dad, why don’t you fight for yourself.”

In fact, Li’s father was also unable to accept the counterattack of the poor boy. He went to investigate. The result was that the other party was indeed very talented. It was said that he had accumulated a large amount of funds in overseas stock markets.

The foreign and domestic stock markets were inherently different. There was no limit in foreign countries. The loss was so miserable that there was no lower limit, and it was crazy to win.

He had no talent and was the worst mixed among the three brothers. And some people were born to eat financial food. Although they had no money at the beginning, they could just start from scratch as if they were able to stand up and take control.

Besides, his company looked like a big shell, but it only had a glamorous appearance. It had suffered financial losses for years, and its credit rating had been downgraded by one level. The other party was a rising star in the industry. His company was acquired by the other party. It was also normal.

“It must be Rong Huan, it was Rong Huan who gave him the money!” Li Tang knew that Lu Yi was smart, but didn’t the other party just read some dead books? How could there be such a good thing.

He said to himself that this was Rong Huan helping, but a voice in his heart told him that it was not at all. When he was still infatuated with Rong Huan, he knew that Rong Huan’s relationship with his family was not good and his assets were not many.

He was engaged in art, and he spent more money than what could earn. In addition, Father Rong had always opposed Lu Yi and Rong Huan’s feelings, and it was even more impossible to provide any help.

The reality was that he was inferior to Lu Yi, far inferior.

Li Tang refused to admit this fact, and he couldn’t accept it either.

At the beginning, Lu Yi was just a poor boy he was calling to come and go, and he was so diligent in front of him. When he said a word, the other party drank pesticides in shame and committed suicide. Now others told him that the poor boy turned upside down. Attacked, not only with his favorite man, but also his father’s company, pressed on top of his head, and became Director Lu.

Was it a joke?! TV dramas didn’t dare to act like this.

What Lu Yi could do; he certainly could do better than Lu Yi. At the beginning, he even made a grand plan. Lu Yi held 45% of the shares, then he would work hard to get 51% of the shares. In this case, he was the one who would have absolute control and could step on Lu Yi’s head without mercy.

But after struggling with the company for a year, he not only failed, but because he was too eager for quick success and instant profit, he screwed up a big project, and then was fired by the company on the grounds that he could not hold the position of the company.

Of course, Li’s father wanted to keep his son, but the company also convened a general meeting of shareholders for this reason. At the meeting, certain board members were especially criticized for being a family business, which caused the company to suffer heavy losses.

Li’s father was not too young. He was almost fifty years old. He was originally a successful person among his peers. As a result, in the family, because both his biological mother and biological father remarried, he was embarrassed even though he was in a wealthy family. Now, he was dragged by his son again. He heard those meanings, and his hands under the table almost scratched the good-quality suit trousers.

But even so, at the meeting, he still had to maintain a humble attitude and sincerely admit his mistakes.

He was frustrated by the company, and Li’s father scolded Li Tang when he returned. He felt that his son was born to collect debts.

After Li Tang was dismissed, he directly quarreled with his son. The result of this quarrel was that he didn’t plan to help his son for the time being, and let his son go on his own. Seeing how Li Tang could do it himself.

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Li Tang left the company and chose to start his own business. What he thought was very simple. Since Lu Yi could successfully start a business, he had connections and money. Why not?

He really had a lot of connections. He didn’t have much money, so he asked his mother to borrow a sum.

Her son had really changed a lot in the past two years. After all, she still felt distressed for her son, gritted her teeth, and borrowed all the private money.

Li Tang’s entrepreneurship started with a really good momentum and was quite successful.

One morning, he was looking at the cars coming and going under the high-rise buildings, and he couldn’t help but feel a little agitated, and then he couldn’t wait to edit a lot of text messages, saying a lot of nonsense but full of meaning “You and Lu Yi will regret it sooner or later.”

Rong Huan received an inexplicable text message from an unfamiliar number, but he didn’t know who sent it.

After all, since the incident happened before, he also changed the number, and then blocked his little nephew Li Tang.

He was practicing Pilates. He didn’t have any thoughts when he saw this text message. He held his cell phone and went to the bedroom to find Lu Yi: “Look this inexplicable text message, is it warning me? What rotten peach blossoms have you provoked recently?”

Lu Yi looked at the number for a while and thought about the area code: “What is my rotten peach blossom, this should be your rotten peach blossom. You can ask the old man what is Li Tang’s new number.”

Hearing the name Li Tang, Rong Huan felt like a world away: “It’s him, I forgot. Wait a minute, how do you know this is his number?”

He would never forget that Lu Yi’s first love was Li Tang: “I don’t even know that as a young uncle, you are still thinking about an ex-boyfriend.”

