Chapter 89

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Sick collector (17)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Lu Yi stood on the closed balcony and waved at He Si. In fact, at his height, looking down, He Si was just a small dot.

The other party looked at him the same way, but He Si still stood on the ground and looked at him for a long time, stupidly reluctant to leave.

Fortunately, the other party’s sports car was still eye-catching. Lu Yi maintained this position and exchanged glances with his new boyfriend for about ten minutes. After waiting for the car to leave his sight, he pulled down the curtains and contacted Lin Miao.

The voice from the phone was still a bit pleasant: “Why, did you go to Xu’s house to see it today, how do you feel about this gift of mine?”

“It’s alright, just a little curious, what did you do to him?” As a victim, Lu Yi certainly wouldn’t condemn Lin Miao for doing too much.

After all, in this case, if Lin Miao didn’t do anything and could only expect others to help him get revenge, then there was a good chance that he wouldn’t be able to count on it.

What’s more, the revenge of others was not as refreshing as it was to do it yourself.

Lin Miao didn’t go into details: “Just like what he did to me before, I gave him an upgraded version 2.0, and the rest is to take a few very simple psychological quizzes. You also know this aspect, I don’t need to say more, you can guess it.”

According to Lin Miao’s words, it meant that he and Lu Yi were inseparable from each other.

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Thinking of the change in the identities of these two people half a year ago, Lu Yi sighed in his heart: “If you think you have done it, as a friend, I hope you can stop there.”

Retaliation, if it goes too far, can easily get out of control. It could be said that a sensitive and delicate person like Lin Miao could come out in such an environment and fight back once, it was very remarkable. He didn´t want the other party to go from one extreme to another because of Xu Musi.

There was silence on the phone for a long time, and then he said, “Thank you for your concern. I have a sense of balance in my heart. You can rest assured that I will never have contact with him in the future.”

Although his family were all doctors, most of them were ordinary people. The most powerful one was the director of a public hospital. He was also resistant to the Xu family, a family full of powerful people.

Now that he had decided to release the person back, he would not be easily involved in the Xu family’s affairs.

Thinking of this, he smiled lightly and said, “I have worked very hard to do what I can do, and the rest will have to be handed over to you, President Lu.”

Lin Miao was also very clear that it was really too difficult for a person to achieve the leap of class. For ordinary people like them, unless they got married, it was already a success to be able to become a middle-class by their own abilities.

He didn’t ask Lu Yi to do it, and he didn’t expect this young man who was a few years younger than him to do things that he couldn’t do.

Facing Lin Miao’s joking words, Lu Yi didn’t answer immediately, and of course he didn’t refuse immediately.

He didn’t make promises easily, but the promises made must be fulfilled with all his might.

After thinking about it for about five minutes, until the other party almost thought he had hung up the phone, he said: “Okay, maybe it will take five years, ten years, maybe even longer, but I will definitely do it. ”

This time, Lin Miao was stunned for a moment: “Just kidding, you don’t have to be so serious, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

If it could be successful, it was naturally the best thing, but if it was not successful, he would push yourself too hard, and it would go against the original intention.

Lu Yi did not continue to talk to Lin Miao in detail to persuade the other party, and he did not plan to ascend to the heavens one step at a time, instead of saying everything now, it was better to finish things at that time, and it was not too late to say it.

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After hanging up the phone, he began to carefully study the plans for the next one to five years.

If he wanted to become the richest man in the country, he needed enough opportunities and time to master the stomping of his feet to vibrate the economy of the entire province, city and even the whole country, and it was very difficult.

Of course, the more money he earnt, the better, but Lu Yi’s goal was not to become the richest man in a country, but to target the Xu family and bring down the other party’s company.

It was too difficult to make a company bigger and stronger, but relatively speaking, it was not difficult to destroy a company with deliberate efforts.

Although a thin dead camel was bigger than a horse, a large-scale enterprise like the Xu family was not so easy to collapse, but a big tree attracts wind1. The Xu family was an industrial business, based on the analysis of the financial statements of the other party in the past 15 years, the Xu Group had expanded blindly in the past few years, and its profits had shrunk significantly in recent years.

And judging from the annual financial reports disclosed by its listed companies, there may be more serious problems.

After finalizing the idea, Lu Yi managed his own company and expanded his strength bit by bit, while carefully studying Xu’s listing annual reports over the years.

Luyi was a programmer, but Lu Yi had a master’s degree in economics and management from an Ivy League university.

If it weren’t for his family’s urgency to take over the family’s business as soon as possible, and he really didn’t have any extra effort to study, he might had continued to study for a Ph.D.

Thanks to the knowledge he had engraved in his bones, although the auditing and accounting in this world, as well as the related laws, had changed, but just some details were changed, so he could quickly adapt.

Since founding the company, he had spent at least two hours of study every day, and quickly picked up what he had learned before.

