"Infatuated" actor (6)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Lu Yi left the mess behind his head. His first thought was to make money and manage it. Originally, he was worried that the capital would not be enough. It happened that Kong Si gave him the pillow when he fell asleep.

However, this was regarded as a joint property of the husband and wife, and he must discuss it with each other before using it.

He didn’t know if the other party had taken a break, Lu Yi thought for a while, and decided to wait until tomorrow to find the other party.

He was quiet here, and Kong Si was noisy, because he suddenly threw a heavy bomb into the circle of relatives and friends. The communication tools like Fat Goose were okay, people wouldn´t know when they were blocked.

Mainly because the mother and father had been bombarded by phone calls. In addition to confirming that he was indeed married, he was also constantly questioned the other boy’s age, height, education, work, and so on.

Parents were definitely worried about this aspect. In terms of family history or education, they also hoped that the two children could match, even if they were not the same at all, they should not be too far apart.

Kong Si also knew the character of his parents. If he were to be completely honest, saying he married after sleeping for one night…

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, he told a white lie, saying that the two people had been dating for almost a year, and they kept hiding from their homes. The other party was a college student. They got married after graduation.

Kong’s mother believed that she knew her son, and couldn’t believe that the other party had a relationship with him for a year and could hide it so well. Kong Si had to knock on the door again and asked Lu Yi for photos of relevant documents.

Lu Yi didn’t think much about it. They were already married anyway, and there wasn’t anything to hide: “The documents are all in the first drawer of the bedside table on the right. You can see them when you open it.”

Kong Si stepped barefoot on the wooden floor, squatted down and looked for it. As expected, he could see it as soon as he opened it. He took a photo of the other party’s diploma and degree certificate, and then looked at his age. His actual age was 20 years old.

As soon as the photo came out, Mother Kong was shocked, she was silent for a long time before sending a message.

Kong Si glanced intently, it said.

Mom: How did I give birth to a son of a beast like you, kidnapping a young college student!

Since he just graduated from college, Kong Si’s mother didn’t ask much about work and salary.

Seeing his mother’s unrelenting accusation, Kong Si touched his painful buttocks and felt very aggrieved. It was obvious that he was the one who was caught by the beast.

He squatted in Lu Yi’s room and used his mobile phone to fight with his mother. Lu Yi tapped on the keyboard and was about to pour a glass of water. When he turned his head, he saw Kong Si: “What about your shoes?”

Kong Si looked down and said nonchalantly: “It’s okay, the wooden floor is not cold.”

Lu Yi frowned, walked over and took a step forward, hugged the person directly in the air, and put it on the bed: “Sit down first, and I’ll get you shoes.”

Before Kong Si could react, he sat on the soft bed.

He held his cell phone and waited for the youth to go out before reacting. In the small video in the upper right corner, his mother saw everything: “This kid is not bad. Someone will take care of you in the future. I can rest assured.”

Because the photo was static, there was no way to capture the charm of the person completely, so the two people look very alike, but in the dynamic video, she could immediately see that Lu Yi was different from her son.

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Although the other party was young, he looked mature and stable, and judging from the eyebrows, he should be a good child with very good cultivation, with more temperament than the photo.

Lu Yi didn’t know yet, he had already met Kong Si’s parents invisibly, and the first impression was pretty good.

When he took his shoes back, Kong Si had already finished the video. He remembered to confess with Lu: “I said to my mother that we have been in love for a year and we have known each other, but we have kept it secret. Remember, don’t miss it.”

Lu Yi said that he had remembered: “Tell me what you like and what you like to eat, lest Auntie will come someday and make mistakes.”

Hearing what he said, Kong Si slapped his thigh. It was dangerous. He almost forgot this: “I’ll get you a pen to write. You can memorize it earlier. Also say what you like, and I will remember it.”

After another two hours of tossing like this, Kong Si finally planned to leave the room where Lu Yi was sleeping.

Before he left, Lu Yi shouted to him: “The 30,000-yuan money, I plan to do financial management, is it okay?”

Kong Si waved his hand: “Come on, the money was originally for you, I kept half of it, how you want to use it, you can figure it out by yourself.”

What he received was 60,000, thinking about it as a post-marital property, and half for his husband was transferred to Lu Yi, and he didn’t think much about it.

When the people left, Lu Yi became worried again. He didn’t know if Kong Si was like this to everyone. He was also quite shrewd in the first face. It didn’t matter how careless he was now, and he really called him a little offense.

But since the two are married, he had to take on the responsibility of being a husband, at least he could no longer suffer such a stupid loss in the future.