Lu Yi smiled: “I don’t know his new number, just look at the area code, and then read the content of the text message. It is clear that your little nephew thinks that you have suffered a lot from me, thinking of you to turn your heart into his arms.”

Lu Yi learned Rong Huan’s tone and said, “I’m so jealous” he said, “I’m not as strong as you. I was cheated and dumped by him. But someone is the white moonlight in people’s heart.”

Rong Huan said he could not beat him: “He is obsessed, that´s not liking at all”

Lu Yi sat on the bed and waved to him: “Come here.”

Rong Huan leaned over: “What are you doing?”

In the next second, he exclaimed, he was caught in Lu Yi´s arms without warning, and the man’s breathing became a little quick: “I think you just don’t do enough exercise, so I think about something that isn´t important. Next, I’ll stay with you so that you don’t think about it.”

Li Tang was still waiting for feedback. He didn’t know that one of his text messages didn’t touch the other’s heart at all, and instead helped the husband and wife to do the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics in the room for two hours.

After waiting for a day, there was no response, Li Tang was not discouraged either. He worked diligently and worked hard to start a business. Then, a year later, he successfully made the headlines of the city’s news section and the X City Daily newspaper because of tax evasion.

Of course, in order to protect privacy, only Li X was mentioned in the news, and his full name was not released, and his face was also mosaic. But when people familiar with him saw it, he knew that Li X was the former young master Li, Li Tang.

Li Tang failed to start a business and caused such a scandal. The Li family couldn’t completely ignore it. They spent money and contacts to get people out, but their attitude towards Li Tang was definitely not good.

Even the big business men have failed, and they failed miserably, but in the end, they could succeed because they could handle these failures.

Lu Yi didn’t have a smooth journey along the way. He experienced a crisis of trust during the period, and finally got a look, but his partner led some people to leave the company.

But he was able to settle down to do things, he also experienced failures and stumbles, and finally succeeded.

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Li Tang was different, because he had been praised high since he was a child, and he had always been the envy of others. As a result, his company was counterattacked by his ex-boyfriend, and his own business failed.

In addition, the mother began to focus on the second child who was just born, and she was consumed every day by the little baby, and she had no intention of caring about her eldest son.

Because he couldn’t bear such a gap, and he loved to compare with Lu Yi, his mentality finally collapsed and he chose suicide as an escape.

However, unlike the original owner, who chose to drink pesticides silently, Li Tang committed suicide with a lot of noise. He first smashed the house and then chose to cut his wrists.

In the end, Li Tang was naturally rescued back, and this time by cutting his wrist, he succeeded in regaining the attention of his family.

Many people went to see him to comfort Li Tang not to be discouraged, he would definitely be able to make a comeback, but to Li Tang’s ears, these were ironic.

During the period, Lu Yi and Rong Huan also visited him. Originally, Rong Huan didn’t want to go, but because he was persuaded to go, he did not want to say anything bad.

But at this time, even the uncle white moonlight, whom Li Tang took to his heart, made him displeased. He made a big noise, picked up the cup in his hand and smashed it in Lu Yi’s direction, subconsciously, Rong Huan stood in front of Lu Yi.

Nothing was serious, but the cup still smashed Rong Huan’s nose, and the bright red nosebleeds flowed down Rong Huan’s white face, shocking everyone in the ward.

Lu Yi hurriedly asked Rong Huan to raise his head and took him to the doctor. After the doctor checked that he was okay, he turned back to the ward, with a gloomy face, and hit Li Tang’s nose with a punch. His eyes looked like as cold as the water in the deep sea “I hope you can understand that we came here today because your parents asked for it. It wasn’t that we wanted to come here to see your jokes. This punch is for Rong Huan.”

He loosened his fist and slapped Li Tang: “This slap is for the self who was deceived by you before.”

He looked at Li Tang condescendingly: “From the beginning to the end, you have done things wrong, but you will only vent to others. In addition to your family background, and the good-looking face you got form your parents, what else is worth the sincerity of others? I really look down on you!”

He retracted his hand and didn’t plan to hit again: “Don’t worry, I will not deliberately target you, as long as you don’t come to disturb our peaceful life again, because I feel sick.”

After saying this, he went out.

Rong Huan stood at the door waiting for him. He looked at his man and said, “Let’s go home.”

The slapped Li Tang quietly looked at the backs of the two people. From standing at the door to leaving, his uncle didn’t even give him a look.

He watched it quietly for a long time, and then suddenly burst into tears, like a child. But as a child, he would have a gentle little uncle stuffing a toffee into his hand, and now, he had nothing.

After leaving the hospital, Lu Yi and Rong Huan never went to ask about Li Tang again. They were originally people who had nothing to do with them. The other party’s life had gone well and it has nothing to do with them.