The Xu family mainly started as a pharmaceutical company, but unlike the pharmaceutical companies controlled by the state, the Xu family mainly produced derivative products of medicines.

For example, eye drops that relieve fatigue, cosmeceuticals, and related health foods. For example, there were sour plums that had a weight loss effect, and candies that were good for women to eat.

For such a professional enterprise, the firm may not be so perfect in auditing. Especially in the case of certain drugs, if the firm itself shielded the company, there may be huge amounts of fraud.

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He spent nearly a year and worked very hard to absorb the knowledge of medicine, and finally he was able to study the things that the Xu family concealed.

But he was still not completely sure. He waited until the latest financial report of the other party was disclosed before he confirmed his guess.

Although he had relevant knowledge, Lu Yi didn´t have relevant certificates in this world, and it was inappropriate to publish these materials in his own capacity.

He found a relationship and inquired about the relevant contact information of a very famous economist. As a student asking for advice, he sent his research results to the other party’s mailbox.

Of course, he didn’t explain everything in detail. He just pointed out what was wrong and some related unpopular knowledge. With the scholar’s spirit of inquiry, he would naturally study it himself.

This scholar once exposed the scandal of a large-scale enterprise more than 20 years ago, which was also the first large-scale audit scandal in China. At that time, it almost caused a sensation in the industry, and for a time, the improvement of relevant laws and the strengthening of control in China were announced.

This terrific woman had also exposed several auditing scandals over the years.

The other party cherished her reputation very much, had a high status in the industry, and had a good family background, at least better than twenty years ago, so the possibility of being bought by money was very low.

At least it wouldn’t happen to notify companies and exchange money for information.

As he expected, less than ten months after the other party received the information, the scholar published another paper on the issue of corporate accounting and audit integrity, taking Xu as a case.

Because it involved a well-known listed company, and also involved one of the four major domestic firms, plus this name that had scared countless companies over the past 20 years, the incident this time was very big.

The Xu family was a traditional and old-fashioned enterprise, which had been going downhill. Although the management above talked all day, traying to use the internet to rejuvenate the old enterprise.

But this time was really a bit late. The generation of Mr. Xu was full of courage. When he was young and strong, he saw the opportunity and used the overwhelming advertising to make the company’s products well-known to every household. The several products he launched at that time, and now a series of products derived from them, were still the main products of the Xu family, accounting for about 70% of the online and offline profits of the Xu Group.

But Father Xu’s generation was less capable, but not just that. At the beginning, Mr. Xu was a one-stop shop. Father Xu’s generation had more branches, and competition among the younger generations increased and a branch with a large profit was directly given to Mr. Xu’s illegitimate daughter.

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The bosses of various companies were intrigued, and the drawbacks of family businesses were becoming more and more prominent in the hands of this generation.

In Xu Musi’s generation, the most capable person was actually Xu Musi. That was why Father Xu paid great attention to this son, but unfortunately Xu Musi was not in good health, and now this kind of thing happened again.

Lu Yi heard that Xu’s father hired a good psychiatrist. In the past two years, Xu Musi’s condition had improved a lot, and he had gradually recovered and developed towards the arrogant young master from before.

He didn’t have the patience to wait for the other party’s mental health to fully recover. When the powerful article came out, before the Xu family paid attention, he preemptively spread the word and created momentum through public opinion.

He was not telling lies, he was just converting financial articles that ordinary people didn’t care much about and couldn’t fully understand into words that were easier for people to understand, and publish them on the Internet truthfully.

The main product of the Xu family was still used by many people.

In fact, the product itself didn´t have much problems, and it was also patented, but when it came to large-scale counterfeiting, scandals, and raw materials, some people would naturally question whether the materials were counterfeit.

The Xu family trample his colleagues to death many times so, seeing that things were developing so much, they naturally added bricks and tiles2 secretly, secretly adding fuel to the burning fire.

By the time the Xu family noticed, the Internet had already fermented. ‘Xu’s fraud’, ‘XX products’ and other topics dominated the hot search, and all the big Vs also reposted and created heat.

Here, the Xu family urgently organized the public relations department to write a corresponding announcement and hang out, and a hot search was quietly hung up on the topic hot search: ‘the head of the Xu family was interviewed.’

At this time, things about the Xu family’s private life were also exposed by “informed people”, and some topics were added to the people who liked to eat melons.

Originally, Lu Yi had thought about whether to reveal the kidnapping that Xu Musi had done, but after thinking about it again and again, he gave up.

There were too many network keyboard warriors3. Even if the victim was innocent, someone would always pick out various faults to justify the criminal.

What’s more, the criminal had a beautiful face, and there was no need to do secondary harm to the victims who finally got out.

What he had to wait for now was that the collapse of the Xu groups under the influence of various forces because of this major audit scandal.

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