Kong Si didn’t know that he had been labeled as stupid. He responded to all his relatives and friends, and chatted with his colleagues about work. Seeing that it was late, he simply put on the quilt and went to sleep.

Maybe he was too tired, so he could sleep well all night. He didn’t get up until 9 o’clock the next day. When he yawned and went out of the room, he found that Lu Yi had woke up early in the morning and was sitting in the living room watching the morning financial news program.

“Good morning.” He yawned lazily.

Lu Yi looked over: “Good morning, your breakfast is on the table.”

Kong Si glanced at the bag and turned over the small note on the bottom: “XX Kee Crab Roe Soup Bao, this is so hard to buy! How do you know I like this?!”

Because working hours were relatively free, he always woke up late, and every time he went, the crab soup dumplings in that store were sold out.

Lu Yi’s eyes returned to the TV screen: “You said yesterday that you like to eat.”

Yes, he wrote it himself. Kong Si went to wash in a good mood, although it was a flash marriage, but because he was very new to each other, his feelings were not bad.

When going out, he said to Lu Yi: “I might work late today, so you don’t have to wait for me at night.”

Lu Yi responded softly, indicating that he knew it.

After quitting the entertainment industry, Lu Yi didn’t plan to look for a job right away. He now had a mediocre education and social experience. Although he had years of management experience, no one would believe it.

Rather than finding a job and earning a dead salary, he decided to go his own way.

Because there was no heavy company business to deal with, Lu Yi became a trader at home. He woke up at 6 o’clock every day, morning exercises, watched the news, analyzed various K-line charts, often it was Kong Si who went out in the morning and Lu Yi sat there. He watched the morning news on the sofa, and when he came back at night, Lu Yi still watched the news and made various summaries.

Sometimes he did not work and rested at home, but also saw Lu Yi looking at various colorful stock market charts all day long.

However, as long as he knocks on the opponent, Lu Yi will reply in seconds, and he would basically not leave him in the cold when he was at home. Although he felt that the life of his flash marriage partner was sometimes terrible, but because he had just started to run in, Kong Si didn’t think the problem was too big.

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Lu Yi’s cooking level was not very good. Kong Si could cook some by himself, but he was lazy, so basically both of them went out to eat.

Because he was already working and had stable income every month, he understood that Lu Yi was still a student and didn’t have much money. He basically insisted on paying the bills.

It was the property of husband and wife, and Lu Yi didn’t argue with him. In his opinion, this was a meaningless and time-consuming behavior.

The two had been married for two months, and the freshness of each other had faded a lot. Kong Si introduced Lu Yi to his friends, and because Lu Xingchen had no friends in the city, he only introduced Kong Si to his parents.

Kong Si’s parents kept it secret, but Kong Si’s younger side knew that Lu Yi was the target of Kong Si’s flash marriage. As for the specific reason for the flash marriage, Kong Si was vague, and did not say much.

Originally, the conditions of the two parties were similar, but they were shocked when they knew that Lu Yi was squatting at home and relying on Kong Si to raise him.

A friend of Kong Si said about him: “I know that you like your face, but you can’t just look at your face when you get married. He is now completely dependent on you to raise him, and he doesn’t go out to find a job. He just eats soft food.”

Kong Si worked with a friend who ran his own studio. The time was relatively free, but he was also very hard when he was busy. It was said that he made a lot of money, but no one’s money came from the wind.

In this situation, both of them were men, and as Kong Si himself said, the housework was shared by the two. The kitchen was rarely used, and Kong Si moved a lot to do it. In this marriage relationship, Kong Si paid too much. Many of his friends naturally complained.

Kong Si originally asked his friends for help. About how he could euphemistically persuade Lu Yi to find a job and establish more social relations, but as he said that, his friends began to talk about Lu Yi’s various problems, and he was very upset.

He was directly dissatisfied and said: “Don’t talk nonsense, I think he is very good, his life and rest are regular, the money I earn, I can afford to raise him, and the two of us are also very harmonious. I don’t think there is anything wrong with him.”

The longer the contact, the better the two people understand each other. They originally slept in separate rooms, but after a month, they slept together.

Two men lying on the same bed, they were legal husband and wife, and they were burning firewood every other day.

He didn’t like to exercise very much. Lu Yi was better than him, basically because he couldn’t afford it. Sometimes when the work was very tiring, the other party would give him a massage.

The novelty at the beginning was not much, but the mystery and freshness were still different. He felt that there were many secrets in Lu Yi, and he also liked the feeling of two people exploring each other deeply.

Kong Si was very literary and hypocritical and said: “God created Eve with Adam’s rib. I think he is my rib.”

