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Marriage Contract (6)

Lu Yi’s hand on the steering wheel slipped, and his expression was slightly subtle: “Not sleeping.”

He didn’t turn his face to look at Yu Ke, but from the corner of his eye, he could see the youth’s beautiful face expressing deep disappointment. “But Mr. Lu, providing you with a harmonious X life is one of my responsibilities as a wife, isn’t it?”

Lu Yi continued: “The rules I said earlier do not include this one, and it will not become your job content.”

“I can work overtime, for free “

Lu Yi´s voice sank: “You have overstepped, Mr. Yu, please correct your attitude, do not ask things outside of work. “

 ” Okay, I’ll pay attention.” Lu Yi was cold, but he could stir up people. His heart just burst into flames, but he was poured down a basin of ice water by his unkind looks, giving him the chills.

He struggled a bit because of the cold attitude. Before getting off the car, Yu Ke asked again: “you would definitely not treat Fang Chuan like this. I know I’m just a partner, but out of my own appreciation of you, can I ask, the reason why you don’t want to sleep with me, is it because I don´t look good?”

Out of courtesy, Lu Yi carefully measured the other person’s current appearance. Because of the wedding tomorrow and the presence of the media, the photographer and stylist gave Yu Ke a thicker makeup, highlighting the contours of his facial features, making him look more gorgeous and compelling.    

He said according to own aesthetic.: “As far as I am concerned, your previous look was better, but now it´s not ugly.”    

Before, both Yu Ke´s clothes and makeup alleviated the impact of the facial features, and the outline was much softer and looked very comfortable.

Lu Yi’s answer is that it was not because of his appearance. Yu Ke glanced at his look in the rearview mirror. This makeup was more magnificent and more combative, his lips were painted red. It looked a bit cold and noble. 

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“But when I was in the club before, you praised me for looking better.” He heard Lu Yi say this before, thinking that the other party liked this type more.

Humans are visual animals, and he originally planned to put on this kind of makeup every day in the future. If Lu Yi didn’t like it, it wouldn’t be worth the loss.

Lu Yi’s tone was flat: “Your classmate was there at the time. This was just the right choice based on interest and considerations.” In business, Lu Yi has never spared his praise for his partners.

If the other person looks good, then boast of being handsome. If ugly but well-educated, you can praise their talents. If there is nothing but money, you can praise the other’s children for being outstanding.

In all fairness, Yu Ke is indeed outstanding, and his praise was not against his will.

This was really not very pleasant. If you change someone, Yu Ke would definitely complain about this person. But now Yu Ke sees Lu Yi and added a thick triple filter, he directly listened to the cold and impersonal words-I said so because I like you and want you to be happy.

“Since you don’t like it, then tomorrow I will dress according to myself? Your feelings are more important to me than to please those who don’t matter.” Every word of Yu Ke is always the same. He was showing good to the man in front of him, but his tone was natural and equal, and he wouldn’t make people think he was flattering.    

“For the wedding, this is better now.” Lu Yi explained a few words. He took back his hands on the steering wheel and glanced at his watch: “Tomorrow’s wedding is scheduled at 12:15 noon. Before that, could you recite the information I gave you?”

Yu Ke thought about the thickness of the stack of materials, smiling very confidently: “Of course, but can I apply for a cup of coffee tonight? Or a can of Red Bull? I have confidence in myself, but for the first wedding, I still want to be 200% ready.”   

Lu Yi was very satisfied with the positive attitude shown by his new wife: “Just follow your own pace. I’ll take you to see my parents.”   

 Yu Ke suddenly realized what Lu Yi means. He suddenly became nervous, and his expression changed from full of confidence to nervousness: “Wait a minute, what do I do? Wouldn’t it be too rude if I didn’t buy anything?”   

 This is the legendary meeting with the parents.

Lu Yi was a little surprised. He couldn’t understand why Yu Ke suddenly became so nervous: “I’m just taking you to see my mother to explain the situation clearly. I repeat it again, from now on to the end of the wedding. As long as you are responsible for doing what I ask you to do, don’t care about irrelevant people. Tomorrow, try to talk as little as possible and leave the rest to me. Do you understand?”

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A sharp tongue was a good attribute, but in some occasions it would only be more wrong, Yu Ke didn’t know anything now, and he couldn’t expect too much.

Yu Ke nodded, indicating that he knew. In fact, he still wants to ask about the topic at the beginning, but time is tight, and now is not a good opportunity for flirting. It is obviously annoying to ask more.

