Sick collector (14)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


He Si was very surprised when he heard that Lu Yi was going to Xu’s house. Although he had never seen Lu Yi being placed under house arrest and would not be released, he had listened to Lu Yi so much and relied on his own brains to make up for it and almost restored the situation at that time.

Just thinking about it, he felt scared for Lu Yi, he firmly refused to let Lu Yi go into the tiger’s den alone, and strongly demanded to accompany him: “I don’t know what will happen to Xu Musi now, don’t leave yet, wait for me to come together.”

Lu Yi explained, “I’ll be there tomorrow morning. They’re not jackals, tigers or leopards, and they can’t eat me.”

The former programmer Luyi was a single dog wandering alone in a foreign land, but now he was the head of a company that was in the limelight. It could be said that it was quite difficult for him to take a day to deal with his personal affairs. If he disappeared for a few days, the company must be looking for him to turn around.

In this case, it should be safe enough to enter Xu’s house.

He Si retorted: “There is a saying that the most terrible thing in the world is the human heart. You have suffered a loss before, and you still go. In short, you are not allowed to go alone tomorrow, I will go with you.”

At He Si’s insistence, although Lu Yi felt that it was unnecessary, he still agreed: “Okay, let’s go together.”

Early the next morning, He Si drove to the first floor of Lu Yi´s house and waited for him.

He explained to Lu Yi like this: “Your attitude towards Xu Zhen was not very good before, I guess if you go, he would block you at the door, I’ll go with you, take my car, he won’t stop you. ”

Lu Yi thought the same. After all, if he entered the door strongly, he would break into the private property. He was not a superman, and if he couldn´t even be able to enter the door at that time, but he would lose face.

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“You think better than me.” He opened the car door and sat in the co-pilot’s seat.

He Si’s serious face finally showed a bit of a smile: “I just said it, I’m very useful.”

Lu Yi was good everywhere, but if there was something wrong, is that he was too capable. He did everything by himself, and let his boyfriend do what.

He was the older one, and if he was in a relationship, he should be the one who was more tolerant and paid more.

“Yeah.” Lu Yi affirmed him.

After driving, He Si asked him, “Have you had breakfast?”

“Had some bread.” In order to free up the day today, he worked overtime at the company yesterday, and on the way back, he bought toast from a nearby cake shop, and accompanied it with a glass of milk.

He Si in the rearview mirror frowned: “How can you eat bread every day, let’s do it, I’ll bring you breakfast every day from now on, I’m not very busy anyway.”

Lu Yi’s company was in the development stage, so he was extra busy. For He Si, he was a businessman, but he was also an artist who loved life. Compared with Lu Yi, the pace of life was much slower and easier.

He also fought like this back then, but as a man, after 30, he began to maintain his health. Lest when they were to sleep together, he wouldn´t be able to do it.

Lu Yi was reluctant to bother him so much: “I can ask the assistant to bring it to me.”

He Si turned a corner at the intersection and said, “Is the assistant your boyfriend or am I your boyfriend?”

It was finally official some time ago. After establishing the relationship, how could it be the same as before? He would definitely exercise the sovereignty as his boyfriend.

For example, to go to Lu Yi’s company more, declare that this man would be his in the future, and others would less likely to covet him.

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He Si had said so, and Lu Yi was not good at saying refusal. After all, before the relationship between the two people was different, but now if he refused, it would be too rude, and it would hurt He Si’s feelings.

After arriving at Xu’s house, due to He Si’s sake, the car was not blocked, and was released smoothly into the Xu’s compound.

It was Xu Zhen, the biological father of Xu Musi, who received He Si.

When he saw He Si, Father Xu barely had a polite smile on his face, but when he saw Lu Yi behind He Si, his face instantly collapsed, looking very rude: “You come here. What are you doing? Butler…”

This time, it was no longer Ying Bo with an amiable face, but a middle-aged man who looked very gentle.

Although Ying Bo had served the Xu family for many years, after discovering that Xu Musi was missing, he did not report to him in time, which led to the current situation.

At that time, Xu Zhen was still using him, so he didn’t care much. After his son came back, he not only deducted the salary of the housekeeper, but also dismissed him directly. All the post-retirement benefits promised at the beginning were also not available.

Because it was not long after arriving at the Xu family, and the work had not been fully handed over, the new housekeeper did not know much about the grievances between the Xu family and Lu Yi, so he only stood up and asked, “Sir, what are your orders?”