The friend was caught off guard and was stuffed a big bowl of dog food. He was kind enough to say: “Okay, anyway, it’s all up to you to say whether it is good or not. If you say so well, you should treat it as raising a little wolf dog.”,

Kong Si mumbled: “I didn’t think he was bad at first, but I was worried that he wouldn’t have much contact with society.”

After all, Lu Yi used to be an entertainer and had a lot of contact. Now that he returned to a peaceful life, he would inevitably worry that other party would suddenly collapse.

He still wanted to talk to his friend, but the friend refused to eat dog food anymore and ignored him.

In a blink of an eye, another half year passed. Although it was a flash marriage, the two parties adapted to each other very well. Friends who were not optimistic about the two people were arguing that they would also find a little wolf dog. Of course, they also barked. The love object became the marriage partner, and it would only be Kong Si.

In the eighth month of marriage, Lu Yi found that Kong Si was not quite right recently. He normally came back regularly, but in the past two months, he often returned late, and there was a long difference before. When he came back, he had a strong smell of men’s perfume.

Kong Si himself never bought perfumes. He usually smelt of lemon. The fragrance of the home shower gel was faint and very good.

He asked casually, and Kong Si said that it was his own perfume.

Lu Yi looked at his wife a few more times and didn’t say anything, but he began to pay more attention to the details of his usual life.

He soon discovered that when he was at home, Kong Si began to be in a trance. He asked the other party if there was something unpleasant. The other party also covered up, but his eyes flickered. At first sight, he was hiding something from him. Recently, it had become more serious. There was a little lack of interest when applauding.

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After the day was over, he didn’t rush to hug the person for cleaning, but took the person into his arms, pressed against Kong Si’s chin and asked him: “Tell me honestly, what happened?”

A man basically couldn’t hold back any secrets in bed. Thinking that the paper could not keep the fire out1, Kong Si honestly confessed: “My friends studio closed, and doing it myself is too tiring.”

In fact, in the last two months, ha had not worked in something related to his previous job.

Lu Yi breathed a sigh of relief: “You should have told me a long time ago.”


“I wanted to change to a different job before, but I didn’t make any money, so I didn’t tell you. I wanted to wait for it to stabilize.”

Although the family had money, he still had a mortgage on his back. After getting married, he always liked to buy things for Lu Yi. He thought that his man looked good in everything he wears.

There was not much deposit, and it was spent very quickly. Unconsciously, there was not much money at home. Because of chance, he recently took a job, but he didn’t have much money, so he didn’t talk to Lu Yi.

“I tell you something, don’t be angry.”

Lu Yi said, “Let’s talk, I’m not angry.” As long as Kong Si didn’t tell him that he was cheating, he wouldn´t be angry.

“That’s… I have always had a star dream. When I was a kid, I went to perform, and the teacher praised me for being talented, but my cultural achievements were good, so I went to interior design. Then, didn’t I break with my friends? When I met, I took over a group acting job.”

He hesitantly said: “The previous long business trip actually, I went to the crew to film. My friend’s script did not have many scenes. I’m afraid you don’t agree, so… But now I got the money! Although not much, just thirty thousand yuan.”

He didn’t talk to Lu Yi before, because Lu Yi was also an artist before. If he worked on this, he always felt a little sorry for Lu Yi.

When Lu Yi heard this, the stone in his heart fell. If Kong Si really dared to cheat, he would break the other’s legs and castrate the adulterer.

“That’s it, you should have told me earlier.”

“Aren’t you angry?”

Lu Yi asked him: “Do you like acting?” He could feel that Kong Si was a very emotional person. If the original owner Lu Xingchen also loved acting, and the difference between the two people was a few years old, he really wanted to suspect that the parents held the wrong child in the hospital.

“Like it.” Kong Si nestled in his own man’s arms, acting cute.

He said: “I gave myself a stage name called Yu Si, which is my mother’s last name. Now there is no agent, so I just came blindly.”

In fact, he just thought, he was still young, he wanted to do it all. He didn’t intend to develop for a long time on the road of acting, but after two months of exposure, he found that he really liked the feeling of being under the spotlight, and he liked to play other roles very much. He wanted to be an actor.

If he was the former single Kong Si, he would definitely have no hesitation. But now he had a family, and Lu Yi was still so young, he couldn’t let Lu Yi endure the hardship with him; “I was telling you that I wanted to make a result, but I felt uncomfortable in my heart, but I couldn’t help it. ”

Lu Yi kissed his eyelid: “No matter what it is in the future, I hope you don’t hide it from me, okay?”