They´ll be together for a long time, when the wedding is over, he will surely let Lu Yi live with him and fall in love.

Lu Yi didn’t know what was going on in this person’s head. He led the person directly to Ms. Lu: “Mom, I have already arranged the wedding. This is my marriage partner for tomorrow’s wedding.”

He walked to the side and gave way to Yu Ke, who was hiding behind him: “Yu Ke, this is my mother.”

Yu Ke showed a super cute smile: “Mom, I am Yu Ke, Poppy´s Yu, Ke from Mu and Ke”

The sweet “Mom” scared Ms. Lu. She looked at her son, and then pulled Lu Yi aside, muttering softly, “I said, Lu Yi, you didn’t split up and get caught by Fang Chuan, then he ran away.”

Lu Yi explained, “It just a temporary marriage for one year. I paid him a salary of 10 million a year, and currently I paid a deposit of 1 million, the remaining 9 million will be paid after one year.”

Ms. Lu is a fashionable person, and she realized that they married by contract. She did not expect that one day, such a bloody plot would happen to her son.

However, this kind of thing happened when the fiancé ran away temporarily, and it was understandable for her son to do so: “Why does this person’s name sounds familiar?”

 Lu Yi affirmed her mother’s words: “He is the first lover who made Fang Chuan live and die for.”

Ms. Lu, who had seen the big wind and waves, suddenly fell silent, then clicked, and put her chin back, she persuaded earnestly. “Son, although the Lu family is very important, but your mother has a son like you. Your happiness is the most important thing. There is no need to wrong yourself so much.”

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It´s said that the Fang family and the Lu family are equal, but in reality, the Lu family’s status in City B is higher. Otherwise, both sides were sons and only children. Why is Fang Chuan married in, instead of her family´s Lu Yi.1

He is just such a son. If you like men, you like men, and she will not force her son to harm girls.

To be honest, she brought together Lu Yi and Fang Chuan at that time. One was because the other party knew their roots, and the other was that Fang Chuan was soft-tempered, warm like a little sun, with similar family background, and not far behind in terms of consumption.

Lu Yi is like his father, cold and impersonal. Only when the two children complement each other can life be better. She really wanted her son to live happily. The marriage between the two families is only incidental.

 Lu Yi looked at Ms. Lu: “Mom, I, your son, am an adult. I know exactly what I do, and I will not joke about my marriage easily. Since I decided to choose him, it means that I think he is the most suitable person to get married at this stage, and it’s only a year of marriage. Whether I have been divorced or not, it will not lose your son’s charm.”

Well, when the son grows up, she can’t be the master, Ms. Lu gave a look: “mother listens to you, you can handle it yourself. You are responsible for the replacement of the bridegroom. I am responsible for the Fang family.”

It was originally the Fang family who was sorry for them, and now the Lu family found a solution, the other party should also cooperate.

“Thank you, mom.” Lu Yi thought about it, then added, “Also, mom, I love you.”

“This child, what can the family talk about?” The sudden sensation made Ms. Lu’s eyes red.

The look of her tears fell in the eyes of Yu Ke, who had been secretly looking there, shocking the essence of the “Vixen”.

Could it be that he was too enthusiastic just now, and scared director Lu’s mother to tears?

Lu Yi and Ms. Lu said a few more words, then walked to Yu Ke: “Come upstairs with me.”

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Yu Ke whispered, “Auntie?”

“I’ve already told her, in front of outsiders you can call her as before, she will cooperate with you.”

People like their family, even if they are ugly inside, they must show family harmony outside. Since Yu Ke is his wife in the legal sense, it is reasonable to change his words.

Yu Ke nodded seriously, his expression was very serious and solemn: “I see, husband!”

Lu Yi almost didn’t choke on his saliva, he slowed down a little: “This is my home, you don’t need to call me that.”

Dedication is a good thing, but Mr. Yu is obviously a bit too dedicated.

“I remember, my dear.”

Forget it, changing the name makes it easier to enter the show, Lu Yi gave up the idea of ​​correcting the other party.

“Go upstairs, give you two hours, and I will check how much you can recite.”

The wedding has been prepared for nearly a month, but the bridegroom has changed temporarily. There are still many things he has to deal with.

For example, how to get Fang Chuan’s mother to recognize the “vixen” as her godson.


1. When a woman marries a man, she marries into the husband’s house, the husband’s family is her new family and it´s supposed to be more important than her own left behind family. In this case both Lu Yi and Fang Chuan are men, so Fang Chuan was the one married in, treated as a girl, showing that his status is lower than Lu Yi´s.

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