Father Xu pointed to Lu Yi and said, “Please let this person out. I don’t want to receive unrelated people now.”

He didn’t say to drive away, which was already very polite.

Lu Yi didn’t say anything yet, but He Si took the blame for his little boyfriend: “Xu Zhen, what you said is wrong, what is an irrelevant person, Lu Yi is obviously kind.”

Father Xu really didn’t expect that his former partner and friend would get involved with such a young man. He originally welcomed He Si’s arrival.

After all, Xu Musi’s current mental state was very wrong. In the past, his son liked He Si so much. If he could have someone he liked to try to save him, he might be able to return to normal.

But He Si not only came, but also brought Lu Yi, one of the culprits, and what was the worst was that only blind people could not see the ambiguity between them.

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If Xu Musi saw this, it wouldn´t be worth it, and he would definitely be more stimulated.

“I said old He, you are not too young, what are you doing with this kind of person? kind-hearted? I would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world than to believe that he is kind-hearted.”

He Si was about to defend Lu Yi, but the latter opened his mouth first: “Mr. Xu is right, I am really uneasy and unkind. You are a noble person who forgets things a lot, so just remember my bad things. The things your son did before, in such a short time, you forgot to clean.”

He originally came to see jokes, not to care about Xu Musi. According to the old grievances between them, he had hope for Xu Musi to get better, then he was sick.

Xu Zhen was so excited that blue veins even appeared on his forehead: “What do you mean by that?! My son is not sorry for you, just relying on your ability, can you learn so much? You can have today, It’s all because of my son.”

But it was just tied up. He also read the information about Luyi. He used to be an ordinary programmer. Basically, he ran twice a day on both sides of the company and the rental house. Every day, he was facing the computer and mobile phone, very monotonous.

After entering Xu’s house, Xu Musi didn’t feel sorry for Luyi, and asked Luyi to study with him. Those teachers were all hired by him at a great cost, but he let Luyi enjoy them in vain.

If he hadn’t taken these courses, how could Luyi’s image of a bunker enter the circle of high society so quickly.

He hadn’t asked Luyi for tuition fees, but the other party actually had the face to watch the joke.

He Si couldn’t help but let out a snort. He knew that Xu Zhen had always been a robber, but in the business world, the strong were always respected.


When it was someone else’s turn, he was indifferent, but the matter was on Lu Yi, and he couldn’t bear it at all.

Lu Yi was calmer than He Si, and he didn’t say anything too elaborated, he just said: “If Mr. Xu does a good job against my own wishes, then next time I can let Mr. Xu try it out for himself. ”

When he heard this sentence, the strings in Xu Zhen’s mind broke. He got excited, rushed up and grabbed Lu Yi’s collar.

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However, due to Lu Yi’s conditioned reflex, he failed to succeed. Instead, his hands were twisted behind his back, looking like a prisoner who was caught.

Maintaining such an uncomfortable posture, Xu Zhen was still very stubborn: “Okay, you were the one who kidnapped my Musi, right?”

There were monitors everywhere in the Xu family’s mansion. If Lu Yi admitted it, he would definitely try to turn this guy into the game.

Of course, Lu Yi didn’t admit it. What he didn’t do, he wouldn’t admit it just because others were agitated. Kidnapping was not a good thing.

Of course, he also knew who did it, but he didn’t want to tell Xu Zhen.

“Instead of going crazy here, it’s better to take good care of your son. If I were you, I would at least make the most sincere compensation for the mistakes made by my previous son.”

Under He Si’s almost tangible resentment, Lu Yi let go of the old man Xu Zhen’s hand, and then finished his words: “Before doing something that hurts the victim, you must be prepared for revenge.”

“What does it mean to be retaliated against, one of those people is very good. Just my Musi…” When Lu Yi loosened his grip on himself, Xu Zhen immediately threw off the opponent’s hand.

“What happened to your Musi?” He followed the other side’s words and asked.

Xu Zhen moved his stiff joints a few times, and finally sighed, and then ordered the housekeeper to get the key and forcibly open the room where Xu Musi was.

Although the weather was getting colder now, today was still a good day, the sun was shining, the house was bright during the day, but the house was different.

Very gloomy, very dull, just like Xu Musi.

The moment the door opened, the person sitting on the bed quickly got into the quilt, arching like a hill.

Xu Musi seemed to have turned into an ostrich, maybe it was worse than this.


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