The domestic environment was really not tolerant. Lu Yi was used to the legality of same-sex marriage in his own world, and he couldn’t bear to be unhappy because of outsiders.

In addition, there were many other factors in the work, because of the needs of the business, and because of Rong Huan’s love, the two chose to settle abroad after returning to China for a year.

Rong Huan became weak when he was fifty years old. Although he lived hard, but when he came out that year, in order to fight against the stubborn old man, he really suffered too much and hurt his roots.

Lu Yi was only in his forties at this time, and his career was at his best. But in order to accompany his partner, he chose to retire. Because he did not adopt a child, he handed over his career and set up to donate all his inheritance after death.

While they were watching the gorgeous aurora together, Rong Huan smiled and said to Lu Yi: “It’s so happy to be able to see such a beautiful scenery for the rest of my life.”

He was already very weak by this time, and there were fine lines under his eyes that couldn’t be covered, but this face still looked as beautiful and moist as when he was young.

Lu Yi bowed his head and kissed his forehead: “In my heart, you are more beautiful than the Aurora.”

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After dealing with Rong Huan’s funeral, Lu Yi slept in the bed belonging to the two of them. He felt that the whole house was empty. He couldn’t sleep and suffered from insomnia all night long.

Finally, when his body couldn’t stand it, and when he closed his eyes sleepy, the same light ball was drawn from the long-dead body, and Lu Yi stopped breathing at the same instant.

When he opened his eyes again, Lu Yi felt that his head was as heavy as being filled with lead.

Even under such unclear circumstances, a lot of memories continued to flood into his mind.

The cold air-conditioning wind blew on him, making him barely able to wake up, remembering that he was originally called Lu Yi, the chairman of a certain group, and the wife of a contract marriage was run over by a car on his wedding night, and then he formed contract with an unknown creature on a certain planet, and retrieved the fragments of the pile of books that Yu Ke had scattered under him when he died.

Only by finding the fragments of Yu Ke could he leave this world, so this was his biggest and only purpose to become the eighteenth line artist Lu Xingchen.

But now, he didn’t think about how he should find the fragments or whose body the fragments were on, because besides his head was filled with lead and his limbs were weak, his whole body was still hot like the legendary superb miracle medicine.

Little star Lu Xingchen, who was born on a singing talent show, was also called Lu Yi before his debut. Because his agent disliked that the name was not distinctive, he asked him to change his name to Lu Xingchen.

However, Lu Xingchen had a good face and a good body, but he was unwilling to do the unspoken rules1, so he was offended Mr. X, who wanted to sleep with him, and he was hidden by the company.

In order to get the resources of a movie, he participated in a meal under the recommendation of a friend, and then he was calculated by someone to enter a certain room by mistake, and was put to sleep by another star.

The following plot was very dog-blooded2, it seemed that there were substitutes, framed, entertainment circles, wealthy, very consistent with the names of the books purchased by Yu Ke, Stars: XX and XX President

But Lu Xingchen was not the protagonist, just a cannon fodder.

For a while, Lu Yi’s mind was filled with messy memory fragments, and he didn’t have the mind to sort out these things, because his instinct told him that if he didn’t go out again, he would probably be put to sleep.

Even if he became Lu Xingchen, he would definitely not allow himself to be inexplicably slept by others in this situation.

Hearing the sound of the doorknob turning, Lu Yi raised his head, used the last strength of his body, and stumbled out.

In the memory of the original owner, the room where Lu Xingchen was sleeping was 409. After confirming that he had rushed into the empty room 406, Lu Yi locked the door and vented his strength.

It should be safe. He thought this way before fainting. However, when he got up the next morning, he found himself lying on a bed with a man lying unclothed beside him. The other party seemed very embarrassed. To the extent of the mess, the battle last night was also very fierce.

Lu Yi looked at the face of the person next to him in a daze, always feeling that the other person’s appearance looked very familiar.

The abused Lu Xingchen was used as a stand-in for, wait… With this face, he finally remembered who the person lying there resembled.

The opponent and the original owner were also six points similar to his current body, Lu Xingchen.

Who could tell him what happened last night? Lu Yi lived for twenty-eight years, and everything he did was within his expectations and calculations.

But this was obviously not a result he could calculate. For the first time in his life, he was panicked by the out-of-control scene.

“His, it hurts…”

The man lying there also opened his eyes and looked at the young man who was sitting there, covering his body with a quilt like a good wife. He obviously didn’t know what was going on in this scene.

The two people looked at each other, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while. Before the other party spoke, Lu Yi’s instinct in the face of the crisis allowed him to react in time. He quickly grabbed the opponent’s hand with his eyesight and quickly said: “Although I don’t understand what happened, I will be responsible for you.”

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