The man’s lips were warm and soft. Although it was four months away from a year of marriage, Kong Si still had the feeling of being overcharged. He rubbed against him: “I will definitely not hide it from you in the future, that is… Maybe our life will be a bit harder, and I might buy less gifts or something.”

He was still not well-known. The less well-known actors actually earn the same money as other ordinary employees. The group performances in the studios usually cost one hundred yuan a day and pack lunch.

Lu Yi was silent for a moment, and then said: “If it was just the previous expenses, there was no need to save, we have money.”

Kong Si said: “But there is still a mortgage to be repaid.” His current income was unstable. The mortgage was 100,000 a year, which was almost 10,000 every month, and his personal savings were not much left, only forty to fifty thousand.

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Lu Yi asked him, “I told you before, did you never go to the account for financial management?”

Kong Si said: “There is not much money, I also gave you 30,000 before, I feel that you also bought a lot of things.”

The daily necessities at home were basically bought by Lu Yi. He had only been married for 6 months before working. Because he did not receive a major project, the average purchase was about 20,000. After paying off various mortgages, property, water and electricity, almost ten thousand.

He gave Lu Yi five thousand a month, and kept a deposit for the rest of his expenses. Lu Yi didn’t have a job and had no source of livelihood. He bought a lot of things for himself, and he probably didn’t have much money left.

Lu Yi sighed, “I have been earning money at home for most of the year. I have earned a small amount of money. Although it is not a lot, it should be enough for us based on your previous expenses.”

Hearing what Lu Yi said, Kong Si became curious. Because there was software such as mobile banking on the phone, Kong Si went to touch the phone on the bedside table.

He logged in to the account of Lu Yi before, and then logged in.

Clicking on the balance column, he rubbed his eyes, and then rubbed it again.

He counted carefully, before the decimal point, one two three four, four five six seven… eight digits before the decimal point. The balance shows 10375451.57 yuan.

He sat up like a carp, “Lu Yi! Have you robbed the bank behind my back!”

Eight months ago, Lu Yi only had 35,000. He recently gave each other 5,000 each month, which adds up to 75,000.

Lu Yi knocked on Kong Si’s head: “I’m a dutiful citizen. I don’t do any illegal work. I said that I’m managing finances. Otherwise, what do you think I’m doing with the computer every day at home?”

Because the initial capital was relatively low, he was making ultra-short-term investment, and he did not seek high-risk and high-yield investment, but only sought to be safe. Generally, he would start with a success rate of 80 or more. In fact, the compound interest was only about 1%, but small amounts continue to accumulate. The money was getting bigger and bigger like a snowball, basically watching it all day long, and it was very exhausting.

In the first two months, he did it by himself. After he got the results, he came into contact with some big clients, helped them as a trader for two months, and accumulated a higher principal, so he only concentrated on his own investment.

Kong Si looked at the balance, and then grabbed Lu Yi’s hand: “Quickly, pinch me, I must be dreaming!”

Among his colleagues, there were many designers who make a lot of money. They design a house for a large client. The design fee was 3,000 per square meter, and a house of several hundred square meters was hundreds of thousands.

But that required constant work, and it took time and energy. It could be said that those who work hard and earn one million a month were basically making money with their lives.

What was Lu Yi’s concept, 8 months, 35-10 million, that kind of stock market myth in news reports, lying next to him, sleeping on the same bed with him all day, it was almost like a dream.

“Do you make so much money from stocks?”

Lu Yi said, “It should not be. I may be considered better. The key is to have a good mentality and my luck is also pretty good.”

The money he used to deal with was in units of billions, and for this money, it was really a small amount of money.

Kong Si lay back in Lu Yi’s arms again: “No, I feel like I may wake up, I must not sleep today.”

Suddenly getting rich was everyone’s dream, but that was just a dream. As a person who didn’t buy lottery tickets, he had never asked for it. He really didn’t expect that one day god would be able to smash a cornucopia on his head and give him.

Thinking of a very important thing, he said: “When a man has money, he will go bad. I will not act anymore. I have to watch you, lest you go bad someday.”

“What kind of nonsense.” Facing Kong Si’s mouthful of running the train, Lu Yi angrily ravaged his partner’s face, “Since you like acting, go and act. I plan to sign up for an entertainment company, and then I´ll sign you to be the first artist.”

To register a film and media company, the capital must not be less than 3 million. He now has 10 million. It should be no problem to borrow some money. What was more difficult was the approval procedure. Fortunately, his previous customers had been keeping in touch, which shouldn’t be a problem.

He lowered his head, breathing on Kong Si’s smooth forehead: “When I first met, I told you that I would make money and I will support you.”

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